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I am a heterosexual bible believing Christian. I believe Jesus is savior and He is the only way to be saved.

I also happen to know some homosexuals. I am finding it difficult to reconcile the idea that God loves them (john 3:16) and that (1cor 6:9):

Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? ..Neither the sexually immoral nor ..adulterers .. homosexual .. will inherit the kingdom of God.

Some homosexuals I meet believe they were born like that, but if homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God, that statement (being born homosexual) is either

(a) not true.. people are not born homosexual. why would a loving God create you with a disposition to sin? it would be like someone saying 'i was born an adulterer'

(b)God is an unjust God

I don't want to judge my friends because i am also a sinner (we all are). why is homosexuality a sin? how do i answer approach the idea that people are born gay? how do i share His love w/o judging their lifestyle?

2007-04-08 08:58:27 · 37 answers · asked by m0nchis 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

37 answers

Morality is defined by an ultimate moral authority, God. If you are a non-believer, then you have no objective moral truths.

Since God, speaking through the inspired prophets authoring the books of the bible, declared homosexuality a sin, then it is a sin.
See: Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; 1 Timothy 1:10.

Thus, homosexuality is just one of a litany of the decay of the perfect moral state found in original creation.

As all sinners, homosexuals can be true Christians. As far as God views sin, homosexuality is no greater or lesser than other sins. All sin is objectionable to God. Since homosexuality is often practiced openly ("in your face"), the reaction by some who have wandered off the “love thy neighbor” reservation is over the top. It may also be the case that anyone that seems to revel in their sin seems defiant or disingenuous, if they are a self-professed Christian. I believe that the true Christian homosexual struggles daily with their sinful nature.

Some resources regarding homosexuality and the bible to help you understand the issue or the reaction of others:

Myths About Homosexuality:

Theology and Homosexuality:

Happiness to Christians is more than the needs of the flesh. Homosexuals must continue to pray for strength to resist their urges and strive to be obedient to the scriptures.

2007-04-08 09:54:33 · answer #1 · answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6 · 1 1

First there is no God. Secondly man created God. The prejudice of man is writing all over the bible. The bible has an history so there can be some truth in its writing but because some things can be found to be true doesn't mean it was the work of a God that inspired man.

Your first red flag of the bible should have been God has no voice of his own. Other men can only speak for God. This renders God word highly suspect. Is it so hard to realize a book can be a big lie from a culture that did not know anything of all the greatness of the universe or even the healing powers on the plants of the planet they lived? Hell back then they did not even know of germs, the effects of child abuse, or food poising so they come up with demon possession? Wake up people.

Is it hard to believe men would create a book that makes itself more important than any other book? Is it hard to figure out this book makes other perspective wrong to make itself right. Do parents lie to their children knowingly?

The bible has to make you believe man is bad while being saved by its creator in some very convoluted reason and circumstances. Yes the bible has prophecy that can and may come true but how do you know the integrity of the author's accuracy. What if the religious saw the ending of Christianity in the future of earth and wrote the bible with the intent of trying to keep the religion alive? If this was the case of course Christians would be persecuted in the midst of a consciousness sift from deities into a more scientific view or knowledge while entering a more Galactic perception of the world. Christian’s belief would be outdated and these fools would plunge us into hell trying to hold on to the past of a primitive culture’s ideologies.

Man must evolve ideally, spiritually, and consciously. The more people that resist this change the more strife as a planet we will experience.

2007-04-08 09:30:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I find it interesting that this question was asked and the first line of the question is a qualifying statement that says,

"I am a heterosexual bible believing Christian. I believe Jesus is savior and He is the only way to be saved."

hmmm...I wonder if anyone else asks questions like this that can be summarized into,

"I want to ask a question about homosexuality but first let me say that I'm not homosexual..."

...in any case...

How you share you beliefs with those "sinners" is that you have to make yourself see them as people first... Not homosexuals. you don't have to agree with their choice of sexuality, but that doesn't mean they are less of a person. If homosexuality is a sin then God gets to make the judgment call on that, not humans. Everyone will get their chance to face God and have their eternity decided for them.

Think of it this way...hate the sin...not the sinner.

2007-04-08 09:16:46 · answer #3 · answered by Thrill K 4 · 1 0

May I suggest first of all that you read the entire passage in I Corinthians 6:9-11;
9Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders 10nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

Notice the last verse. Paul is saying that some of you were homosexual, but that changed through the power of God.
There is a passage in II Timothy 3:5, which in context is speak about the depraved condition of men in the last days, and concludes with this sobering statement:
"Holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; and avoid such men as these."
There is a power in the Gospel to deliver men from sin. If men refuse to call sin what God calls sin, then God can't help them. The Bible says "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (I John 1:9)
If we call what God calls sin an "alternate lifestyle", there is nothing God can do for us.
The literal meaning in the Greek of the word "confess" in this last passage is "to say the same thing as" (Greek homologeo). That is, if we agree with God, He will help us. If we say we are not guilty, then how can God forgive us?
I was born a thief and a liar. I found the power of God was more than sufficient to save me from my sin.

2007-04-08 09:14:16 · answer #4 · answered by wefmeister 7 · 0 1

They dont go into your bedroom stay out of theirs
Homo means same Same sex
Your a homo Homosapien
When the bible speaks of men who are lovers of themselves is like selfish men
Or men who give accolades to the other one corrupt politician to another

WHY not love them for the qualitys of who they are not what they do in the privacy of their homes
Let he who is without sin throw the first stone

All different cultures in all differrent societys men have slept with men and not been labeled homosexuals

Including the American Indians get the book called the spirit and the flesh
It became unacceptable when the missions and the churches came in and said it wasnt acceptable

Your in that school of thought right now
How can you share your love for a church and or a priest
where the priest hood has beguiled you and done immoral ungodly acts toward you or your neighbors children
Your listening to someone who is pointing the finger away from the pulpit.
No where in the bible does it say love not your brother because ,.......of whatever

He likes the company of men anything like that
The principle is Love,as all things good start with love
if your not doing or not doing something out of Love then you can know its the wrong thing
Be it withholding or embracing your fellow man in acceptance
Test the matter within yourself and embrace the truth
Which feels more comfortable judging or loving

2007-04-08 09:22:21 · answer #5 · answered by jigadee 4 · 0 1

There is so much we cannot know until we, pray God, enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I am not a fundamentalist, and I cannot reconcile so many people will be excluded. Homosexuality is not something one chooses, it just is how it is for some. It is the same as any difference present from the womb.

I also cannot reconcile many others will be excluded for various reasons some may believe. God is love and I believe will take to heaven many people who are thought by extreme fundamentalists to be already lost.

Not for us to judge!

2007-04-08 09:11:07 · answer #6 · answered by June smiles 7 · 1 0

Strange I am christian and do not agree with any of them 1)Illogical statement to anyone who has truly read the bible 2)Sex as people think of it today has nothing to do with reproduction people who sodomize eachother do not do it to try to reproduce so this statement makes absolutely no sense 3)Imposing forgiveness and love of all should not be allowed to be imposed on others? hmmm for some reason it sounds like you enjoy hate. 4)What is a homosexual? Lust is a sin everyone desires flesh, homosexual is a man made word invented by people who commit sodomy and they want to be unique and stick out as the black sheep. 5)Religion is just a word, specific beliefs however are very very different for example you can have a religion that teaches not to give your children blood transfussions and for this reason you should discriminate against the things it does wrong. All organized religions are man made and as such always have problems which should be argued against. 6)Sexual preference is sin in itself. If you lust it's a sin and you should be corrected. Love has nothing to do with sex it has to do with a relationship and everlasting forgiveness and uncondtional friendship.

2016-05-20 01:10:03 · answer #7 · answered by gladis 3 · 0 0

So what you’re saying is that you don’t know ANY heterosexuals who have EVER looked at a woman with lust, or have divorced, or have been unfaithful or has viewed pornography? Why is it ONLY the behavior of gay people that bothers you? I suppose you don’t have any friends why drink too much or lie or gossip? The ONLY sinners are gay people?

Has it occurred to you that the same rules should apply to both heterosexuals and gay people?

Perhaps you should examine your thoughts on the issue a little more because I can assure you that the issue is not God’s love. God Loves all of us. Therefore, you might want to examine your own inability to accept people for who they are.

2007-04-08 09:18:55 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Being homosexual is not a sin. Practicing homosexuality is a sin as is any sex outside of holy matrimony.

You would have to seperate yourself from a lot of people in this world to keep apart from sex-sinners.

Love the sinner, hate the sin.

2007-04-08 09:10:55 · answer #9 · answered by Grace 4 · 0 0

God loves all people and hates the sin. The Bible says homosexuality is sin. I don't believe people are really born that way. If this was natural, then they could reproduce. But say they are born with that tendency, maybe I am born with a tendency to be alcoholic. I still have to decide whether to act on that (sin) or not. Committing sin is still under our control.

2007-04-08 09:04:44 · answer #10 · answered by RB 7 · 2 2

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