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15 answers

Every human being always follows two paths in life. One path is followed by the physical self... the body! As a human being everyone desires having the best of career... living a modest life full of gaiety and laughter... in short enjoying the best of life. This has been made possible by the scientific developments taking place world over.

The wanton desires... the need for materialistic riches also has its bad side. It plunges most human beings into the dungeon of cravings... crying for more and more. And at this point a human being introspects. One starts traveling the religious path of life... the other path! Some who crave for God take the path of spirituality. Almost 99% people remain religious.

Religion is following the teachings of enlightened masters. Everyone religiously follows the teachings of enlightened masters like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed... but none thinks of becoming one! Religion separates enlightened souls from mortals. On the contrary spirituality spells that every mortal has the potential within to become enlightened.

Religion persuades mortals to worship their religious masters. Spirituality persuades one to travel the spiritual path and become one like Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed. The onus of traveling the path... religious or a spiritual is absolutely the prerogative of every human being. As a human being we have a total of 1.1 million manifestations (in the human form) until one reaches the stage of enlightenment.

This journey of 1.1 million manifestations is roughly covered in 12.1 million earthly years... a long journey indeed. Most say... what the hurry is! But Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed curtailed their journey and gained enlightenment in their very life. In the spiritual domain one is permitted to cut short the journey and reach... the 8.4 millionth manifestation... the last leg in the cosmic life cycle reaching which one gains entry into the kingdom of God (aka Baikuntha in Hinduism).

Science practically helps every human being live the best of life in the present domain... the span of 70 to 80 years. Religion helps maintain a balance between the materialistic and the inner world of our soul atman within. Spirituality prompts one to reach the end of cosmic life cycle at the earliest and gain enlightenment (kaivalya jnana) and finally salvation (moksha) in our lifetime. Who knows what form of life we might manifest in the next manifestation?

Out of the total of 8.4 million manifestations on the whole... 7.3 million manifestations are passed in the form of insect life, plant life and animal life. The balance 1.1 million manifestations are to be lived as a human being. The journey of life is tough but not impossible! To choose or not to choose... the power is available with every human being! We all face hurdles in life... yet, choosing a path of life dear to our heart is the crux of life. More on spiritual path - http://www.vijaykumar.org/spiritual_path.html

2007-04-11 23:06:03 · answer #1 · answered by godrealized 6 · 6 0

The problem starts when we tend to think that science & having faith (spiritual) is considered to be two separate non-connected things in our life. In reality, everything in science started from "Faith in Unseen" things. We have enormous proof for this in Science. When we measure the distance in light years, when we measure 10 power minus 30 metres, when we say limit tends to Infinity in Maths, when we assume an Imaginary particle called Photon, in all cases we assume or have Faith in something which Man cant even think of. We cant even imagine what is one light year. (Distance travelled by light in 1 year). Still we believe that the boundary of our universe is 4 billion light years. We try to control Virus & Bacteria which is 10 power minus 30 metres. Man's today's problems (almost all) are caused when he started disconnecting the above two. Then only Human Beings can attain peace.

2007-04-08 10:06:39 · answer #2 · answered by meena 6 · 0 0

Good question. The religions have lost their roles as direction providers. The states are bestowed with the resposibility to provide direction to the society for selection of the way. Since the effects of misdeeds of one state is not restricted to it's political boundary, The world is faced with danger of Alice in wonder land syndrom. At present USA is best placed for the role till some world forum asserts itself.

2007-04-09 01:58:44 · answer #3 · answered by Panchal J 4 · 0 0

in the era of Aquarium that just started, humankind is supposed to go in a spiritual way. In the previous era (that started with Jesus Christ and on) we went by a scientific way.

2007-04-08 09:12:05 · answer #4 · answered by G 6 · 0 0

One of the biggest problems in this world is the number of idiots like you who refuse to think for themselves. Who told you there was any conflict between science and spirituality? Where would such a conflict lie, if it existed?

Certainly there is a conflict between science and religious dogma, but religious dogma and spirituality have absolutely nothing in common.

2007-04-08 08:40:41 · answer #5 · answered by The Singing President 3 · 0 0

Allah almighty has mentioned in holy Qura'n that He has made the human being with his two hands. It means that one spiritual and other realistic way ( we can say it as spirituality and science).

So both.

2007-04-08 08:39:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Both, I think that we have gone scientific for quite some time now & science is now leading us back to spirituality...

2007-04-08 08:40:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, have a look around you. Are we living like the bronze age middle eastern goat herders that inspired the fairy tales selected for the Bible or do we have cell phones, computers, airplanes, spaceships,nuclear power plants, air conditioning,ibuprofen and viagra ?

Science did it, not some fictional fairy tale character.

2007-04-08 08:41:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

History has shown a gradual drift towards science over the centuries.

For the world's sake, I hope this continues.

2007-04-08 08:32:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Of bwd <-BC and AD-> fwd, AD-> only goes one way;
Fwd-> unto "the end" that is already biblically written:

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

2007-04-08 08:38:51 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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