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7 answers

Sin is stuff that moves you away from God. This can be from small stuff to big stuff.

Small stuff --- "Despair." When you fall into a state of unhappiness, you're sinning because God wants you to be happy because you're a child of God. "Anger" - When you hold anger in your heart again you're blocking out the love of God --- weather this anger stems from that dude who cut you off on the freeway to being mad at someone steeling your car; anger is leading you away from God. (Venial sins)

Big Stuff --- Well, any of the Ten Commandments "Steeling, Killing, Raping, Coveting, Beating, Adultry, Fornication ...ect". Sin like everything else takes practice. So those who do these big sins (Mortal sins) probably have practiced tons of the small sins to get here. Kinda like a "Donought" isn't going to make you fat. In fact a dozen donoughts won't make you fat ... but a dozen donoughts a day for a year will make you fat.

We each have our own weakness and Christan's call this the "Cross we bear". Each step we take away from God add's weight to the cross we have to bring back to God. Confession lightens the burdon ... however, some dump it and then pick it up again. Ah, that's between them and God & the ppl the hurt with their actions.

2007-04-03 09:18:35 · answer #1 · answered by Giggly Giraffe 7 · 1 0

we all sin even if we try very hard not to no one but Jesus has ever neem sinless. anger is sin and lust desiremost likely at least if it is for something not yours. lieing even a small harmless lie shall I go on. it is imposible to never sin so we must always remeber to admite it and ask forgiveness. it is against God not just men.

2007-04-03 16:13:56 · answer #2 · answered by Mim 7 · 1 0

it is also the truth. my body like sin, the world lives in sin. i would be a total hypocrite by saying, I believe on Christ and now I dont sin. Christ is working with my heart on the items I need to work on.

2007-04-03 16:11:20 · answer #3 · answered by nolet93 3 · 1 0

Yes, Sun, although you have a lot of sarcasm, that is exactly right....good job!
Nobody is perfect, we are ALL sinners.

2007-04-03 16:11:58 · answer #4 · answered by AJM 5 · 1 1

Its human nature.

2007-04-03 16:11:06 · answer #5 · answered by logank1469 2 · 1 0

everyone "sins," christians just needed a loop hole to get to heaven.

2007-04-03 16:16:24 · answer #6 · answered by ♥willow♥ 7 · 0 2

Well they aren't perfect, you know. That's the answer they always give.

2007-04-03 16:09:15 · answer #7 · answered by Sun: supporting gay rights 7 · 1 2

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