Every mormon I have ever met (and I have met hmm 6 I think) have been very kind, generous, loving people and didn't seem to have a bad bone in their body. I am very close friends with a lovely mormon woman, and she's as close to a saint as I can think of. The woman doesn't rest...constantly doing things for her family, friends and charity.
2007-04-04 13:37:08
answer #1
answered by glitterkittyy 7
I am a Mormon and I feel as though I am a good person. Am I perfect? No and would never claim to be. This is from the Articles of Faith #13
We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
We have 13 Articles of Faith, which are a basic list of our beliefs... we believe Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God, we believe He came to earth to fulfill all law & righteousness, to teach the gospel, to suffer and then die for the sins of all mankind, to be resurrected so that all who ever live or will live will also be resurrected. So yes, we believe in Jesus Christ, He is our Savior and Redeemer, our advocate to the Father and the only way in which we can gain salvation.
2007-04-05 06:48:59
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all, most people are good and it doesn't matter if they are Mormons, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Baptists, Catholics, Sikhs, Wiccans or whatever. Of course Mormons believe in Jesus Christ (but most of them seem to think he was a white, blonde haired guy). The name of their church is The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints (LDS). The Mormons I've known have been very good people. And some of them do drink caffeinated sodas (among other things), even if they aren't supposed to. But it is a good thing for someone not to follow their religion too blindly.
Mormons have three testaments- the OT, the NT, and the BOM. Now as for the book of Mormon itself, in my opinion it is a racist piece of trash written by Joseph Smith. But that doesn't reflect badly on Mormons any more than the Bible does on Christians.
2007-04-04 13:45:48
answer #3
answered by doubt_is_freedom 3
Well the full name of their church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, so that alone with out any back up of personal experience or websites means they believe in Jesus Christ. And like anyone else it all depends on the person as to whether or not they are a good person, not the religion. I have met wonderful Mormons (the majority of my family) and I have met stuck up rude Mormons… no religion is perfect, no person is perfect. And yes they have the Book of Mormon, but the Bible is also included in their teachings, they did not replace the bible with the Book of Mormon, they merely study and believe in both books.
2007-04-04 13:41:07
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I do think the Mormons are good people.They come to my house sometimes to speak with me .They believe in some great prophet (other then Jesus Christ).I don't share all the same beliefs as them(yes, I do believe in Jesus Christ) But, I think that they mean well, and want to share the love of god.
2007-04-05 10:23:49
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Here is my take on this. I try to be the best possible person I can be. I try to love others as I would love myself. Every day, I pray that I might find an opportunity to help someone, and it usually presents itself that I can. Sometimes its very simple like letting a person pull into traffic ahead of me, to helping a stranded motorist, to helping a neighbor fix a busted water main, to taking cookies to a new set of parents in the neighborhood. I try to think of others before myself.
I do this because I want to, but also because it is what I believe the Savior Jesus Christ has taught us to do. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
I think I am a good person. I try to be. And I am Mormon. And I believe that Jesus is my Savior. That through his grace and atonement, I can repent of my sins and receive everlasting life. I love the Jesus and appreciate all that he has done for me.
2007-04-08 11:57:28
answer #6
answered by Kerry 7
Mormons are good people, that is where it ends. The church itself is a business that hides behind religion. It uses doctrine and belief to cleverly remian tax free and to get every member to tithe ten percent of their income. They are one f the biggest businesses in the US and pay no tax, because they are tax exempt. It is a very clever ploy by a yung man called Joseph Smth and those who followed after him to continue to make up doctrine and prophecies claiming them to be from god, when really it was a Jesus that they made up and asked people to follow. The Jesus of Mormonism is not the Jesus of the Bible and don't let the name fool you. The doctrines of the LDS church vary greatly from those of the real christian churches and therefore the message and the way to be saved is wrong to. For example Mormons believe that they must marry many wives in order to get into the celestial kingdom. They are racist against black people and up until recently forbid black people to hold a rank known as the priesthood in the church. THe doctrine and covenants has a lot of doctrines put forward by the so called prophets of the church and they are no longer thought of to be politically correct. The one true church as it calls itself attacks the christian church constantly yet it has probably undergone more change it the last 150 years than the catholic church has in the last thousand years. Not a very good record for the one true church.
2007-04-08 05:59:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think no matter what religion you are, there are good and bad people. I'm LDS and I try to be a good person to everyone I meet. I'm friendly and I love to help people. I do service for others, and try to live the commandments.
We do believe in Christ- the same Christ that is in the bible. We believe in the bible, but we also have other books we consider scripture. No, we don't think Christ was a white guy with blond hair!! He was from the middle east for goodness sake!
We try to be open to all people, no matter what they believe and we believe that everyone has the right to worship how, what or where they may. To me, it doesn't matter what religion you are from, as long as you respect my beliefs, I'll respect yours.
We don't believe that Joseph Smith is anything close to Christ. He was a prophet, but Christ is our savior and redeemer. It is through Christ we are saved. It is through His grace we can return to Him and our Father.
I know you said you don't want websites, but this one is one of the best for people who want to know what we really believe.
2007-04-04 17:05:10
answer #8
answered by odd duck 6
1. We believe in God, the Eternal Father and in his son, Jesus Christ and in the Holy Ghost.
3. We believe that through the atonement of Christ all mankind may be saved, through obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel.
These are the first and third Articles of Faith. The 13 Articles of Faith are basic statements of what LDS people believe.
The official name of the church is - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We are the Church of Jesus Christ. We believe that we are the same church that existed in the time of Christ . We are the same church that He established on the Earth in Ancient times. Joseph Smith through divine inspiration from God the Father and Jesus Christ restored the gospel and re-established it on the earth for this dispensation. We believe in Jesus Christ from the New testament. We also Believe in the Book of Mormon- which is another Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is the testament from people who lived in the America's, whom he visited after the resurrection.
Check out Mormon.org for more information on our beliefs.
I had a thought of one more thing to help you. Here is the text from a Dcoument titled- "The Living Christ" This document was written by our Frist Presidency (the prophet and his counselors) and the Twelve Apostles, it is their testimony of the Jesus Christ. I urge you to read this- you may even be able to request a copy for yourself on Mormon.Org.
2007-04-06 12:00:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I am LDS, what moonman said is true. However, we are human just like everyone else, some people make all mormons look bad, because they made a mistake. Just like in every religion in the world, there are people that are trying hard to live it, and those who choose not to.
When I was growing up, we had a saying in Utah;
The church is perfect,but the people aren't.
If you would like to know more check out
http://www.lds.org or
We also have representatives that will come visit you and answer your questions.
2007-04-04 16:55:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Yes Mormons are basically a good people. They do believe in Jesus as far as I know. Being Mormon is a way of life not only a religion. People of all religions can be bad people
2007-04-04 13:37:21
answer #11
answered by Carole D 3