i think you know the answer to this and you are just looking for some good excuse to do it. I believe it is a sin, but that won't make a big difference in if you go to heaven or not.
2007-04-03 08:27:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No not at all. If you are going to bring up the body is our temple thing, then i think you should look at the fast food and sweets you eat, and see those have permanent damage, including causing you to die sooner, be obese, and many other problems. Tattoos only are hurting you for a week, tops. less if you take care of them. Plus if you want to have an evangelistic one, well that speaks volumes towards a witness, if you are authentic that is. I have one, as as a pastor some people question it, but i did it for the right reasons, and i have got to open many conversations as a result of my tattoo. if you wish to do it, pray about it obviously, but do it if you see it as right.
2007-04-03 15:23:41
answer #2
answered by Hafeman 5000 4
Many people will quote Leviticus about tatoos. Leviticus forbids tatoos.
The problem with that is: Leviticus is the book of rules and regulations for Levite Priests.
Not the rest of us poor schmucks.
I'll tell you one thing, I got a tatoo about 10 years ago. It meant a lot to me at that time. Today, I am not that person.
Avoid getting anything "tribal" or anything in a language you don't know. While Chinese symbols are beautiful, unless you know exactly what it means you can't be certain the artist isn't painting "I'm an idiot" on you.
2007-04-03 16:04:10
answer #3
answered by Max Marie, OFS 7
True. It is all about perspective. The Bible says your body is a holy temple. And getting lots of tattoos and piercings could defile it. But I think as Long as You guard your heart and don't get a crazy dragon or something you wont go to hell.
2007-04-03 15:26:39
answer #4
answered by monilesa 1
I do not believe it is. I have never read compelling proof in the Bible. Our Body is the Temple of God, and the tattoo shouldn't be obscene or crass, but we do many things to our bodies that 'damage the temple.' Make sure tattoo is legal in your community and it is safe and regulated and you should be fine.
2007-04-03 15:16:49
answer #5
answered by nom de paix 4
I also ponder this from time to time.
The Bible does say that your body is the temple of God and we are to keep it clean and unmarked.
If that isn't enough then it comes down to your personal convictions.
2007-04-03 15:32:53
answer #6
answered by Amber R 1
I think it's quite pagan in nature.....as the pagans used to mark their own bodies.
Other Christians will probably disagree with me on this
2007-04-03 15:13:43
answer #7
answered by primoa1970 7
Use the standard "cafeteria" approach : Take what you like in religion and ignore the rest.
2007-04-03 15:51:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You mentioned that you have heard different perspectives. Were any of those perspectives based from the scriptures, or from imperfect philosophies and opinions of humans? There were humans that though that going to War in Iraq was a great idea. Those same humans are eating their words. Thousands have died for NOTHING!!! There still is no evidence of WMD, but humans were so sure that they were present in that region and over 3,100 plus soldiers died. How do those parents, who felt great about the war, feel now since their son or daughter died in combat for NOTHING!!! What a waste! This war will carry on into the next Presidential Administration. Even the noblest of people screw up. Here are two scriptures that evaluate whose thoughts we should not put our trust in.
Psalm 146:3, 4: “Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish.”
Proverbs 3:5, 6: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.”
Tattooing, piercing, and cutting existed in Bible times. They were most often practiced by pagan nations in connection with their religion. Understandably, Jehovah forbade his people, the Jews, to imitate those pagans.
Leviticus 19:28: “And YOU must not make cuts in YOUR flesh for a deceased soul, and YOU must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah.”
As God’s own “special property,” the Jews were thus protected from degrading false religious practices. (Deuteronomy 14:2) Yes, we were created with free will. However, this freedom does not come without limits.
1 Peter 2:16: “Be as free people, and yet holding YOUR freedom, not as a blind for badness, but as slaves of God.”
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:12: “All things are lawful for me; but not all things are advantageous.” Paul understood that his freedom as a Christian did not give him license to do whatever he wanted without consideration for others. Love for others influenced his behavior (Galatians 5:13) Keep “and eye, not in personal interest upon just your own matters,” he urged, “but also in personal interest upon those of the others.” (Philippians 2:4) His selfless viewpoint serves as an excellent example to any Christian contemplating some form of body decoration.
Yes, tattoos are popular among many people; you need to ask yourself, ‘what kind of a reaction would such a decoration provoke in the area where I live? Would I be associated with certain fringe elements of society? Might it cast doubt on my “soundness of mind”?’—1 Corinthians 2:12; 10:29-32; Titus 2:12.
Whenever you make decisions, you have to factor not only its advantage in “being with the crowd,” or “being cool amongst your peers,” but also its risks and drawbacks. Certain types of body modifications carry serious medical risks. Tattooing with unsanitary needles has been associated with the spread of hepatitis and HIV. How do you know it is a clean needle that is being used? Skin disorders sometimes result from the dyes used. Piercings can take months to heal and can hurt for much of that time. They can also produce blood poisoning, hemorrhaging, blood clots, nerve damage, and serious infections. Additionally, some procedures are not easily reversed. For example, depending on the size and the color, a tattoo can take several expensive and painful laser sessions to remove. Lifelong scars can result too.
Finally, what message are you trying to get across to others with a tattoo? Despite their popularity among celebrities, body piercings and earrings for men have thus far failed to gain general acceptance in the West. One reason may be that these have long been the hallmark of prison inmates, motorcycle gangs, punk rockers, and members of the homosexual sadomasochistic subculture. For many, body piercing has the connotation of deviance and rebellion.
Little wonder, then, that one well-known American store has a rule that employees having direct contact with customers are restricted to one earring per ear and that all other visible piercings are banned. “You can’t predict how people might react,” explains a company spokeswoman. Career counselors similarly advise male college students applying for a job to wear “no earrings or other body piercing jewelry; women should wear . . . no nose rings.” Yes, it can effect whether or not you get that dream job you want.
Whether or not an individual decides to accept these risks is a personal decision. But one who seeks to please God recognizes that becoming a Christian involves the offering of oneself to God. Our bodies are living sacrifices presented to God for his use. (Romans 12:1) Hence, mature Christians do not view their bodies as their exclusive property to be damaged or defaced at will. Especially those who qualify to take the lead in the congregation are known for their moderate habits, soundness of mind, and reasonableness.—1 Timothy 3:2, 3.
Developing and exercising the Bible-trained power of reason will help Christians avoid the extreme, masochistic practices of this world, which is so hopelessly “alienated from the life that belongs to God.” (Ephesians 4:18) They can thus let their reasonableness shine before all men.—Philippians 4:5.
After all, you are the one who will have to live with the results.
2007-04-05 10:15:55
answer #9
answered by the_answer 5
I don't think so. I don't think it is polluting one's body.
2007-04-03 15:14:05
answer #10
answered by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5