I have never seen or felt the effects of the gaps between electrons or antimatter but they exist and their existence makes perfect sense. Even Occam's razor, although powerful can not slice them out of existence.
However, Occam's razor got God a long time ago.
2007-04-04 08:09:15
answer #1
answered by NONAME 4
A speaker once titled a lecture "when racism and genocide is OK". His point was that if evolution is true and there is no God, then it's perfectly reasonable to treat other "lesser" races like animals, because they evolved slower then us.
Also, if there is no God, then how can it be wrong for the strongest group to do whatever it pleases in the name of survival? If these things are wrong, if there is some unwritten law that transcends all humanity, then who wrote that law?
The US bill of rights, states that we have "inalienable" rights. We'd all agree that things like murder are wrong, because we have an inalienable right to live. We believe that this right is from a power with higher authority than any government, but if that's so, then by who's authority is this right based on? Did mankind really come up with universal laws that govern them, yet are above them? We readily believe many things like this that pertain to basic moral issues and then question the possibility of a being who could make these standards. By our own moral standards and beliefs, we endorse the concept of a supreme being. If there is no God, then moral standards are foolish and "whatever is, is good" and we can justify rape, murder, genocide, slavery, and many other evil acts.
A world without God would literally be Hell on earth. However, despite many people who live like there is no God, the world we live in logically points to a moral creator who has imprinted His laws in our conscience.
2007-04-04 08:47:32
answer #2
answered by scyrocco 3
I doubt that this post will do much good, I find that people who don't believe in God are usually totally irrational... but why not, here I have a logical reason to believe in God
People do not fight like animals they quarrel. They appeal to some "rule" or "moral baseline" and show you are in the wrong. You hear "give me some of your orange and I will give you some of my apple" If the person betrays you, you will never hear "to hell with your standard I dont believe in keeping my word" instead you will hear "Your orange was rotten and small it didnt deserve a trade"
All societies have rules, people behave by the rules. What country would you find ALL people being proud of backstabbing their loved ones ALL the time? Think real hard here, there is a rule. You might be thinking of people who are Crazy Muslim, or schitzophrenic, but if you are honest, you will recognize those people are a low percentage exception to the rule.
You might be tempted to say: societies that backstabbed each other died and so we evolved out of them. Okay, if that were true and we evolved, you should see a society where it was a crime to be sick and a lesser offense to steal or cheat. If we really evolved, a society centered around physical purity and evolution would result, and since we dont have that, we obviously didn't evolve. Read Samuel Butlers Erehwon to see better what I mean.
Since we all believe in rules and we didnt evolve who put that there? What would make people follow good behavior and tend to know the difference between right and wrong? There is only one explination: God.
Now that might or might not be the God of Christanity, but you didnt ask, you just asked if it was possible to prove there is a higher power. You might also look into "mere christanity"
2007-04-04 08:21:42
answer #3
answered by Philip_Comer 3
Believing in SUPER POWER is so logic and NATURAL. But it's not easy to explain, some brains cant accept it. I was very good in maths and I could easily made the sums. Some of my friends at school was so bad in understanding that it was so easy for me; And mind you it was difficult for me ( also for the teacher) to make them understood and did the sum correctly; What the school do : there were 4 different group of class, depend on what they're incline good at. I was also good in drawing, but one of my son is loaded with this talent. It's not easy to follow his hand. So my husband and the other 2 sons who cant even draw a straight line, just accept the youngest as "being" that way. My point here is, If you think you were born w/o a faith gene, you can either try to learn or accept it as being the way you are. (Like if people cant swim they learn to swim but if they fell to a deep lake, don't panic your body will naturally move the right way ---> many babies survive). One day, if you are in peace within yrself in regard of faith, I believe you will find "something" which is very usefull for you.
2016-05-17 06:16:21
answer #4
answered by ? 3
Religion places emphasis on belief and faith as central tenets to the 3 major “monotheistic” religions of the West, which you mention. If you have difficulty with this type of belief system, you can perhaps try bypassing “standard” faith by simply acknowledging your own existence as “proof” of God. Meaning, recognize the impossibility of any creation without a Creator. Personally, I have found this very helpful in my own spiritual journey. What’s useful is that this approach doesn’t involve any great leap of faith, rather a change in mindset that requires giving up asking the age-old question in which so many of us get stuck (i.e., “Where’s God?”), and instead accepting God as the Primary Cause, the only Ultimate Reality, and essentially our only Eternal Companion.
I will state that developing this mindset can be a gradual process for some, one which involves cultivation through things like prayer, meditation, and discussion with like-minded friends in a supportive and spiritually safe environment.
I wish you success in your journey.
2007-04-04 08:22:38
answer #5
answered by GefilteFish 2
This is hard to explain. The thing is, you CAN'T make yourself believe in a being you have never experienced. I believe because I have seen and felt and heard and known and experienced him. I was 27 years old, when I "met" him. It was a thing that happened inside my mind and had no outward sights or sounds that would be evidence to anyone but me. Since then, though, I can't help but believe, as I believe in anything else that I know by experience.
The question I have had to consider is this: Why did God not "get in touch" with me sooner than he did? Why does he not "touch" us all? I've had 20 years to think about this. I've also had long discussions on the subject with my sister, who is like you an agnostic. My sister said one of the wisest things I've ever heard about faith. She said, "You can't just say -- Oh, I guess I want some faith -- and go out and get it, like getting a quart of milk. Faith can't be manufactured. It can only be received as a gift."
That's it, she's right. We can only believe in God when we have actually experienced the reality of him. We can only have that experience by being completely open to receive it. If it took God 27 years to "get in touch" with me, it is because I had put up barriers to the experience. I may have thought that I wanted to meet him -- I may have said, "If you're there, why don't you let me know". But meanwhile, I had put up mental, emotional, and psychological barriers that were keeping him out.
My sister is an honest agnostic, not the sort who puts it on as a pose to annoy and dig at religious people. She understands that I believe because of some experience I have had, which I am unable to convey to her. I understand that I can't transfer my knowledge to her -- that she will have to find her own introduction to God, when she is really ready to let him in. We respect each other and leave it at that.
2007-04-04 08:28:30
answer #6
answered by Maria E. 3
I am afraid you cannot use logic. It is a matter of faith and belief. I believe there is no god, so atheism is my religion. You may never find faith in any religion, in which case you will remain agnostic. Or you may begin to believe in one of the multitude of religions out there, in which case you will become whatever that religion is. Or you may form a new religion altogether. But still, you will not be able to do so with logic alone. To anyone who disagrees with me, I have been able to come up with two logical scenarios, one which ends with there must be a god, and the other with there cannot be a god. I won't bother posting them since together they will eat up too much time and space. Besides, most of you will probably have seen them before. Since logic can be used to both prove and disprove the existence of god, then, logically, one cannot use logic to find the correct answer.
2007-04-04 08:21:08
answer #7
answered by seattlefan74 5
Rene DesCartes, famous and prolific 17th Century philosopher, scientist, and writer, gave the perfect logical reason, in his theory that has a forgettable name but astounding premise:
There are four possibilities.
You believe, and you are right. You go to heaven.
You believe and are wrong. No pain, no gain, it's a done deal.
You don't beleive, and you're right. OK fine.
You don't believe, and you're wrong.
You suffer the ETERNAL fires of hell.
DesCartes didn't beleive half of the nonsense he put forth, in that he had to find ways to make the spiritual mental part of ourselves somehow magically apart from but dominant over our bodily functions. (Too long to go into, look up the four humours, etc.)
So, the man was using logic left and right to back up the Churh, under whose auspices he not only worked, but managed to keep his head (unlike Copernicus, who was indeed executed by the Church, and Galileo, who would have also been beheaded if he did not recant his vast scientific knowledge).
So, even if DesCartes did not believe his own logical fallacy,
it is a beautifully rendered reason to go along with the Institution that has performed Inquisitions, etc.
and to maybe even convince you to believe.
Just In Case.
Think God wouldn't be fooled- think he would know the differnece between "just in case" and "earnest"?
Then don't try it.
It was all a bunch of crap anyway! LOL
2007-04-04 08:13:04
answer #8
answered by starryeyed 6
You can be spiritual and not religious.I dont consider myself religious at all. But i do believe that there is something bigger than I , our creator. I have issues with some religious organizations to me they cause a majority of the worlds ills. Some religious organizations have also become another form a big business ,the more people a church can recruit the more money the church recieves. I an comfortable believeing that there is a creator , what it is or isnt is not important. Whose to say the christians are wrong the muslims are wrong the buddhist are wrong etc..... As long as u believe in something that doesnt harm or degrade some one else then no one should knock you.
2007-04-04 08:18:31
answer #9
answered by acc_fan_terps 1
So whe yo ask for a logical reason are you asking why YOU should believe, or a logical reason why I believe.
I saw my briother saved from an accident that parametics said he should be in a coma. He walked away without a scratch on him, and underneath the driver seat was a coin with prayer and a picture of an angel,
And my most undeniable feelings are more reasonings to me.
But the thing is my logic, migh be absured to the next.
so that's why I cannot tell you why you should believe.
Looka t your life, and look for the magic, and decide from there.
HAve a bright and sunny day :)
2007-04-04 08:11:23
answer #10
answered by danksprite420 6
Because I cannot conceive of "the beginning of time". There has always been something before, even if there was nothing going on, there is still a time before. The very concept of infinity in real life makes me believe that time runs in both directions - it is in that way that God is eternal, and this is evidence for me.
But, if you want PROOF, the Bible, somewhere says something like: You don't have to believe without seeing, but blessed are those who do not see and yet believe. It also says; knock and the door shall be opened to you. So keep praying, and you WILL receive the answer you need.
2007-04-04 08:11:01
answer #11
answered by thedavecorp 6