Bad News:
You're not Catholic.
Let's go through this one line at a time. Shall we?
You said, <>
Jesus teaches, "Not everyone who says 'Lord, Lord' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven." I am sorry that I cannot recall the exact Bible citation - but it's in there. The point is, there is a difference between merely believing God exists and having Faith in God.
You believe in God. That's good, but it can be better. I mean, even Satan believes Jesus is the Messiah - and look where he and his legion are!
Faith is where it's at, and one demonstrates their faith; their devotion to God by following the Commandment "Keep the Sabbath Holy". But skipping mass on weekends, you fail to keep the Sabbath Holy. Can you not give God even one hour of your time on the weekend?
When it comes to not eating meat: Jesus Christ endured terrible suffering, even death, so that we might have a chance of spending eternal life with Him in heaven. This was not possible before the Death and Resurection of Christ. Christ suffered for us in a most terrible way. Is it too much to ask that you show your thanks for Christ's sacrifice by giving up meat one day per week during the relatively short period of Lent?
You can believe in God all you want. Without Faith and the impetus to worship God as He sees fit (not us), mere belief alone means little.
If you wish to be counted as a Catholic, yes it does matter indeed. Catholicism respects the Fullness of the Truth, not mere portions of it like the non-Catholic Christian denominations do. You need to be honest with yourself before you can be truly honest with God.
It takes time to really get to know Church Doctrine. Some things can be very difficult to understand. If there are elements of Church Doctrine that you struggle with, don't let it bother you too much. Sometimes it takes time, you have to think it over, meditate and pray on it. Eventually, the understanding you seek will come.
The Church does not expect "blind faith". Catholicism is not against the use of the human mind. However, you must be sure you are discerning spiritual matter with a clear conscience. That is, without an alterior earthly agenda.
<<1. Like them being superior than us the community, when in fact, Jesus' plan was to be together as a community, not divided.>>
It's too bad you don't attend mass. Part of the Holy Thursday celebration is the Washing of Feet. Everyone knows Jesus is the High Priest of the Church. Yet, he washed the feet of the Apostles and gave them instructions to do the same for each other and everyone else.
The point was, the Catholic Clergy is not a power-structure. It is a servitude-structure. The "higher up" one goes in the clergy, the more people he serves. Far from being "power-brokers", the Catholic clergy are servants - servants to the laity.
The Catholic Church does believe in the Doctrine of the "Priesthood of the People". Bishops, priests, deacons, and laity all have callings in the Priesthood of the People. While these callings are different, they are by no means unequal.
Simply put, why does there have to be women priests? There are no women priests because, contrary to popular belief, the Catholic Church is a Biblical Church. No where in the Bible, nor Sacred Tradition, will you find an instance of a woman ordained as a clergyman.
Like I just said, this is not proof of sexism or some other ill-conceived inequity in the Church. Men and woman, while equal in their human dignity, are called to serve God in different ways. These different ways, while appearing unequal to limited human intellectual standards, are equal according to God's Grand Scheme of things.
Such as? Have you ever gone into a Catholic book store? All the texts once considered for insertion into the Bible can be purchased from Catholic book stores. The Internet is a gold mind for Church documents and writings of Church Fathers and Doctors. I have amassed more of these in pdf format than I could possibly read. Go to the Vatican's website and check out the area that it calls, "Vatican Secret Archives".
It is clear to me now that you are not suffering from a lack of confidence in Catholicism on your own accord. There is a force, perhaps misguided friends or a bad misleading you?
All stories have more than one side. Even my eleven year old knows that. If you really want to get a good look at the Truth, you must examine all sides. You've been influenced by anti-Catholic forces of some nature. Now check out honest catholicism. May I suggest These guys specialize in answering questions about the Faith. Might I also suggest, for Biblical evidence of Catholic beliefs and practices. While I am at it, you are welcome to visit my blog anytime: I know, that last one was a shameless plug, but I couldn't resist ;)
Please (re)consider Catholicism. Don't expect a Saint-Paulish lightening-bolt style conversion to the Truth. God likes to take his time with most of us.
You sould as if you are a relatively young person. It's fantastic that you even have an interest in God! Think of the wisdom God can impart, if only you allow Him the time and access to your heart, mind, and soul.
If you happen to read this in time, I implore you to attend mass today: Good Friday and Easter Sunday of course. The somber mood of Good Friday's comemoration of the Passion and Death of Jesus juxtiposes with the Glorious celebration of His Resurection on Sunday will help provide you with a glimpse of the magnitude of said events.
2007-04-06 04:52:34
answer #1
answered by Daver 7
Pastor Billy says:
The truth is still the truth even if no one believes it. Error is still error even if everyone believes it. Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Sounds to me like what Lala wants Lala gets except the absolute truth. Lala God calls us to all truth your rejection sounds more like a fashion statement. The Church of God is not the Church of You I hope you understand that. Unity of doctrine is unity of the faith, attending the church on days of obligation is important. You are to avail yourself of the graces received by receiving the sacraments in doing so you are strengthened to avoid the temptations which lead us all to sin. Sacrifice is good for all of us from time to time it reminds us to centre our thoughts on our creator makes us contemplate his good will toward us giving up meat for lent is a beautiful thing you could of course give up something else but it must be substantial, to help you come out of that comfort zone.
Reading the bible as the last poster has written is not enough if it was all Protestantism would be united and it is not.
You really need to explain to me why women need to be priests when they are already doing all the things women do in non-catholic communities. Outside the Catholic Church there is no valid sacraments with the exception of the Orthodox hence no requirement for a priesthood.
What is hidden in history?
2007-04-05 08:48:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Belief in and prayer to God are important. But being a Catholic means a bit more.
You mentioned that is was Jesus' plan to be together as a community, not divided.
Going to Mass and fasting as an entire Church for Lent are a couple of the things that make us the community that Jesus planned, the Body of Christ.
+ Going to Church +
In the Mass, we:
+ Gather as one family
+ Admit our sins
+ Ask God for forgiveness
+ Ask the saints and each other for prayer and support
+ Glorify God
+ Listen to, ponder and reflect on His Word from the Scriptures
+ Pray for the Church, the world, those in need, and ourselves
+ Receive the Eucharist (Holy Communion) in obedience with Christ's command to "do this in memory of me."
+ Are sent out into the world to love and serve the Lord and one another
It is called "Mass" (from the Latin missa) because of the "mission" or "sending" with which the liturgical celebration concludes.
For more information, see the General Instruction of the Roman Missal:
+ Lent +
The Catholic Church and many other Christians Churches follow the Biblical practice of Jesus Christ and the Jews in setting aside days where the entire Church fasts and prays as one in a attitude of constant renewal.
By the solemn forty days of Lent the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in the desert and in spiritual preparation for the celebration of His Passion, Death, and Resurrection.
This season of penance is an intense moments of the Church's penitential practice and are particularly appropriate for spiritual exercises, penitential liturgies, pilgrimages as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial such as fasting and almsgiving, and charitable and missionary works.
+ Women Priests +
The Catechism of the Catholic Church currently states:
The Lord Jesus chose men to form the college of the twelve apostles, and the apostles did the same when they chose collaborators to succeed them in their ministry.
The Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.
+ With love in Christ.
2007-04-05 18:45:41
answer #3
answered by imacatholic2 7
If you are not a Catholic, it does not matter.
If you are a Catholic, but disobey the church leaders that God has called to guide us, then you will have to take it up with God.
It is always amusing to read posts by people who are not ashamed to display their ignorance.
2007-04-05 06:40:08
answer #4
answered by Sldgman 7
fornication is a extreme sin. you may desire to repent of this sin, and promise the Lord which you will by no ability try this back. Ask the Lord to grant you the present of chastity. while you're Catholic, flow to confession and finished the penance that the priest prescribes for you. "flow in peace, and sin not greater."
2016-11-07 07:16:02
answer #5
answered by ? 4
Yes, bad Catholic!! You are supposed to leave the engrossing business of understanding god to the leaders of the church. They have committed their lives to interpreting what god would say if he could speak to us, (which they fully acknowledge he doesn't BTW God is completely and utterly unknowable, since he lives in a super-natural world, which is also unknowable, otherwise it would be natural)
You just need to concern yourself with your life and your family, just do what they tell you, or drop out. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
2007-04-05 06:37:04
answer #6
answered by Real Friend 6
I deny apostolic sucession because the Orthodox & Catholic Pope, Bishops & Priest is surrounded in so many graven images (male/female), killing of those who do not follow beliefs, many cult symbols (inverted cross), Wear scarlet robes, Adoration of relics, bowing into them, call themself "holy father/father", Dagon as Pope's hat, unBiblical traditions, Sale of Indulgence, scandals of abuse, murderer of souls, etc.
It is written,
"These savage wolves are liars and murderers, misleading the people they guide and causing them to be led astray". (Isaiah 9:16)
"They have been handed over to a depraved mind and although they appear to be lovers of God, they are in fact God haters." (Romans 1:24-32)
"I will scatter your bones round about your altars." – Ezekiel 6:5
"I will lay your corpses in front of your idols and scatter your bones around your altars." Ezekiel 6:5
I'm motivated by an honest desire to share the word of God in the "BIBLE" without engaging in the practice of bashing.
2007-04-05 11:50:46
answer #7
answered by House Speaker 3
Doesn't matter at all to God, as long as you truly believe.
However, the mortal humans who make money, war, and control people in the name of God will be really p'd at you. Ignore them.
If God is in your heart, that is all that matters.
2007-04-05 06:41:40
answer #8
answered by Icewomanblockstheshot 6
You just need to read the Bible more and re-evaluate what your parents believe. Reading commentaries while doing this is good, too.
C/O Matthew Henry's, Charles H Spurgeon's.
2007-04-05 06:43:25
answer #9
answered by Fun2010 4
if you are not doing as Catholics do, yet you love are WAY ahead of the game.
Lent, Easter, Christmas....all pagan and evil. Disguised as good by the church.
G-d would have us celebrate Passover, Channukah, Rosh Hashannah, Firstfruits and the other feasts of Leviticus 23. Not man made Garbage.
You are good, trust me! Check these sites and you will see. I am so glad for you He is speaking to your heart and you listen to Him and not evil men. Wish there were more of you!
2007-04-05 06:35:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous