I don't believe in religion or sin
2007-04-08 10:21:26
answer #1
answered by Screamin' Banshee 6
I don't have a religion - nor do I believe in the concept of sin, especially in the Christian sense.
There are a lot of religions who do not have the concept of sin or orignal sin for that matter.
Some have a list of sins - and some are considered worse then others. Others view sins as being all the same, so it doesn't matter if you cuss or murder 10 children - they are both equal in God's eyes. Which is pretty unjust for a supposed just God.
I believe personally that there are things that we should not do - but that we do anyway because we are human. The only way is to decide for ourselves to stop doing these things that hurt us and others. But do I use the word sin - no. Such things would include:
dishonoring the innocent
false accusations
2007-04-08 17:28:06
answer #2
answered by noncrazed 4
We have what are called the Yamas and Niyamas in Hinduism. These are restraints and observances. They will give you idea about what is frowned upon, and what is recommended according to Hinduism. In most cases, if the rule is a positive one, you can assume that its opposite is the "sin." But in some cases, the opposite would not necessarily count as a sin. For example, I don't think any Hindu would consider it a sin to not recite Japa. It is recommended, but if you are a good person, and you don't do it, I don't think you're sinning.
1. Ahimsa - non-injury. In other words, don't hurt anyone by thought, word, or deed. This applies to people, and also animals and the earth.
2. Satya - Truthfulness. So don't lie.
3. Asteya - Non-stealing. Don't steal.
4. Brahmacharya - Divine Conduct. This is the controlling of lust by remaining celebate when single and faithful in marriage. It includes dressing modestly and shunning pornography.
5. Kshama - patience
6. Dhriti - Steadfastness. Overcome non-perseverance, fear, indecision, and changeableness. Avoid sloth and procrastination (Ouch, I'm no good at keeping this one!)
7. Daya - Compassion.
8. Arjava - Honesty. Do not deceive. Act honorably even in hard times. Obey laws of your nation. Do not cheat or circumvent to achieve an end.
9. Mitahara - Moderate Appetite. Don't overeat, and don't eat fish, meat, fowl, shellfish, or eggs. (I eat eggs, but otherwise I'm a vegetarian, and so are many Hindus).
10. Saucha - purity. Cleanliness in body, speech, and mind.
1. Hri - remorse. Allow yourself the expression of remorse, being modest and showing shame for misdeeds. Recognize your errors, confess, and make amends. Do not boast.
2. Santosha - Contentment. Don't complain, try to uplift others.
3. Dana - Charity or Giving.
4. Astikya - Faith. Believe in your path to enlightenment, adhering to it with steadfastness.
5. Ishwar Pujana - Worship.
6. Siddhant Shravana - Scriptural Listening. Study the teachings and listen to wise people.
7. Mati - cognition. Strive for knowledge of God and truth.
8. Vrata - sacred vows. Keep your vows. (whether marriage, monasticism, tithing, vegetarianism, non-smoking, etc).
9. Japa - recitation. chant your holy mantra for cleansing of the mind.
10. Tapas - austerity. practice disciplines, pilgrimage, worship, etc.
2007-04-08 17:47:38
answer #3
answered by Heron By The Sea 7
That is pretty difficult as the concept of sin belongs to the patriarchal, monotheistic religions and nothing to do with the path I walk. I honour the dark and the light, the beauty of creation
2007-04-09 20:20:57
answer #4
answered by steve w 2
I am a Muslim.
Allah forgives if we ask for forgiveness but in Islam people living around us have some rights and we need to respect them..
Some of the things that are considered as sins in Islam are..
1. lying
2. backbiting
3. having alchoholic drinks
4. adultery
5. murder
6. creating problems for others
7. not respecting elders
8. not offering prayers
9. not helping the needy
10. not believing in one God (Allah)\
2007-04-08 17:45:04
answer #5
answered by Honey 3
well im a christian so the top ten for me would be found in exodus chapter 20 verses 2 to 17 or deuteronomy 5:6-21 of the holy bible
bowing down to any other god
makeing idols or worship them
using 'god' 'jesus' etc as a swear word
forgeting the sabbeth
dishonouring your parents
2007-04-08 17:33:24
answer #6
answered by Jay 3
I have no religion, and so no concept of 'sin'
But here are wrong things:
putting someone in a double-bind
emotional abuse
incarceration without cause and due process (locking someone up, unless you're a government and have gone through all the steps to make sure you're incarcerating someone who has committed a crime)
2007-04-08 23:01:30
answer #7
answered by tehabwa 7
I'm catholic so you have the fact that you cannot disobey the ten commandments:
to love god above all things
don't say his name in vain
respect Sundays and holy holidays
Honor your father and your mother
do not kill
be honest in words and deeds
do not steel
do not make false testimony
be honest in thoughts and wishes
do not wish for that that is not yours
and of course the seven deadly sins
Lust; Gluttony; Greed; Sloth; Wrath; Envy;Pride
2007-04-08 17:32:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
The 10 Commandments that our Creator gave to all of us. The Bible- The New Testament tells us the right way to live in this world. Our conscience tells us what is right or wrong also.
2007-04-08 21:48:21
answer #9
answered by Birdman 7
To Lie, To Steal, To Kill, To worship Idols or false "gods"
to bear false witness against another,to commit adultery, to feel inordinate desire for what belongs to another,
to dishonor your parents, to use the name of the Lord
as a curse and to have no day set apart as a day to
worship the Lord (sabbath)
2007-04-08 17:32:36
answer #10
answered by Eartha Q 6
I can't remember all of the sins according to Roddersism but a couple are
Sleeping with a pineapple in your sleeping bag
Watching Daytime TV
2007-04-08 17:24:43
answer #11
answered by theearlof87 4