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Jesus went into the Tomb late Friday night and was out again early Sunday morning.

2007-04-07 19:36:48 · 15 answers · asked by Ray T 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

darin p:; Okay dusk Friday to dusk Saturday is one day! Dusk to dusk Sunday does not hallen. You cut it even shorter that an hour count does.

2007-04-08 02:55:52 · update #1

To all the rest of you sad souls who are in denial. The maximum amount of time one can squeeze from Friday at dusk to Sunday at dawn would be 36 to 40 hours. There is no way you can squeeze three days into this! Three days is 72 hours. Either your god cannot tell time or whoever wrote this screwed up. It is just totally wrong and no amount of denial can change that fact. Happy Resurrection day?

2007-04-08 03:03:18 · update #2

shaolt20: Friday maybe10 + - hours That is not a day. Sunday maybe 10 hours + - that is not a day. Sorry but matter how you people try to justify this mistake you can not stretch it to equal 3 days, 72 hours.

2007-04-08 04:11:36 · update #3

jae: While you do not score best answer you do win 5 stars for the greatest distortion of facts. I do hope your post was intended to be mockery.

2007-04-08 04:17:54 · update #4

15 answers

If you read the accounts of the crucifixion carefully you would know that Jesus did not die. He was given gall which is snake poison so that He would appear dead to the soldiers so that His legs would not be broken. When He was stabbed in the side with a spear He bled. Any forensic scientist will tell you that blood pools in the extremities after death meaning He was not dead. The three men who went into His tomb were carrying items designed to revive someone not prepare them for burial.

2007-04-07 22:08:20 · answer #1 · answered by single eye 5 · 1 2

I have to say, it doesn't. And I have thought about this in a bit of detail.

It wouldn't be the first time God did something unexpected.

I'm totally serious with you on this next thing:
Have you heard about the rapture of the Church? Those that believe that the church will be raptured before the Great Tribulation rely on a story in the Old Testament about Moses, who struck a rock that was supposed to be a 'type of Christ'. Moses screwed up, and struck the rock twice and it made God angry. Moses was punished for that, and was told the he wouldn't get to enter the Promised Land, what was to be Israel.

The church is actually the people that believe in Jesus Christ, not the building. So when Jesus is said to lie in the tomb three days and three nights, he might have. Tradition may have it wrong. But what if he rose before that? and since the church is also called the 'body of christ' in the Bible, why couldn't Jesus have risen at any given time after he was put into the tomb? And the church carries the rest of the three days in terms of ( a day to the Lord is as a thousand years) waiting to be resurrected to the completion of what he said would happen? So Jesus didn't lay around for three days, but perhaps for a day. And 2 thousand more years would make up the other part of the days?

I'm just throwing that out to you. It's a hypothesis.

2007-04-07 19:54:34 · answer #2 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 0

I've just been wondering this very thing, and have so far discovered that Easter Sunday indeed seems to be the Resurrection Day, but Good Friday is not the day he was crucified.

Of course, every different faction seems to disagree on this point. But I have found the most logical answer to be:

Jesus was taken down from the cross before the Sabbath began, which everyone agrees always begins at sunset (say 6pm). He was already dead (this I disagree with, but that is another argument). He was crucified on the 9th hour - presumably 9 hours after sunrise- 3pm. So he supposedly died somewhere between 3pm and 6pm. How do I know sunrise is at 6am and sunset at 6pm. Only that according to Jesus' own testament each day is 12 hours and each night is 12 hours. Jewish tradition was that each night starts at sunset, and therefore each day starts at sunrise.

Regardless of that, the most important point is that he was taken down from the cross before the High Sabbath. This is another term for the Passover Sabbath, which occurred on the Thursday before Sabbath Day. Therefore he was crucified on Wednesday at 3pm, removed from the cross before Sabbath began at 6pm Wednesday evening and was found to be missing before dawn on Sunday morning. So he must have risen between 6pm Saturday night and early Sunday morning.

My reason for not believing he died. Since when does a spear to your side kill you? He was probably unconscious, or drugged with the wine given by his brothers while he was on the cross. He simply got up in the tomb, rolled back the stone (perhaps it was on a downhill slope, making it hard to close but easy to open), and walked out. The guards were presumably watching for people entering the tomb not leaving it, so may not have been watching. THey may have been asleep or distracted or doing a perimeter check or it may have been misty or a hundred other possibilities. Jesus was definitely seen with holes in his hands by over 30 different people (some close friends, others strangers) in the days that followed. I just believe he never died, just went away into hiding.

2007-04-07 19:57:25 · answer #3 · answered by A65 6 · 0 0

"The three days are counted as the Hebrews counted their days, from dusk to dusk. Therefore, the three days of the Easter Triduum are from dusk on Holy Thursday to dusk on Good Friday (day one), dusk on Good Friday to dusk on Holy Saturday (day two), and dusk on Holy Saturday to dusk on Easter Sunday (day three)."

The Bible says 3 days and 3 nights, so it was three 24 hour days (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). It is kind of confusing; however, the point is that days were recorded differently than they are today.

Good Friday is not the day Jesus died. Good Friday is when Christians commemorate the Passion, or suffering, and death of Jesus on the cross.

Jesus would have risen at dusk on Sunday. Sunday morning would have actually been approximately 12 hours or so later. That is when the tomb would have been discovered to be empty (approximately 3 1/2 days after Jesus was put into the tomb since the tomb was not visited Sunday night).

This is opposite from our understanding today. Today, Sunday morning would come before Sunday night; however, in those days Sunday morning came after Sunday night. It all makes since when viewed in a historical context and not twisted to conform to our modern understanding.

"darin p:; Okay dusk Friday to dusk Saturday is one day! Dusk to dusk Sunday does not hallen. You cut it even shorter that an hour count does."

Ray T may disagree with my explanation and insist that the Hebrews recorded days like we do today even though history says otherwise, but all 72 hours are accounted for.

Jesus would have died sometime Wednesday afternoon.
At 6PM, it would have become Thursday night.
*Our day - morning, afternoon, night*
*Hebrew day - night, morning, afternoon*

6PM Thursday- 6PM Friday (24 hours),
6PM Friday- 6PM Saturday (24 hours),
6PM Saturday- 6PM Sunday (24 hours),
6AM Sunday morning (12 hours later).

The verses are ambiguous, so to say the Bible says that Jesus was crucified on Friday cannot be a certaintly and should not be taught as a fact. A wednesday crucifixion is more likely especially when all the verses pertaining to the crucifixion are studied more closely.

2007-04-07 19:44:44 · answer #4 · answered by Darin P 3 · 2 0

Perhaps they were just lazy and rounded the whole experience to three days. Good Friday, Saturday, and Easter Sunday are important individually, so maybe that's why.

Otherwise, that makes no sense at all.

2007-04-07 19:44:08 · answer #5 · answered by brain.exe_not_found 1 · 0 1

Your math is terrible !! Search it out i.e. Jewish Sabbaths, and you will easily figuare it out. Heres a hint... There was a Sabbath other than the typical Saturday Sabbath already being observed. Learn some Jewish history about the Feast of the Jews given to them by God in the Old Testament.

2007-04-07 19:42:38 · answer #6 · answered by genny_gump 3 · 1 1

Friday - one day
Saturday - two days
Sunday - three days

Several times in the Old Testament they make similar references. For instance I think it is in the story about.... is it Esther? They say something about three days and three nights but it is actually two nights and one full day. The Jews referred to even one morning as "one day".

2007-04-07 20:02:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evening on Thursday was the beg ginning of Friday so he went in really Thurs night.

2007-04-07 19:43:28 · answer #8 · answered by bungyow 5 · 1 0

He was into the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. That means He was into the deepest part of Himself.

It refers to a spiritual tomb, it refers to the depht of His soul.


2007-04-07 19:40:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

last time I checked Friday, Saturday and Sunday added up to three days....doesn't need to be full 24 hour days....

2007-04-07 19:39:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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