Yes, But there is MUCH, MUCH more to it than has been revealed to us in the scriptures.
2007-04-08 14:57:14
answer #1
answered by JayDee 2
I used to be agnostic. Perhaps I will be of some help to you.
"do you HONESTLY believe that Noah's Ark happened? "
Sure. What I would add to that is that people's typical and traditional view isn't necessarily the one supported by the Hebraic scriptures. The language allows other interpretations. What I would NOT do is say that if tradition isn't right about it, then it's all false. That's called throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
" Do you also believe that God REALLY created man (and subsequently woman) in the way which the Bible states?"
Yes I think that the scriptures are true on that matter. But there was one man, Adam, who God chose to breath a 'living soul' into.
" All the intricate, biological functions that the human body needs to live - those were created in that manner? "
" Do you ever really consider that your religion is much like your language - something that your parents spoke and those around you spoke when you were growing up - therefore you speak it as well?"
Parctically no one in my family talked about Jesus with any intelligence. Which is partly why my family thinks poorly of me. Of course, I was the first one in my family to speak against the racism that it had embedded in it. My family thought and may still think that it is better than Mexicans, blacks, and Asians. I'm still mad about it.
" Do you ever think outside the box and consider that maybe you don't have the right to tell millions of others who believe in something other than you that their religion is the "wrong one"? "
So anyone has the "right" to tell me I'm wrong, but I have no right to rebutt them? I don't think that you thought this one out.
"Why would anyone think that a murderer or child molester would go to heaven because they believe in quite possibly the only religion they've ever been exposed to, and I would go to hell because I cannot, in my heart, live by a book written hundreds of years ago?"
God set the criteria. It's His opinion that counts when it comes to the salvation that He offers. So it's not up to me to approve of it, I only believe what He promises. And He promises that whosoever wills may come to Him. So what I think is nothing to the plan of things that God has. It's what He said that precedence.
Only those who He chooses are the ones that are going to have the capacity to understand. He even goes to the trouble of picking who understands, and responds to Him. We all have the choice ( for many are called), but the ability is given by God ( but few are chosen).
2007-04-08 15:24:07
answer #2
answered by Christian Sinner 7
I can't answer all your questions, because no one has all the answers. All I know is what I believe, based on the Bible, which I DO believe. It may have been written hundreds of years ago, but it has survived that long for a reason. Yes, I do believe it all happened as it said in the Bible, because I know God is capable of all that and more than we can even imagine in our limited minds. BECAUSE of those intricate functions, that never could have occured by accident, we were created, as well as the rest of the world. Scientists may can come up explanations for it, but I still believe those explanations have a basis in God's own Hand. Yes, my parents saw to it that I learned about God and the Biblical teachings, but it was my choice to believe it. I never tell anyone that their religion is "wrong", because "religion" is just a label, and in the end, it's your relationship with God that matters most. Yes, some religions teach things that go against what the Bible teaches. Sometimes we don't like the rules. It doesn't seem fair at times, but we can't know God's mind and why He chooses who to save and who to send to hell. (Just for the record, I don't believe the murderer or child molestor will go to Heaven unless they are Truly sorry for what they've done, because only God knows what is in their heart.)
2007-04-08 15:22:08
answer #3
answered by cj_justme 4
Yes and no. The bible was written by several profits. Pieces of it were lost over time and also it was interpreted in different languages over and over again. I don't have the right to tell everyone that my religion is the " right one". I believe I am following a good life and I am on the right path and so is my family. Do I believe that religion and language are the same as when I was I was growing up so there fore I speak it well? I can't say. I don't come from a religious family. They were very abusive to me and eachother and I don't speak to them much. No one will go to hell unless God says it is so and it is not for you or me to judge. My daughter is an agnostic and that is okay with me. I am a Mormon. Everyone has the right to be what he or she wants to be. Do I believe that Noah's Ark happened. It could have. Scientists say the the earth could not have been flooded and they have proof,but there is proof that the area that the ark ( and it has been found high up on Mount Sinai) was found in at that time did flood at that time. There was a signifigant flood that would have covered the Tigris and Euphratis rivers and all area in between and around them and made that whole area essentially part of the ocean. It may not have flooded the world but would seem like it to people back then. You've also got to think about things like revelations and things and that the people writing these things they were seeing were living back in a time when they were trying to describe things that they were seeing in the future with things they had at hand. Like in The Book of Mormon there were some people who took another boat to America because God told them to from Jerursalem. They had no light. God gave them a glowing stone for the boat from the future. What do you suppose that was? He said to Nephi that it wasn't to be used again and an angel would take it back. That it would be bought to the knowledge of man when the time was right. Do you think that may have been a lamp or light bulb of a sort? The book of Mormon is a third testament of Jesus Christ that many people won't read because they have enough Bible. God said there is more to come when he is ready. No, if you watched that episode of south park it wasn't right. Funny. But, not right about Mormons (dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb.)
2007-04-08 15:31:16
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I do believe that Noah's ark was real and that God created a man and a woman. I do not believe that blood, a heart, a brain, and especially the ability to think reason, and invent things, could have originated by accident; in fact I find it totally ridiculous that a living cell could have originated by accident or random chance; it's too complex. No, I don't believe the way I believe just because my parents did; I have experienced something that I believe most Christians know very little about, and that is the Spirit baptism. I can't send anyone to hell or keep you out of hell; I can't invent my own concept of God and expect God to conform to what I believe; there are reasons for believing in the Bible other than what I have been taught.
2007-04-08 15:10:50
answer #5
answered by supertop 7
Yes I am Christian, no not raised one so therefore made my own decision as a thinking rational adult...... And yes, I do believe the Biblical account of Noah's Ark & I most certainly believe the creation story. If you think about it, it makes as much, if not more sense, than the big bang theory. If as you say, the human body is so intricate (which I agree with) then how could that possibly happen by chance? Even most scientists (not Christians) are starting to question the evolution theory & are now discussing "intelligent design" so even they believe there had to be some kind of definitive design to it all.
I'm not about to draw and quarter you for asking questions & I'm not going to tell you you're going to hell. That's between you & God to work out in the end. But I will say, good on you for asking questions in a reasonable manner & not mouthing off at those of us who believe differently to you. I'll pray that God will reveal Himself to you in a way that you cannot deny.
2007-04-08 15:04:39
answer #6
answered by Rhonda D 2
I was not raised a Christian, but rather an atheist. I came to Christ later in life. I was not really exposed to Christianity, except for my telling and listening to religious (and dirty) jokes about Christ and His people.
I really believe, word for word, what the Bible says. And yes, the child molester is given the same grace as anyone else, because we all offend a holy God.
Why would the age of the book matter? Are not the truths that are contained therein eternal? Truth doesn't change with time.
2007-04-08 15:02:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The way you word it makes it sound like a molester for example can go to heaven if He chooses to believe in christianity, but that's not exactly how it is. And YES I do believe everything God tells us. I will not question my Creator who is also my Judge. Does not matter what you have done in your past, The Lord forgives and forgets when you truly believe, ask Him into your heart, have a relationship with Jesus, repent of your sins, forgive others as Christ has forgiven you, and be willing to change. A person who continues to WILLINGLY sin, has not truly repented or changed. If you believe in someone other than the true God/Jesus, then you are following the evil one who by his cunning deceptions, has lured you away from truth. God has given us His True Word in the Bible, a manual He inspired believing men to write so we would know how to live and how to get to heaven. So, no, someone can't go out and sin and say, "Tomorrow, I'll tell Jesus I'm sorry". Jesus looks at our hearts and that's what He judges, not our mere empty words. And true christians will be judged at the Bema Seat of Christ for their works (for rewards only), as works does not save us. There's so much more I could tell you. Feel free to email me at God bless your desire to search.
2007-04-08 15:12:26
answer #8
answered by connie 6
Yep, I believe it all. I am broad-minded enough to consider all the inticate parts of ecosystems, animal functions, etc. and consider them no less than miraculous. I also can think outside the box and see that Noah was in some sort of low region...possibly where most of the population of that time lived, when the rains came. What is so hard about trying to live in a kind ansd loving manner?
2007-04-08 15:00:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. No - my parents are not Christians so it took studying the bible for myself and seeing the manner in which it was written, the fact that all of the prophecy that has been fulfilled to date has been 100 % accurate, the evidence of answered prayer and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in my life that helped me to:
4. think outside the box. (no "religious box" for me growing up)
5. It isn't about rights, it is about knowing something that is true, seeing people headed for a place that is horrid and wanting to let them know the way to escape that torment.
6. Repentance is the key to this one. It means to turn 180 degrees. Turn from your own sinful nature and turn to following God. The bible is as relevant today as it was when it was first written. More so when you look at end time prophecy. If you are concerned about hell then consider the choices.
As an agnostic at least you are not completely ruling out the possibility of God, heaven, hell and redemption through Jesus.
Here is the bottom line. We are all born with a sin nature. When Jesus died on the cross He paid the penalty for sin and made a way for us to be reconciled to God and to be able to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
You have a choice to believe or not. If the thought of hell bugs you, it should. It should bug the hell out of you and the heaven into you. Hell is going to be torment and anguish, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. God is a God of redemption, He does not want you or anyone to go through that.
FYI Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with Jesus, our Savior.
"The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9
If you want to talk more about any of this or have other questions about the bible, God, Jesus, heaven or hell, feel free to email me.
Sincerely - Redeemed
2007-04-08 15:15:34
answer #10
answered by redeemed 5
I saw this in a pamplet... and it was cute and so true! It's by Ray Comfort.
"Billions of years ago, a big bang produced a large rock. As the rock cooled, sweet brown liquid formed on it's surface. As time passed, aluminum formed itself into a can, a lid, and a tab. Millions of years later, red and white paint fell from the sky and formed itself into the words "Coca Cola... 12 fluid ounces."
Of course my theory is an insult to your intellect, because you know that if the Coca Cola can is made, there must be a maker. If it is designed, there must be a designer. The alternative, that it happened by chance or accident is to move from the intellectual free zone.
Here is another:
"The Banana: The Atheist Nightmare"
Note that the banana...
1. is shaped for the human hand.
2. has a non-slip surface.
3. Has outward indicators of it's inward contents. Green - too early, yellow - just right, black - too late.
4. Has a tab for removal of it's wrapper.
5. Is perforated on wrapper.
6. Has a bio-degradable wrapper.
7. Is shaped for the human mouth.
8. Has a point at the top for ease of entry.
9. Is pleasing to the taste buds.
10. Is curved towards the face to make the eating process easy.
To write that the banana happened by accident is even more unintelligent than to write that no one designed the Coca Cola can.
Test 1.
The person who thinks the Coca Cola can has no designer is:
A. Intelligent
B. A fool
C. Has an ulterior motive for denying the obvious
Now the document that I am referring from states that the eye has 40,000,000 nerve endings and focuses it's muscles approximately 100,000 times a day. and that the eye has a retina that contains approximately 137,000,000 light sensitive cells.
The document continues and states that Charles Darwin stated:
"To suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection, seems I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree" Agreed... it does not have the reference recorded so I do not know if this statement is true or false. But let me get to the point at hand.
If man can not create the human eye then how can anyone in their right mind believe that it was created by chance? In fact... man can't create anything from nothing... we just do not know how to do it. We can re-create, reform, develop... but we can not create one grain of sand from nothing. Yet the human eye... is a mere tiny part of the most sophisticated part of creation - the human body.
Again... another statement which I would have to research and verify if this person actually made this comment:
"George Gallup; "If I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone; the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen, is a statistical monstrosity."
Now this statement concerning Albert Einstein. This is confusing... why would this man contradict himself? If he stated this... then every other statement that has been quoted at this forum is invalid because the man appears to be speaking from both sides of his mouth. In this statement Einstein is quoted to have said:
"Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe - a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face of our modest powers must feel humble."
Test 2:
1. Do you know any building that did not have a builder? Yes? No?
2. Do you know any painting that did not have a painter? Yes? No?
3. Do you know any car that did not have a maker? Yes? No?
If you answered "Yes" to any of those statements... please give details:______________________...
Third analogy:
Could I convince you that I dropped 50 oranges onto the ground and then by chance fell into ten rows of five oranges? Logically, anyone with an intelligent mind might conclude that someone put them there. The odds that ten oranges would fall into a straight line is mind boggling. Let alone ten rows of five.
Test 3
Yes or No 1. From the atom to the universe is there order?
Yes or No 2. Did it happen by accident or must there been an intelligent mind?
3. What are the odds of 50 oranges falling by chance into ten rows of five oranges? ______________________________...
To declare that there is no God is to make an absolute statement. And for an absolute statement to be true; one must have absolute knowledge. Here is another such statement: "There is no gold in China."
Test 4 What would I need to have for that statement to be true?
A. No knowledge of China?
B. Partial knowledge of China?
C. Absolute knowledge of China?
"C" is the correct answer. In order for the statement to be true, I must know that there is no gold in China.
Likewise; to state that there is no God and to be correct then you are stating that you are omniscient. You must have absolutely certain knowledge that there isn't one.
Let's say that a circle contains all the knowledge of the universe. And let's say that you have an incredible understanding of one percent of all that knowledge. Is it possible that the knowledge you haven't yet come across, that there might be ample evidence to prove that God does indeed exist?
If you are reasonable, you would have to admit, "Having the limited knowledge I have at present, I believe that there is no God." In other words, you don't know if God exists, so you are not an atheist. You are an "agnostic." You are like a person that looks at a building and doesn't seem to know if there is a builder.
Test 5 The man who sees a building and doesn't know if there is a builder is:
A. Intelligent
B. A fool
C. Has an ulterior motive
In summary: There are plenty of things that we have faith in that we do not fully understand. Most of us do not have a complete understanding that when you turned your computer on as to why it worked. You took a step of faith that turning it on... that somehow that it would work. You accept the unseen electrical waves that appear right in front of your eyes when you type your comments here. We do not see the reason for why the messages appear... because the powers that be are invisible to the naked eye. For them to be manifest, we need a monitor... so we can enjoy the experience of this forum.
God is not flesh and blood; He is an eternal Spirit. Immortal and invisible... like the computer waves. He can can not be experienced unless the monitor is turned on. One should approach the Bible in the same way as the monitor. If it works, enjoy it and if it doesn't, forget it.
Or do you have an ulterior motive? Could it be that the "atheist" can't find God... as a thief can't find the policeman? Could it be that your logic is clouding your good judgment?"
Now don't get all bent out of shape... I mean not to judge you but if you really want to be an agnostic... then be willing to give Christianity a fair shake and be willing to study why Christians are Christian instead of condemning them for what you yourself do not understand.
2007-04-08 17:51:44
answer #11
answered by ddead_alive 4