1.) Read the "If you died right now, are you 100% sure you would go to Heaven?" below
2.) Read you bible!!!!!
3.) Pray and ask God to help you with this!!!!!
4.) Find a good Church.
5.)Start lisson to some at Sermons http://ironsharp.com/ or http://cmrbc.org/
"If you died right now, are you 100% sure you would go to Heaven?
There are basically four things you need to understand from the Bible to have the assurance that when YOU die YOU will go to Heaven.
Romans 3:23 - "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."
The reason we come short of God's glory (God's righteousness or perfect nature) is because "all have sinned". "All" includes me and it also includes you. Sin is nothing more than disobeying God - it's not just murdering or stealing. For example, Adam and Eve ate from the tree that God told them not to touch - that was the first sin. So the first thing you must do is agree with the Bible and admit to God that you are a sinner.
Romans 6:23a - "For the wages of sin is death;"
By wages, the Bible means penalty or debt. There are consequences for our sin. Just as a criminal must face punishment for his crime, so must we pay a penalty for our sin. This penalty is death - an eternal death which is also called the Second Death.
Revelation 20:14 - 15 - "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."
Secondly, you must realize that if you die in your sins, then you must pay the penalty for sin by dying in Hell - forever.
Romans 6:23 - "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Although sin brings eternal death, God wants to give us eternal life. You must realize that you cannot gain eternal life by going to church, being baptized, or by just being a good person. As a matter of fact, it is a gift of God. You can't buy or earn your way to Heaven. Eternal life is obtained through Jesus Christ alone.
John 14:6 - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Romans 5:8 - "But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
So the third thing you must believe is that Jesus has paid your sin debt by dying for you, and eternal life is only gained through Him.
Although Jesus died to pay everyone's sin debt, not everyone is on their way to Heaven. You must personally receive God's Gift of eternal life. You must believe what Jesus has done for you, and ask Him to save you.
Romans 10:9 - "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10:13 - "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, simply bow your head and humbly:
1. Admit to God that you are a sinner.
2. Tell Him you believe Jesus died for you.
3. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins and save your soul.
4. Then believe that He promised to save you.
John 5:24 - "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life."
If you prayed and asked Jesus to save you, let us know by calling the church office or sending us an email so we can share in your joy." this is on the web at http://cmrbc.org/gospel.html
2007-04-04 09:36:19
answer #1
answered by MadDog 4
First of all, you should be saved. This the first step in developing a relationship with God. Then, you should take time out for him, so that your relationship would grow. You can do this by reading and studying his word, praying and communicating with him, through worship, and etc., as long as it's pleasing in his sight. Now, you have to want to do this. No one can force this upon you. Just like you, I've been brought up in a Christian home and I don't always do the things that Christians should do, but I strive to each and every day.
2007-04-12 08:25:47
answer #2
answered by ♥Ms. Allison♥ 3
The idea of being Christian for most people is contingent on accepting Jesus death and resurrection as payment for their sins. The reason that so many people don't feel saved is because they have not experienced transformation. No I do not mean transformation of the mystical type. I mean transformation of lifestyle and your likes and dislikes. I mean feeling better about yourself and the world you live in. I mean attaining knowledge and understanding of Christ as a person with some of your same struggles and opportunities and understanding the decisions he made that made him great, those who followed him great and the world better. We believe that salvation is self - actualization. This means discovering your inner divinity, the gifts and talents that this divinity has given you, and perpetuating those gifts to help others. When you have this beloved, you will have salvation.
Pastor Faraji Talib of the Fellowship of Seekers
2007-04-04 10:58:41
answer #3
answered by pastorfaraji 1
Well, you sound about the way I used to be. The Bible tells us that God spits lukewarm Christians out of His mouth. That would be, everyone who calls themselves Christian, but don't live the life or desire to have a relationship with Him. That was me. I was born and raised in the Episcopal church. Went to Sunday school, youth group, and youth retreats, but didn't really pray and rarely opened a Bible.
My advice to you would be to take a long look at your life. What are some of the things you're doing-the sins? Are you truly happy? Do you want to know God?
If you answered that you want to know God, confess your sins to Him, ask Him to forgive you, and then turn completely away (repent) from your old way of life. Ask God to help you start a new life and reconstruct your heart. I'll keep you in my prayers. God bless.
2007-04-04 10:11:56
answer #4
answered by Evan S 4
Suppose you'd met a person who really impressed you, and you wanted to develop a relationship with that person, what woud you do?
You'd spend as much time as you could getting to know them, wouldn't you? You'd talk with them as often as you could, remembering to let them have their say, as well, wouldn't you?
You'd make arrangements to meet them, say, for dinner, so that you could spend time getting to know one another.
After awhile, your friendship will develop, and sooner or later, you'll be so close it will be hard to tell where one leaves off and the other begins.
It's the same with Christ. The only way to develop a personal relationship with Him is to spend time with Him, talking to Him and learning from Him.
As you do this, you will go from thinking you are saved to knowing it. You will not mind so much spending time with a few of His other friends, because you will learn to see through one another and still enjoy the view. You will want to read, not only the Bible, but any and every other written word that might help you to get to know your New Friend even better. You will lose interest in some of the things you enjoy, because he things He is teaching you will be even more fun. You will want to talk to Him at every opportunity (we call that praying), and you will want to give Him a chance to talk to you, too (that would be worship).
Like any other relationship, a personal relationship with Christ takes time and effort. He's put in His time and His effort to reconcile you to Himself. Now it's your turn.
2007-04-04 09:38:21
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Well, I think in part you are part of the reasons that Christians are called hypocrites.
If you don't read the bible, live by the word, go to church and worship then you are not a christian.
You should take advantage of the fact that you have been saved and start to live the right way.
Don't take advanatage of the fact that we are forgiven. You are only truely forgiven if your repent and change your life.
2007-04-04 09:30:18
answer #6
answered by The Voice Of Reason 4
Surrender your heart and mind to Jesus. To develop a personal relationship with Him, you must pray and seek His way. You must read the Bible daily to understand how to live.
Give your life to Jesus today. Begin worshipping Him with a sincere heart.
Just because you were raised that way it doesn't mean that you are saved.
2007-04-04 09:28:00
answer #7
answered by CuriousGirl 4
Numbers 23:19
God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?
God makes good on what He can do but He's waiting for you.
First off, understand that you can un-save yourself and based on your past action and what the Bible says about Knowing a tree by the fruit it bears, you a in a back-slidden state.
So therefore, recommit your entire life to God by accepting Jesus in your heart and asking for forgiveness of your sins and repent. Get involved in a Bible-believing, Holy Ghost filled church. Read God's Word and apply it to your life. You should always be able to find yourself in God's Word good or bad. Ask God for revelation knowledge over yourself and allow Holy Spirit to guide you in everything you do. He is that still, small voice that you hear b/f doing something against God's Will and leads you in the right direction. And most of all Pray,Pray ,Pray!
Be blessed!!
2007-04-04 10:05:00
answer #8
answered by sweet_classy_lady_2000 2
1 Timothy 1:12-16, Apostle Paul speaks about how he was a great sinner and how he obtained mercy and grace from our Lord Jesus Christ, and that Jesus came into the World to save sinners not to condemn them. It doesn't matter what you done.
John 11:25,26- "I am the resurrection and the life he who believes in me though he may die, he shall live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
John 14:6 "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me".
Act 4:12 "Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved".
Every person reaching the age of accountability, who is given the opportunity to make a choice between having God as his Spiritual Father by accepting Jesus as his Lord and Savior or having Satan as his spiritual head by rejecting Jesus. Jesus is God's only way for man to be saved.
Just say this prayer:
Dear God,
I come to you with a humble heart and with gratitude for sending your Son Jesus Christ to take away my sin that I might have right-standing with you. I accept Jesus now as my Savior and Lord, and I turn from my past life to a renewed life in you through Jesus.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you now for accepting me as your child. You said in your word that if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, I would be saved
(Romans 10:9). I have just made this confession. I believe your word; I believe that I am now saved and I thank you for the gift of Salvation in Jesus Name.
This is your assurance of Salvation, so confess and believe. Also keep the Faith!!! GOD BLESS
2007-04-04 13:09:09
answer #9
answered by 12isthyway 3
It is not our actions that save us, but our faith and trust in Christ.
Until you hunger for more, then trying to suggest reading the Bible might be fruitless. However, it can't ever hurt a person. Try it as a challenge.
PS - We all do sinful things. Not one human on this planet could save himself. Christ is needed for that.
2007-04-04 09:29:46
answer #10
answered by Molly 6
First of all, being a true Christian requires you do the above and a lot more. For this reason the Bible says at John 17:3 "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." Thus, by personally studying the Bible, we are listening to what God has to say to us. Doing that draws us closer to him and helps us to deal with the day-to-day problems about which we pray.
The apostle Paul explained that it is ‘God’s will that all sorts of men should come to an accurate knowledge of the truth.’ (1 Tim. 2:4) Such help can be provided by means of the congregation which can enable one to learn what it means to gain everlasting Life. If your motive is to learn the truth about God and his purposes, what they are doing is highly commendable. (Acts 17:11) But, being honest with ourselves, are we truly going to grasp the full significance of it all without help? The Bible tells about a man who held a prominent position but who was humble enough to acknowledge his need for help in understanding Bible prophecy. That help was provided by a member of the Christian congregation.—Acts 8:26-38; compare other references to Philip in Acts 6:1-6; 8:5-17.
Could we have a good personal relationship with God if we treated as of little importance his commandments? One of these is that we regularly assemble with fellow believers.—Heb. 10:24, 25.
In conclusion, with the problems you now face, the Bible can help when we read its instructions and view the things that God hates. It reads: "You have loved righteousness and you hate wickedness."—Ps. 45:7.
True, the unrighteous desires of the flesh can be strong. (Rom. 7:19, 20) Still, if righteousness is precious to us, as it was prophetically said of Jesus, this will strengthen us against wickedness. (Ps. 119:165) A deep love of righteousness will shield us when we are confronted by what is wrong. (Prov. 4:4-6) Remember, whenever we give in to temptation, we give Satan a victory. How much better to resist him and give the victory to God [Jehovah]! (Prov. 27:11; Jas. 4:7, 8) Because they seek righteousness, true Christians are “filled with righteous fruit, which is through Jesus Christ, to God’s glory and praise.” (Phil. 1:10, 11) They put on “the new personality which was created according to God’s will in true righteousness and loyalty.” (Eph. 4:24) They belong to Jehovah and live to serve him, not to please themselves.—Rom. 14:8; 1 Pet. 4:2.
2007-04-04 10:06:55
answer #11
answered by jvitne 4