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El Nuevo Amigo

Erase un crudo dia de invierno. Caía la nieve, soplaba el viento y Belinda jugaba con unos enanitos en el bosque. De pronto se escucho un largo aullido.

¿Que es eso? Pregunto la niña .

Es el lobo hambriento. No debes salir porque te devoraria le explico el enano sabio.

AL dia siguiente volvio a escucharse el aullido del lobo y Belinda , apenada, penso que todos eran injustos con la fiera. En un descuido de los enanos, salio, de la casita y dejo sobre la nieve un cesto de comida.

Al dia siguiente ceso de nevar y se calmo el viento. Salio la muchacha a dar un paseo y vio acercarse a un cordero blanco, precioso.

¡Hola, hola! Dijo la niña. ¿Quieres venir conmigo?

Entonces el cordero salto sobre Belinda y el lobo, oculto se lanzo sobre el, alcanzandole una dentellada. La astuta y maligna madrastra, perdio la piel del animal con que se habia disfrazado y escapo lanzando espantosos gritos de dolor y miedo.

Solo entonces el lobo se volvio al monte y Belinda sintio su corazon estremecido, de gozo, mas que por haberse salvado, por haber ganado un amigo.

2007-04-07 04:55:47 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

3 answers

The New Friend

It was a bitter winter day. Snow was falling, the wind was blowing and Belinda was playing with some dwarves in the forest. Suddenly a long howling was heard.

What is that? asked the girl.

It’s the starving wolf. You shouldn´t go out because he would eat you the wise dwarf explained to her.

The next day the long howling of the wolf was heard again and Belinda, sadly, thought that everybody was being unfair with the beast. During a negligence of the dwarves, she went out of the little house and left a basket of food over the snow.

The next day the snow stopped and the wind calmed down. The girl went out for a walk and saw a beautiful white lamb approaching.

Hello, hello! Said the girl . Would you like to come with me?

Then the lamb jumped on Belinda and the hidden wolf jump over him, bitting him. The cunning and wicked stepmother lost the skin of the animal she had used to disguise herself and ran away, casting horrible screams of pain and fear.

Only then the wolf went back to the mountain and Belinda felt her heart shaking of joy, not for having scaped danger but for having found a friend.

2007-04-07 09:55:49 · answer #1 · answered by Martha P 7 · 0 0

The new friend

It was a cold winter day. It was snowing, the wind was blowing and Belinda was playing with some dwarves in the forest. Suddenly a long yowling was heard.

“What is that” asked the girl

“It’s the starving wolf. You mustn’t go out because it will eat you” the wise dwarf explained to her.

The next day the long yowling of the wolf was heard again and Belinda, concerned, thought that everything wasn’t fair with that beast. She went out of the little house without the dwarves noticing and left a basket of food over the snow.

The neat day it stopped snowing and also the wind calmed down. The girl went out to take a walk and saw a nice white lamb approaching.

“Hi, hi!!” Said the girl “Would you like to come with me?”

Then the lamb jumped on Belinda and the concealed wolf attacked it, biting it. The astute malignant stepmother lost the skin of the animal she used to dress up and ran away, letting out horrible screams of pain and fear.

Only then the wolf came back to the mountain and Belinda felt her heart trembling of joy, not for being safe but for finding a friend.

2007-04-07 12:47:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Here it is. Read down below:

"The New Friend"

Erase a crude day of winter. The snow fell, blew the wind and Belinda played with enanitos in the forest. Suddenly I am listened to a long howl.

That he is that? I ask the girl.

It is the hungry wolf. You do not have to leave because devoraria you I explain the wise dwarf to him.

TO the following day volvio to be listened to the howl of the wolf and Belinda, caused sorrow, penso that all were unjust with the fierce one. In a negligence of the dwarves, salio, of the small house and I leave on the snow a food basket.

To the following day I stop to make snow-white and barren the wind. Salio the girl to give a stroll and saw approach a white, precious lamb.

Hello, hello! The girl said. You want to come with me?

Then the lamb jump on Belinda and the wolf, hidden I send myself on, reaching a bite to him. The astute one and vitiates madrastra, perdio the skin of the animal whereupon habia disguised and I escape sending to frightful shouts of pain and fear.

Only then the wolf volvio to the mount and Belinda sintio its shaken heart, of joy, but that by to have saved, by to have gained a friend.

2007-04-07 12:41:57 · answer #3 · answered by Catherine 2 · 0 4

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