You are absolutely right! That is why I am firmly against gay marriage, and all good, stout Christians should be. There is a reason God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
2007-04-07 11:00:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Christians do not support the gay lifestyle, but hopefully Christians who are followers of Christ will love them as Christ does. I totally agree that being gay is a sin- but so is anything else that is against God- and you and I both sin. When Jesus saw the "religious Pharisees, etc" starting to stone the woman caught in adultery- he said- "whoever is without sin, can cast the first stone" when they dropped the stones Jesus asked the woman- "where are your accusers" and then he said "go and sin no more". First we must love them, and then they may chose Christ and turn from their sin. When Jesus was on the earth- who did He chose to spend time with? He never condoned the sin, but He loved them. SO MUST WE- what if no one loved you before you came to Christ?
2007-04-07 12:56:11
answer #2
answered by AdoreHim 7
I am a christian and I think homosexuality is wrong, but I wouldn't tell a gay person that they're going to hell because what else does the bible say? don't judge, leave that up to god. and also if someone has lets say a gay son for example and learns to live with it, that person is not going to "face the wrath of God" only the person sinning is.
2007-04-07 11:00:32
answer #3
answered by Me 6
That's a pretty strong stance there. I'm a Christian, and no I'm not gay. I think Christians (being followers of Christ and all) focus on forgiveness and understanding. Understanding of course that we mortals have no idea of the intentions of god. The rights or wrongs as we define them are guided by our own perception and by the teachings and upbringings we were privy to. Basically, a person is as their god made them. And if a Christian is that, then they will understand that none of us are perfect. Let god sort them out if god sees fit.
2007-04-07 11:05:10
answer #4
answered by eodbobo 2
First of all you are making a very large generalization. Not ALL Christian people support homosexuals. You are right though the Bible does say that marriage is between man and wife. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin, homosexuality being among them.
God also says... Love your neighbor. Does this mean everybody except the homosexuals? NO WAY! God has offered them His son Jesus Christ. He died on the cross for everyone, not just the straight people.
Homosexuality is disgusting, but God doesn't condemn, HE is just. and loving.
Act the way Christ would act, forgive. People who hate others, aren't any better off than those who love the same sex.Love the sinner, not the sin.
2007-04-07 11:03:46
answer #5
answered by jb 1
The Bible also says that if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off but I do not see too many one eyed one armed Christians out there. If you are going to follow every word of the Bible, then start plucking and cutting.
God made gay people. If you have a problem with what God has created, take the issue to God and not to God's creation.
2007-04-07 11:03:29
answer #6
answered by Mary W 5
You are correct : CHRISTIANS cannot Biblically support gay relationships. But they misinterpret that part of scripture that speaks about not judging others. And they also adopt the post-modern philosophy that there is no absolute standards. Finally, they are afraid of being called bigots!!
2007-04-07 11:10:29
answer #7
answered by flandargo 5
Well, then, you shouldn't mind posting info on the passage as to where it says this about marriage. And, btw, if the Bible says this about marriage, your comment should read 'between a man and a WOMAN'.
And it sounds like you've been taught to be judgmental.
2007-04-09 03:58:33
answer #8
answered by jasgallo 5
You have a valid point there. Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.
Whether or not you are a smoker, you should at least be made aware of the health risks of smoking - and don't accuse me of "judging you" for letting you know that smoking can kill you....... Neither will I "judge you" for being a drug user or a homosexual - but I wouldn't be much of a friend if I left you with the impression that I believe there are no risks involved in those lifestyles. (both physical and spiritual)
2007-04-07 11:14:48
answer #9
answered by teran_realtor 7
Great, not only is this NOT a question, but you call yourself a Christian and you spew hatred and judgemental unkind speech, unlike the teacher you CLAIM you follow (i.e. Jesus, who was altruistic and compassionate). To top all of that off you can't spell. Yep, you're definitely a role model... (sigh).
2007-04-07 11:05:21
answer #10
answered by vinslave 7