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29 answers

He isn't just a male, he is a whore hopper.

2007-04-05 08:47:37 · answer #1 · answered by Jan C 7 · 4 0

This is a question that has been asked repeatedly and will never have a concrete answer. It is a double standard and us as woman have our double standards too...it works both ways. It is more socially acceptable for a man to sleep around than for a woman but on the other hand it is more acceptable for a woman to cry in public than a man. Us as woman need to uphold the morals of our society, well the morals that actually still remain in America. Even though it is a double standard and unfair, who will have the morals and say "no" if the women don't? Don't get me wrong, I don't think all men are pigs and would just sleep around with anyone but women have always been more reserved and conservative when it comes to sex. But nowadays, all of that is shot out the window. I think woman should have equal rights but what kind of lady wants to sleep around, just so they can have the same standards as a man. I am sorry, I have respect for myself and do not want to sleep around just because a man can do it. Someone needs to teach our future child morals and values but as all gone down the drain since the feminist movement and the development of The Pill. Those two factors sent our country into promiscuity and more openness, which isn’t always a good thing. Our country as a whole is getting worse and worse with time. What once was a respectable, moral related country is now filled with thousands of teenage mothers, single parent homes and an abundance of divorce….all which was unheard of in the past. Sad but true.

2007-04-05 09:04:38 · answer #2 · answered by Manda Panda 1 · 1 0

Women can have sex with a guy any ware any time. Guys are easy.

A man on the other hand, has to deal with the opposite problem.
So, when a guy pulls it off, it is considered a feet by most.

When a women gives is up to any guy, then whoever sleeps with her can't brag anymore. So when the guy says I scored last night, the other guys go wow with who. He answers ____, and all the other guy say so F'n what! We all did at one point or another, she's a ____.

In the game aspect of things, no points are scored if it's not difficult or rare. That is why it is such a big deal if the woman is a virgin or married and or other wise unavailable hence rare. (If the women is a known cheater then again no points are awarded.) Guys get top value in points for virgins. Every person who scores after that receives a lesser and lesser value until zero. If that same women who is worth a zero in one circle finds another circle that doesn't know her, she is then worth points again until that circle is used up too.

Sad but true, don't judge me, I only had intercourse with one women and I am still married to her. I just know how it works being that I'm a guy and all.

2007-04-05 09:04:39 · answer #3 · answered by Eyerish 5 · 1 0

That's the way it's always been. When it comes to men and women, they are supposedly different with different needs. Excuse me, but what goes for the man, goes for the woman.

Years ago men only wanted virgins for wives. In some cultures, the bride to be would be devirgined by the head of the tribe using his fingers while sitting on a white sheet in front of everyone so as to prove she was a virgin. Some places hung out the bloody sheet after the wedding night. I think this was suppose to prove not only that the wife was a virgin but the man was macho or something.

Men having affairs is normal and expected in a lot of cultures, and the wives don't mind. Back in the past women had sex only to procreate. These were higher stationed women, and once their "wifely duty" was completed, the husband never bothered them again and would go elsewhere for his satisfaction. They would usually go to the lower class of people who actually knew how to live and love.

It's something that us women will have to deal with forever.

2007-04-05 08:57:16 · answer #4 · answered by lilith663 6 · 0 0

Everyone knows woman should have morals but guys on the other hand do not. It's a double standard and personally I think it's disgusting if either a woman or a man does it. Even if men were called names for sleeping with too many women that wouldn't change anything they would still be pigs.

2007-04-05 08:48:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your trying to compare apples and oranges. What is morally acceptable and what is socially acceptable in our society are now two different things. You're trying to compare the lack of "moral acceptance" of promiscuity in women to the apparent "social acceptance" of promiscuity in men. These are not direct opposites and I'm not so sure there's even a double standard. People who do not consider female promiscuity to be morally acceptable are no more approving of male promiscuity.

Social acceptance is a different story. That is because of gender differences. Speaking strictly in terms of tangible, negative ramifications (susceptibility to STD's, pregnancy and the resulting impact on income-earning potential, child-rearing, emotional attachment, vulnerability to sexual assault and rape, etc.) women and girls generally have a lot more to lose by being promiscuous. Because of that fact, women in our society are stuck with the burden (or privilege-depending on how you look at it) for setting the standard of what is or is not socially acceptable when it comes to sexual promiscuity.

Bottom line: there is no correct answer for the way the question is worded. Also, any woman who doesn't like or agree with what appears to many to be a double standard have the power to change the standard by encouraging your girl friends, sisters and daughters to be as promiscuous as they want to be! If you can get more women who are employed in the mass media and entertainment industries to buy into it, you could promote the whole trend to the masses and then it will be "cool" to do so. Some female performers and actors are already doing their part. All you have to do is listen to the radio and watch t.v. to know that. It's a two-side coin, though. We must realize that such a drastic change in attitudes will come with a price! Is it really worth it?

2007-04-06 05:14:25 · answer #6 · answered by Leroy 5 · 0 0

Just standard gender bias. Female virginity has always been a valuable commodity in the patriarchal system, and thus the loss of that commodity "cheapans" the women. Historically, it could have gotten her stoned, and would have at a minimum brought disgrace upon not only the woman, but also her family (her "owners," who had failed to keep their "possession" pure). The fact that there is still disparity between attitudes towards male & female sexuality is small piece of evidence that says that sexism is alive and well in the so-called "equality" of the West.

2007-04-05 08:49:40 · answer #7 · answered by Qwyrx 6 · 1 0

Its been that way since the beginning of time. If there was an answer for that the word whore would have been discontinued. I believe that's because women sell there bodies for profit and most men don't and its viewed as demeaning so usually people will make the correlation.

2007-04-05 08:50:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've heard that if a man sleeps with a lot of women he's a c0ckhound. But there is a double standard and always has been. I guess it's because society thinks women should be perceived as sweet and nice and chaste.

2007-04-05 08:51:39 · answer #9 · answered by Princess of the Realm 6 · 0 0

she only is that if she charges money for it

the difference stems from biological investment producing babies

often the woman gives 9 months inside herself, nursing, raising a child for 18 years or so

often a man gives a free beer and some sperm

this has been true for much of human existance, leading to behaviors that supported having lots of kids

for women, finding a "potentially" good or in harsh times "bad' (for the mean genes) man

for men, having as much sex as possible

2007-04-05 08:50:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

he's a immature,disgusting,freakish,ungodly,sic... there is not any longer one be conscious that would describe a guy like that! He would desire to have themes and be very blended-up! he isn't fortunate he merely looks for difficulty and those sort of girls and if all men appeared for those forms of girls i'm specific they could locate one! that isn't fortunate that's a perverted guy and somebody who's unappreciative of girls and makes use of them as a gadget! no longer something that God created!

2016-11-07 07:31:02 · answer #11 · answered by ahhee 4 · 0 0

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