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12 answers

If you found a iPod in desert would you assume it formed there all by itself or would you assume someone made it?

Now..compare the human brain to an iPod...which is more complex? (Hint: Man can make an iPod, but not a human brain.)

Now...do you assume the human brain (much more complex than an iPod) formed all by itself?

2007-04-05 05:51:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There is some really interesting literature out there if you're willing to look for it that offers convincing scientific support for the existence of God - you can find other books offering support for the opinion that there is no God. It is up to you to do your homework on both viewpoints and make a personal decision based on faith and education.

I believe in a higher power whom I choose to call God simply because I feel it - the same way I feel joy or pain - I can't see those things... there is no "proof" that they exist, but I feel them and know it without a doubt when I experience them. I have had prayers directly answered. I don't know if there is a reason for everything - and I really don't care. I can't claim to know the nature of God. My personal belief is that "he" is beyond earthly comprehension. I also have a theory that everyone feels God at least once in their lives - Maybe its just a moment where you feel everything is in complete harmony, maybe you are so overwhelmed with a sense of joy, harmony, purpose and depth that it brings you to tears...

Hope you find the answers you are looking for...

2007-04-05 05:58:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

i once wanted a bike i prayed for that bike and god got me it
i was lost in drugs from 1982 thru most of1992 i prayed to god for help in 1993 i met my wife i hav'nt done drugs sence i married here we have a daughter 5yrs and i don't drink i don't smoke anything so yes god is real for with out god i would be dead for real i hope you try to pray to god he will here you it might take awhile for the answer but it will come to you i am proof!!!! and try this out i drove an 18 wheeler off the road the truck was totaled the truck was so badly damaged that me sleeper was ripped open yet the drivers seat me in it! was ok
i only cut my lip no one thought i was driving the police asked me if they needed a bodybag for the drver i hit every small tree but never hit the big ones i crossed thru the from the southbound to the northbound lanes thr gaurdrails never hit any other cars my bible that was in the back of my sleeper ended up on my right hand right on the shifter it had been in my cubby behind the curtins that are leather and they were shut! i fell asleep they told me i missed a rock face on the left of me and missed the two trees that took out my front tires and stacks on bothside both mirrows also my seat went to the right 15 deg. i was asked by the cop is the driver dead so yes god is real very real

2007-04-05 06:26:14 · answer #3 · answered by nigntwolfbill 2 · 0 1

On the same page as Marilyn Manson? So you are an entertainer relative to a modern day clown? Hmmm....I have proof of God, I asked him for a sign and he gave me one. What else do I need?

2007-04-05 05:50:41 · answer #4 · answered by Presagio 4 · 1 1

Lets say you are out in the desert, you are dying of thirst, and just when you think you can not take another step, you come over the top of a hill and there before your eyes is a beautiful home, green trees and grass all around it. You rush to it and the front door is open and you fall inside and see it is nicely furnished. You go to the sink and turn on the water and cool clear water pours out. You grab a glass and start gulping down the icy water. After taking your fill, you look around and see a woman standing watching you and you say, Im sorry, I was so thirsty! She smiles and says, that's all right.... you ask, is this your home, your house? She shakes her head no, and says, it was just here. No one made it, it just was here. Now you as a smart thinking and understanding person know the house has to have a builder, right? It simply just did not appear, with no reason.
Now, think about our planet earth, the entire universe, from atoms to galaxies, is governed by definite physical laws. There are laws for governing heat, light, sound and gravity, for example. As physicist Stephen W. Hawking said: “The more we examine the universe, we find it is not arbitrary at all but obeys certain well-defined laws that operate in different areas. It seems very reasonable to suppose that there may be some unifying principles, so that all laws are part of some bigger law.
Rocket expert Wernher von Braun went a step further when he stated: “The natural laws of the universe are so precise that we have no difficulty building a spaceship to fly to the moon and can time the flight with the precision of a fraction of a second. These laws must have been set by somebody. Scientists who want a rocket to orbit the earth, or the moon, must work in harmony with such universal laws if they are to be successful.
When we think of laws, we acknowledge that they came from a lawmaking entity. A traffic sign that says “Stop” certainly has behind it some person or group of persons who originated the law. What, then, about the comprehensive laws that govern the material universe? Such brilliantly conceived laws surely bear witness to a supremely intelligent lawmaker.
After commenting on all the special conditions of order and law that are so apparent in the universe, Science News observed: “Contemplation of these things disturbs cosmologists because it seems as if such particular and precise conditions could hardly have arisen at random. One way to deal with the question is to say the whole thing was contrived and lay it on Divine Providence.
Many persons, including many scientists, are not willing to concede that. But others are willing to acknowledge what the evidence keeps insisting—intelligence. They acknowledge that such colossal size, precision and law as exist throughout the universe could never have happened just by accident. All these things must be the products of a superior mind.
This is the conclusion expressed by one Bible writer who said regarding the physical heavens: “Raise your eyes high up and see. Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name.” That “One” is identified as “the Creator of the heavens and the Grand One stretching them out.”—Isaiah 40:26; 42:5.
In thinking over the foregoing, here are some things to consider: Was it undirected chance that placed the earth at just the right distance from the sun, its source of energy in the form of light and heat? Was it mere chance that caused the earth to move around the sun at just the right speed, to rotate on its axis every 24 hours, and to have just the correct angle of tilt? Was it chance that provided the earth with a protective, life-sustaining atmosphere having just the right mixture of gases? Was it chance that gave the earth the water and soil needed to grow food? Was it chance that provided so many delicious and colorful fruits, vegetables and other foods? Was it chance that caused so much beauty to exist in the sky, the mountains, the streams and lakes, the flowers, plants and trees, and in so many other delightful living things?
Many have concluded that all of this could hardly be due to undirected chance. Instead, they see the unmistakable stamp of thoughtful, intelligent, deliberate design everywhere. Recognizing that, they feel it is only right that the beneficiaries “fear God and give him glory” because he is “the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.”—Revelation 14:7.

2007-04-05 06:40:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Some people believe that atheism is a rational and coherent viewpoint, while others would question that standpoint. A few devoted followers of some religions see atheism as a disease to cure, or a sign that they should teach you their religion in order to help you reach their religion's heaven. However, engaging in honest conversations with someone who genuinely wants to discuss their viewpoint (rather than argue) may actually prove beneficial.

2007-04-05 05:50:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Faith just like hope and love is not tangible. It can't be physically touched but it must just be believed. God created the heavens and the earth from nothing but His own words..."Let there be..." and there was. When man fell from Gods physical presence through sin He sent us a Savior in Christ Jesus. It must simply be believed! If you want tangible proof you won't ever see it until the day the trumpet of heaven sounds announcing the return of Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Again, it must be believed and received as truth!

2007-04-05 05:55:28 · answer #7 · answered by drivn2excelchery 4 · 0 2

God proves Himself to those He draws to Him. That's what He did with me, so that's been my experience.

You have to tell Him that you believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that you are a sinner, and you want His grace in your life. If you accept His child, jesus, He will accept you as His child, by adoption.

Trust Him for the rest of your life with anything that comes to mind. Nevermind how ridiculous it might seem. He will add other things to you like discernment. With discernment that He gives you, you'll not be asking Him things like what color toiletpaper to buy. lol

If you have any other questions, IM or e-mail me. I'll do my best to answer you.

2007-04-05 05:53:32 · answer #8 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 0 2

You know, a doctor could help you with a good prescription.

2007-04-05 05:52:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

If God existed we wouldn't need spell check.

2007-04-05 05:50:15 · answer #10 · answered by father of 4 husband of 1 3 · 0 2

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