Just like Enoch, an extra-biblical prophet, he was raised into heaven with his body. So he went to heaven without having died on earth. Well, he did, but he came back to life first. This lets him come back down to earth from heaven during the end times to save us like in Revelation.
2007-04-08 08:38:39
answer #3
answered by YouCannotKnowUnlessUAsk 6
Well, God is considered a spirit, yet in Gensis he "walked" with Adam, which implies he had feet and a body.
Since God created all, we can only assume God knows more about physics than we do.
God can be corporial or at least physical and spirit. Thus, he can do the same for Jesus or Jesus can do the same for himself.
2007-04-08 08:45:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Abiut body"Purification is inviting you.
JNSR: What did we do, Lord? What can we do now?
JESUS: I came to light a fire on the Earth. But only embers are left from it and the fire smolders even if only few of you have tried to keep it burning. If the World doesn’t come to Christ Jesus, everything is lost. Because such is the Will of the Father: Everything will be done through Jesus. It is through Jesus Christ that God has created everything in Heaven as well as on Earth, the visible as well as the invisible. With Him, the spirit becomes Spirit, flesh is glorified, His Divine Soul dwells in souls. You already live this Truth in the Holy Eucharist.
For all Eternity Christ Jesus existed, with Our Father and the Holy Spirit, before Abraham, and Adam the first man created. For this first child of the Earth who let sin enter this virgin soil and in order to redeem his fault, Christ had to give His own Life: God is crucified.
God became Man to save man.
God is still redeeming all the sins that have never ceased flooding the world, transforming the earth into a giant rubbish dump filled with sins not yet forgiven because man is hiding behind a blasphemous innocence through the absolution he is giving himself. And he has done that since the origin of the world.
You have never paid attention to My Warnings. Heaven has often come down to you through apparitions but you kept on breaking this chain that links you to Heaven. Messengers are continuously stumbling on your refusal when they repeat again and again the Call that is coming from high above: the Holy Will of God that links Earth to Heaven.
I have also filled your being with a part of My Heaven so the Angels can visit you, but very few of them receive your call, you remain silent. Through God’s Love, you have this gift to share with the Angels: Hope and Protection from Heaven. Ask them to come and help you, not for materialistic needs but to be at God and people’s service like they are themselves. And then they will provide for you what you need in your life, because God listens to them. The angels can also see your souls. They take pleasure in the ones that are completely dedicated to God.
And, I, Jesus speak to you about Angels. They see your resurrected body and even if they sometimes want to straighten you up, they only give you the remedy.
They speak to the soul, to this spiritual body that they see and that can hear them without your “self” being aware of it: “ Stay one with God. Trust in His Holy Word, He loves you so much! Stay away from sin because it kills hope. Pray with the Holy Mother of God!” Oh how beautiful are these Words!
When you are born on this earth, your visible body is joined up with its double that is intended to live Eternity with your God. The most important care that you must take is to love God and to worship Him and also to listen to your neighbor who is another “you” in the eyes of God. You are all His children and His Love for all of you is exactly the same.
Your body of flesh lives together with its spiritual body in good harmony when both of them get along. Because the Spirit of God takes pleasure in dwelling in a spiritual body free from sin and that becomes like a chapel given to God who likes to rest in it. And then your body of flesh becomes the host who welcomes God and your spiritual body the chapel that receives God in all His Truth. Because everything belongs to God, your bodies as well as your souls. Purity is the most beautiful ornament for both your bodies.
It is in anticipation of your birth on the Earth (that will be your second birth, your incarnation) that the two bodies join up. Your God, generous and kind, is going to entrust this marvelous spiritual body, gift from God coming from Heaven to the body made of flesh and born from the flesh. Parents can say: “ you are the flesh of my flesh” but they can never say:” your spirit is the work of my spirit”. And even your flesh, through the Grace of God, if you pay attention to Me, is going to become more and more spiritual, which means more spirit than flesh.
Already on Earth, the great Saints had such a great desire to become more spirit than flesh, so when they died, they reached Heaven with a complete spiritual body. This is so true for these great Saints that down here on earth, nobody could ever find their remains, because they went up to Heaven in the Fire of God, this is the Word of the Lord.
Everything that flesh can give to the spirit is a win for Eternity. God is leading you to this great Purification. When you let the Grace of God fill you, your soul (your double, or your spiritual body, only visible from Heaven by those who are in God, the Saints and the Angels but also the Holy Souls) so your soul is the abode of the Contemplation of the Truth, the intuition that can fail if it is not supported by a good Prayer life, and the Prayer that comes from the heart.
True intuition is the Rainbow that joins Heaven and Earth and puts you in close contact with God.
And also with the Holy Mother who advises you, along with the Saints and the Angels who are leading you through the right path. So if your souls are already all God’s, then to a degree only known from God’s Heaven, you will be advised, guided, informed by the Holy Will of God that dwells in the Saints, the Angels and the Holy Souls. And to a higher degree, God and the Holy Virgin Mary will inform you.
Ask to be granted perseverance already down here, to lead your soul towards the Eternal Heights of God. Let your spirit lead your heart of flesh, and not the opposite. Detach yourself from your earthly possessions. It is time to conquer Heaven, Amen, because here comes the Purification. Amen †
God in His Saints and in His Angels.
† †
2007-04-08 08:47:45
answer #9
answered by mirna 3