Is this a question? Could you rephrase this?
2007-04-08 05:01:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If I were a British citizen I don't think I would be too upset if the sailors and marines are going to sell their stories. First, is that surprising? Also, I think I would direct my concern, displeasure and anger at the press for, no doubt, clamoring to obtain their significant payment to the 15. Finally with all the alleged displeasure I have seen on American TV and the BBC channel expressed by the average British citizen I would really get pi**ed at the citizenship if the circulation of the papers carrying the stories skyrocketed. Hypocrisy sucks.
But maybe I am wrong and this kind of think only happens in the USA.........
2007-04-08 12:38:55
answer #2
answered by iraq51 7
Apparently the British government has given these "brave" sailors permission to do so.
Just another slap in the face of the British Empire.
2007-04-08 12:02:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I reckon the Military of Defence(or should that be Attack?), are allowing these soldiers to sell their stories as an incentive for them to keep to the story they were 'briefed' about on their return. ie the Iranians were evil, mistreating us with gifts and new suits, blah, blah, blah.
The Iranians really pulled the rug out from under the war-mongers feet with the surprise release. Those same war-mongers want us to think these Marines were treated worse than we treat people at Gitmo, or Bagram!!
Don't believe the propoganda.
2007-04-08 12:14:27
answer #4
answered by Big John 1
Children no longer have the honour and loyalty to the country, people and events in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men for the good of mankind in planet of apes.
Just all for the glory of "Money, money, money"
"All for the money"
Exposing they were no longer worshiping God as the Son of God in the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men but exposing themselves as Son of a dirty old man in planet of apes.
Ever wonder how they kick their own butts for that in planet of apes.
Gone were the good old days of grandma and grandpa who live for the glory and honour for the country, people and events for the good of mankind in planet of apes.
2007-04-08 12:11:19
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well I should say I expected it. And something says that the conflict is going to grow. What do you think ?
2007-04-08 12:05:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It could make an interesting movie.
2007-04-08 12:04:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
we read it all in the papers, why read it again?
2007-04-08 11:59:46
answer #8
answered by bikbokkop 2