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God said "An eye for an eye ..... , a life for a life." Which means if someone hurts you, you should hurt them. But then Jesus said that this is wrong and you should "Turn the other cheek" and forgive. Kinda contridicts each other. Which would you believe - Jesus who is just some guy who is supposed to send out God's words and messages, but ends up changing them anyway or God, who is omnipotent, omniscient and pretty much perfect?
Also, some Christians believe that if you are not a Christian then you don't go to heaven because Christianity is the only right religion, but what if you are wrong and another religion, say Wicca, is the right religion and all the people that have dedicated their lives to Christianity end up going to hell? How do you know it is the right religion?
Where were the dinosaurs in the Genesis creation story? Do NOT tell me that the fossils were sent down by God to test peoples faith in Him. Bull!
Why is Christianity sexist?
What if God is a woman?

2007-04-04 11:45:47 · 27 answers · asked by PeachyPies 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

... Some Christians say God doesn't have a sex, if so why do you refer to God as He?
Where is the proof that God exists? Have you ever personally met him, have you ever said hello? I haven't - if I did I certainly would believe.
I am only 15, please do not report this question - I want to learn. Please do not try converting me - that really annoys me, it is my choice what my religion is, I don't need to be presurised into anything. If I choose a religion and it makes me happy then fine and if I rot in hell for it at least I was happy when I was alive.

2007-04-04 11:50:22 · update #1

I am Agnostic, so if people can give me proof, I am happy to believe!

2007-04-04 11:51:28 · update #2

27 answers

Using the Bible and asking for proof is a bit like reading history and then compare it to what really happened. The Bible is full of allegory and verse and was never meant to be read as a factual document. The reality of believe even when one is an atheist or agnostic is that the person themselves besides within their own mind what reality is. Either the atheist nor the believer can know if what they believe it is true or invention of their subconscious. In this way you do a disservice to mankind by mocking those around you who may very well be right, or simply as misguided and you are.

2007-04-11 23:10:34 · answer #1 · answered by Boston Bluefish 6 · 0 1

Wow, these are a lot of questions. I commend you for looking for answers. These are similar to the same questions I once asked.
I'll give them a try.
You asked:
Which would you believe - Jesus who is just some guy who is supposed to send out God's words and messages, but ends up changing them anyway or God, who is omnipotent, omniscient and pretty much perfect?
I'll answer this from a Christian perspective. The fact is, the Old Law was too hard to follow. It led to many people following the Law to the letter, but not loving God while doing that. If you note some of the other things that Jesus said, He brought attention to the hypocrisy of the religious leaders of the time: The Pharisees.
Christians are NEVER supposed to take the Law into their own hands. We are supposed to forgive, because God forgives US.

You asked:
How do you know it [Christianity] is the right religion?

There are too many truths in the Bible to believe otherwise. Although there are many things which have not been corroborated by archaeology and history, there are many MORE that have.
And this is also where faith comes in. Either Jesus was a liar (which means that His disciples died horrible deaths for nothing) or He was crazy, or...He was telling the truth! Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." I don't believe He was a liar, or that He was crazy. It would take too long to explain why, but if you would like to contact me, I would gladly share with you.

You asked:
Where were the dinosaurs in the Genesis creation story?

What do you mean, why weren't they mentioned specifically? A lot of animals aren't mentioned specifically. However, look at Job. The events there took place shortly after Genesis 14. Job is the closest mention of dinosaurs you'll find anywhere in the Bible.

You asked:
Why is Christianity sexist?

I don't believe it is. Can you give me examples of where it's sexist? I'm afraid I can't give a decent rebuttal, if there are no specifics.

You asked:
What if God is a woman?

I believe that God is both male and female, and yet neither. I refer to God as a "He" simply because that's what is widely accepted, and because the male is known as the more dominant of the two sexes. I used to refer to God as It, but I'm afraid that became rather confusing. I think of God as having many different facets. This means that God is male and female; black and white (and every shade in between); and both human and distinctly BEYOND human. He is eternal, and simply beyond what our finite minds can comprehend. It's easier to comprehend a male or female entity, rather than one which contains aspects of both, and yet neither, all at once.

Will add more when I see your other questions. I hope some of this helps.

You asked:
Where is the proof that God exists? Have you ever personally met him, have you ever said hello? I haven't - if I did I certainly would believe.

The simple answers are:
There isn't any (proof of God's existence).
No (I have not "met" God), not in a concrete sense.

However. I HAVE seen miracles. Not faux Benny Hinn kind of miracles, but REAL bonafide inexplicable MIRACLES. And I saw these before I was ever a Christian.
I have seen too many other things that have convinced me that there IS something beyond what we can sense with our five senses.
Have I "met" God? No. But I have "seen" the hand of God, and I have "felt" the presence of God in my own life.

You didn't ask for my advice. But I would like to give you some nonetheless, simply because I've been where you are now. My advice is this: Take it to God. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to PROVE to you that He exists. Don't ask for anything unreasonable like Him coming down to you and saying "Boo", but just a sign, ANY sign. Ask Him to open up your eyes so you can see Him. Ask Him to give you the wisdom to understand.

I did exactly what I'm advising you to do. THAT is how I can now say I'm a Christian. But it's up to you. I can't convert you. Only you can do that.

2007-04-04 12:07:33 · answer #2 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 4 0

lets tackle this in a logical way right? the father , the son and the holy spirit make ONE. God had sent his son to be the ultimate sacrifice, giving him the power and authority to do his will. are you still with me?In this capacity, Jesus's word was God's word. so Jesus couldnt change Gods will.... it was Gods will to start with! Everything Jesus said was what God was saying. (picture God holding the mic and Jesus being the speaker box!!)
in the story of creation, God took day to create animals and birds etc right? so why not dinosaurs? the bible doesnt give a list of which animals were created, nor plants , trees or birds!. if its an animal then it was created on the day he created animals. neither does it say that they animals created were fixed to that state. he could well have created animals with the capacity to evolve. whats so hard about that if you are God? you dont really need faith to categorise all of creation into the 7days.
about the sexism?
i think people assume that God is male coz he created adam "in is own image" and "to his likeness" and since adam was male it is an obvious assumption that so is God.
finally at the end of it all. if you have lived your life as a christian and you get to the pearly gates and find wiccas or muslims then you are screwed arent you? there isnt much you can do about it that late. but think how you will kick yourself if you get there and find st. peter and you lived your life not believing!

2007-04-09 04:47:43 · answer #3 · answered by nchimurulz 2 · 1 0

as christian belief that should turn other cheek fed up with this eye for an eye it just prolongs the aggression and also as christian a member of many denominations hope that I take the right road and if don't will reap the benefit (hope its not painful) ..and to god being a woman do you really think woman would make so many errors think not quite happy to have man carry burden for a change sorry if that's sexist but beside every man is good woman ....and as to fossils we also have free will so make up own mind its not a sin to disbelieve your choice good luck in future whatever you choose

2007-04-10 05:12:25 · answer #4 · answered by bobonumpty 6 · 1 0

A million questions? that's a good sign. If you are searching I take it you want truth, something you can put your trust in. The eye for an eye vs what Jesus said does sound contradictory. The thing is one comes from the time before Christ and man was to live according to the "Law". Thus the eye for an eye was part of the consequences for those who did not follow the law. As hard as man tried he failed and could not live up to the standard of the law because of sin which entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Then God sent His Son Jesus to fulfill the law which He did, He lived a life and never once committed a sin.Because He was sinless He was the only acceptable sacrifice to God for the sins of the world. We all need to have our sins forgiven in order to get to heaven. This can only be accomplished by accepting God's gift (Jesus) and asking forgiveness and making Him Lord of our life. When we do that God tells us He will send His Holy Spirit to come and dwell in the heart of the believer. We are then able to have access to God through prayer and because we have had our sins forgiven we can stand before God as cleansed by the blood of Christ and accepted into heaven.If you wish to know further why Christianity is the "only way" etc email me.

2007-04-04 12:02:30 · answer #5 · answered by Steiner 6 · 4 2

The Old Testament was composed before the Buddha came on the scene.

Jesus came after both.

Hence Torah -> (Buddha) -> Jesus ('turn the other cheek').

The Buddha was known as the "Teacher of gods & men" (satthaa deva manussaanam).

Deities, like people, are subject to change, I feel & think (from a Buddhist perspective).

Ideally this change is in a positive direction, in which good states increase & unwholesome ones decrease; for one's own good & that of others.

I think His portrayal as male, is fairly arbitrary.

A 'male', although not ideal, is probably more easy to relate to, conceptually, than something 'neuter'.

Best Wishes,

A. R.

2007-04-12 08:29:31 · answer #6 · answered by goodfella 5 · 0 1

a belief is just that, a belief. one can choose to believe it or not. to believe without proof is called faith. most religions ask you to believe in something for which they have no proof.
if you are prepared to believe what they tell you must have faith. or you could study humanism and get a real life based on your own experience and empirical evidence. you could choose many other non religious paths to reach the same conclusion: zen, stoicism, whatever. the choice is yours. use all your senses and make your own decision, stick with it and never be intimidated by the snake-oil salesmen out there

2007-04-06 11:24:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Dear Child!You must not worry more about your bad spellings but about confused thinking.You are trying to discuss so many divergent ideas which are flashing in your mind.Since they are having little interrelationship, you must touch them with pair of tongs.Christaity was a transitory phase of Judaism to reduce the ferrocity of their character and create compassion naturally required from a human beings and create a relationship between man and God which had been overshadowed due to lust for money and permiscuousness in the society.The teachings of Christ were for Jews only and for a limited period of time after which they had to lose relevance and attraction.Christain society of modren age is sexist because of lost moral code due world wars.In what context you are questioning the gender of God?

2007-04-12 04:18:51 · answer #8 · answered by shahinsaifullah2006 4 · 0 1

Nobody can give you any proof.
Is just like that!
As for "an eye for an eye...", it does NOT belong to the Christian belief, but to the hebrew one. We Christians believe in Jesus' teachings. The Salomonic law is hebrew. The Genesis is also hebrew, not Christian.

I can see a bit of confusion in what you say, but is fine with me. The important thing is you are coherent with your beliefs/opinions, and that's what matters.
Let me say, however, I have observed this tendency to assume Christians believe in all the Bible say, many times. (which is a mistake)

2007-04-04 12:51:51 · answer #9 · answered by felipelotas1 3 · 3 0

I don't think I've ever questioned another religion the way you and many others question christianity. I studied other religions to learn about them and that's all. All Christians believe that the only way to get to heaven is by accepting Jesus Christ as you personal Savior. "I am the way, the light, and the truth, no one will come to the Father but through me." Jesus was not a prophet. He is and was and always will be God the Son who became man for a season to live amongst us. And yes, the bible tells us that whoever is not saved will go to hell. That is not my word, but God's. And everyone has the choice of God or themselves.
As for the eye for an eye. The Mosaic law did teach an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth (Exodus 21:24). But over time religious teachers moved this command out of its proper sphere (a principle limiting retribution for the civil government) and put it in the wrong sphere (as an obligation in personal relationships).

b. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also: Here, Jesus presents the fullness of the eye for an eye law, and how its idea of limiting revenge extends into the principle of accepting certain evil against one’s self.

i. When a person insults us (slaps you on the right cheek) we want to give them back what they gave to us, plus more. Jesus says we should patiently bear such insults and offences, and not resist an evil person who insults us this way. Instead, we trust God to defend us.

ii. It is wrong to think Jesus means evil should never be resisted. Jesus demonstrated with His life that evil should and must be resisted, such as when He turned tables in the temple.

iii. It is wrong to think that Jesus means a physical attack cannot be resisted or defended against. When Jesus speaks of a slap on your right cheek, that was culturally understood as a deep insult, not a physical attack. Jesus does not mean that if someone hits across the right side of our head with a baseball bat, we should allow them to then hit the left side.

iv. It is also wrong to think Jesus means that there is no place for punishment or retribution in society. Jesus here speaks to personal relationships, and not to the proper functions of government in restraining evil (Romans 13:1-4). I must turn my cheek when I am personally insulted, but the government has a responsibility to restrain the evil man from physical assault.

v. Jesus also displayed the principle behind the law in His trials before the Sanhedrin and Pilate. He showed that we are to let God defend our case, not ourselves.

2007-04-04 11:57:35 · answer #10 · answered by VW 6 · 4 2

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