Because God doesn't heal anyone. For all we know, there isn't a God. God makes no appearance outside of biblical text.
2007-04-07 19:43:14
answer #1
answered by BurningPyre 4
Life is a "Drama" not for the sake of entertainment, but in the sense that a dramatic tention exists between our ordinary observations of life on a daily basis, and the ultiamte goals, ends and puroses for which we are on this earth.
Clearly God wants us to seek on a level other than the obvious, daily, demonstrative level or he would have made the situation more plain to us
We can assume that the reason for the "big mystery" is the internalization of choices. If God appeared to the world in open objective fashion and laid down the rules, we would probalby all try to follow them, but we would not want to follow them. Thus our obedience would be lip service and not from teh heart.
Therefore, God wants a heart felt response which is internatilized value system that comes through the search for existential answers; that search is phenomenological; intetrsubective, internal, not amienable to ordinary demonstrative evidence.
In other words, we are part of a great drama and our actions and our dilemmas and our choices are all part of the way we resond to the situation as characters in a drama.
This theory also exaplins why God doesn't often regenerate limbs in healing the sick. That would be a dead giveaway. God creates criteria under which healing takes place, that criteria can't negate the overall plan of a search.
2007-04-08 03:02:01
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
In a carnal mind (one directed after appetite, seeing, hearing smelling, tasting) the wholeness and soundness of the physical body has priority. God is understood as having the same physical description as a man; and the truth that GOD is a spirit, we must worship him in spirit and in truth, cannot be immediately grasped. Arms, legs, eyes, ears and the things of our flesh are not truly essential to our perfection before GOD. The paraplegic, the quadriplegic, the eunuch, and the blind continue to have a place before GOD. Often these come to a level of courage, faith and intimate relationship with GOD that makes our pity (actually our fear and feeling sorry for another) unnecessary and sadly misplaced. There are higher blessings than healing, for example forgiveness and salvation. The real question you may have to ask is, What do I really want from GOD?
Buy the truth and sell it not.
Michael Andrew Williams
Washington, DC
2007-04-08 03:20:37
answer #3
answered by THE BLACK PHOENIX 6
God can heal, Man removes the limb without waiting for Gods healing. Thus only leaving God to heal the emotional pain.
God can not heal what has not been given to him. We must search him out and trust in him. In order to be healed.
I do believe at times it is necessary to experience a loss to be able to understand and help others. If we do not experience things in our lives how are we supposed to help those in need when we can't understand their pain.
We all have a job to do in our life, and the things in our past give us the strength and Knowledge to help us to complete our job. Weather it be giving hope to some one worse off than we are or showing some one to appreciate the things we have.
My father for instance lost both his feet, while working for a tree trimming company, The legs of the truck were put down with out checking that every one was clear it smashed both of his feet.
My father was home in a week and remodeling our house. I don't know how he found the strength to do so, because I doubt I would be pulling my self up on a ladder and changing ceiling tiles.
But by doing so he taught us that we can accomplish any thing we really want to.
When I lost my son at one week old, it was a deep neverending pain that I was certaine would destroy me.
But it did not, and when I had dealt with my pain and learned that what is preciouse to us can be lost I learned to love my children and appreciate the true gift they are. I was also able to help another person who lost their child get through it.
I would much rather my son be with me, but I thank God that I was able to use my loss to help another deal with their loss.
You are going to believe what ever you believe, if you are angery with God for your loss then you will remaine that way and nothing I or any one else tells you is going to make a difference, Until you make the decission to hand over your pain and except the emotional healing.
I will pray that you find peace in your sircumstance and that You will be open and able to help when some one needs your strength an knowledge to help them through what ever it is they are going through.
God bless
2007-04-08 03:16:17
answer #4
answered by angie 4
God can do anything. Perhaps He already has done this somewhere in the world only we do not know about it. Obviously God has a plan for each and every one of us..therefore only He knows why He allows some things...I am sure He will answer all questions in heaven.
2007-04-08 02:46:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
He chooses to work through people, by the power of His Spirit.
His followers, people like me, are lacking in enough faith to heal amputees. It's our fault, not His.
2007-04-08 02:44:43
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He will, during his son's 1000 yeaqr reign.
From the Reasoning book:
What hope is there for real healing from all sickness?
Rev. 21:1-4: “I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away . . . ‘And he [God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.’”
Isa. 25:8: “He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces.” (Also Revelation 22:1, 2)
Isa. 33:24: “No resident will say: ‘I am sick.’”
2007-04-08 02:43:58
answer #7
answered by Tim 47 7
have you considered the possibility that things such as those, happen for a reason, and that there are lessons to be learned from such things?
seems rather arrogant, ignorant and unscientific to think that we know all that there is to existance, such as we could deem something of no value for learning and advancement.
2007-04-08 02:55:17
answer #8
answered by RW 6
He can for he is God. You are basically asking why God is allowing suffering in the world or why bad thing happens to good people. When you go through the sufferings of life God has a purpose. His purpose is to manifest the character of your spiritual life to everybody around you and to you as well. His purpose is to humble you because of His multitude of blessings poured out upon you and His purpose is to draw you into the intimacy of His glorious presence. Click on the link for your answer. it is just too much to put in here
2007-04-08 02:42:45
answer #9
answered by Wasabi 737 2
he's still busy trying to prove his existence to millions of atheists around the world....he can't do everything at once, he's not god....oh wait....he is god.....why doesn't he heal amputees? is he not all-powerful? talk about procrastination......
2007-04-08 02:46:40
answer #10
answered by Anonymous