Funny that you claim that. Because here is everything that the jesus-myth said about gays in the bible:
Your claims that he spoke out against gays is void. What he spoke of, regarding marriage, most christians ignore. Like his tenets against divorce...and yet, we have a 50% divorce rate among christians, and no outcry!
Xians shriek about gay marriage claiming that gays will ruin it. HUH? Look at it now! You claim ownership over the institution that you say is sanctified, but that is little more than a joke. It's already many of you!
I could list the many, many NT tenets that christians ignore regularly, but you really have gall to claim that he spoke against gays. Saul of Tarsus spoke against them, and women. But, of course, you ignore the anti-female laws (in 1Cor and 1Tim, among many others) and seek to enforce the anti-gay ones, in your usual double-speak hypocrisy.
When does the hypocrisy end? Why lie to make a point??
7 answers
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Society & Culture
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Cindy said: " Never said Jesus addressed the issue...but God did!"
Thanks Cindy. Ah, the Old Testament. God also said that women are worth less than men, that they are filthy and unclean during their periods, slavery is ok, that children should be stoned, that sabbath workers should be killed, that you can sell your daughter into slavery, and rapists should marry their victims.... SO, honey-kins, what cherry-picking shall we do in the Old Testament...what shall we kepp, and what shall we throw away? Just those parts that allow you to hate and discriminate the people you choose to?? Please. Get real.
09:23:29 ·
update #1