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The church my family attends says that Jesus literally rose from the dead. Where did he go after that?

2007-04-07 05:45:18 · 32 answers · asked by Libby 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

To Heaven.

2007-04-07 05:47:38 · answer #1 · answered by Go For Broke 3 · 3 0

Dear Libby,

Jesus Christ is eternal God. He is omnipresent, that is He is everywhere at the same time. He is not limited by the physical restrictions we are.

I wanted to tell you also that at this present time, God is no longer using the church(es) to bring the Gospel. We are presently in the period described by the Bible called the Great Tribulation (Matthew 24). Remember, that the Lord brought judgment on Judah in 609 B.C. The nation of Judah contained Jerusalem and the Temple which were destroyed in 587 B.C. Most of the Jews were killed but there was a group (remnant) who were truly saved that God told to go to Babylon where He would take care of them. After 70 years the remnant was allowed to go back to their land and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. The books of Jeremiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther and others speak about the Tribulation and going back to the land to rebuild.

Just as God allowed Babylon to destroy Judah because most of the people were serving other false gods, so the Lord has brought judgment on ALL the local churches because they have fallen away from God's law. The Great Tribulation began in 1988. If you read 2 Thessalonians 2, you will get the deatails of God's judgment on the churches. Notice that God has allowed satan to rule in the churches. Satan is the father of lies. However, to show you how awful this time is, God is sending the people who remain in the churches a strong delusion that they wil believe satan's lie. Notice also that the Holy Spirit has abandoned the church so it is impossible for anyone to be saved there now! Ezekiel 9 is giving you the spiritual picture of what is happening.

If you are truly a child of God (born-again), you are commanded to leave the church (Matthew 24:15, 16; Revelation 18:4). If you want more information, please see my references.

2007-04-07 06:16:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Jesus did rise from the dead. He then ascended into Heaven and that is where He is now, at the right hand of His Father God.

2007-04-07 05:52:15 · answer #3 · answered by twirlsgurl 2 · 2 0

According to the Nicene Creed.......

We believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, Very God of Very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man, and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried, and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And he shall come again with glory to judge both the quick and the dead, whose kingdom shall have no end.

And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets. And we believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. And we look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

2007-04-07 06:06:47 · answer #4 · answered by June smiles 7 · 1 0

it says in the gospels when Jesus rose from the dead, after a chitchat with the diciples to instruct to go and spread the word, "he ascended in to heaven and seateth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty."

2007-04-07 05:49:00 · answer #5 · answered by sammilovesyooou<3 2 · 4 0

Moses was taken to heaven as he was on earth. Moses came back as the John the Baptist. What is important is the Spirit of God, living and returning.

Jesus spoke of his second coming:
" I am coming soon...Him who overcomes I will write him the
name of my God... I will also write on him on him my new name. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. Revelations 3:11-13 NIV

" I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
John 14:18

2007-04-07 06:03:14 · answer #6 · answered by Jorge T 3 · 2 0

After Jesus rose from the dead he was seen by many people. Mary Magdalene was the first to see him and he said, ''Do not touch me for I have not ascended to my Father.'' Mark 16:19 says, ''... after He had spoken unto them, was received up into Heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.'' He is there now. Before this happened, in Acts chapter one it states he was seen of many for fourty days. It also states that his disciples saw him rise up and he was taken out of sight as a cloud received him.

The answer you seek is simple. He did literally rise from the dead, was seen of many for fourty days and was taken up to heaven in a cloud and is now there at the right hand of God.

2007-04-07 05:59:03 · answer #7 · answered by Average Joe 3 · 1 1

He rose from the dead then saw Mary and a few disciples and preached to a crowd. Then arose into the clouds to heaven.

I hope you will understand the truth.

2007-04-07 05:59:40 · answer #8 · answered by Beading gal 1 · 1 1

In heaven for now.

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ
keep seeking the things above, where Christ is,
seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1

If you have other questions about scripture or bible study, feel free to email me.

2007-04-07 05:52:10 · answer #9 · answered by redeemed 5 · 0 1

To build his fathers kingdom and prepare a place for the saints. He will be back soon. He is, as we now speak gathering the saints for his return. The timing I do not know, but it will not be too much longer. It will be counted in years or decades not century's.

2007-04-07 05:57:43 · answer #10 · answered by saintrose 6 · 0 1

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