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2007-04-03 06:27:52 · 39 answers · asked by ibruali 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

39 answers

It is against the design of nature. It gives one only the sensuous pleasure and no happiness. It is an apology for those who are scared of true sex which is possible between two opposites only.

2007-04-06 21:19:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

The Simurgh was right by pointing out that the common bible versions in print to this day have been translated numerous times. Can you in 100 per cent certainty claim that since the original transcripts, every single passage is word for word, that nothing has been omitted?
The bible I believe, is our guide to teach us how to be more "Christ like" and for Christian followers this ensures a closer relationship with the the Saviour. Is this not what God wants? I know Revelations briefly condemns 'homosexuality'. I just can't fathom that this amazing creator of the universe would be so - so human.
Why do people use the bible to condemn others? Doesn't that seem like it is a tool which is used to produce hatred, fear, animosity amongst others?
I for one do not see what is so bad in loving a person who happens to be of the same gender.

Obviously this is a question that has been in debate for many many years and it's clear that everyone has their own beliefs, customs, cultures, societies and religions.

To anyone reading these comments - if you happen to be homosexual...do not let bigots and bible bashers bring you down.

Cheers and God Bless you all

2007-04-03 20:51:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

there is nothin bad in homosexuality
u can spend your whole life with the
opposite sex if you get enough of
love n every thing that u need from your
life partner.......
but every thing in life has a particular way
to go about it
and there is a reason behind every particular way
if everyone on this earth becomes a homosexual
then their wont b reproduction n man will extinct
which will be wrong
n that is why it is said that homosexuality is bad.....
anything done against nature is bad.....

2007-04-03 07:27:55 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i guess times are changing and so are rules in society. Like they did in the past.Ancient Greeks did not consider homosexuality wrong.Alexander is rumoured to have been a gay and they were proud to end the domination of women for sexual gratification.But with the advent of christianity and islam it took a backseat.Modern life is too hectic and forward looking to be engrossed with this issue.Human cloning has far reaching repurcussions and the theory of relativity will ensure homosexuality will be treated as a matter of sexual preference just as religion is a matter of one's conscience.It has been established that it is not developed as a habit but is in your genes and hence cannot be changed willfully.I am not supporting homosexuality .I am simply taking a detatched view as it gives a rational resolution of the subject.

2007-04-03 07:14:38 · answer #4 · answered by Ringola 1 · 0 2

Anal sex can be dangerous to your health (Male homosexuals). The act itself tears the tissue inside the anus, which is not as well protected as the skin outside the anus. Anal tissue can tear quite easily, creating openings where bacteria and viruses can enter and cause disease problems, such as anal cancer or HIV/AIDs transmission. Also lots of bacteria live in the anus and they can cause infections.

That would be a scientific reason why homesexuality is bad to our bodies. Most religions point out that homesexuality is wrong because it is unnatural and goes against God's order. Also I don't see the benefits of being homosexual if you believe in evolution. The survival of the fittest would go to a man who could produce more offspring to strengthen his tribe and further prolong his existence. Read any biology book and it will state that one of the purpose of having sexual feelings is to create additional life so balance will remain after we die.

2007-04-03 07:04:57 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 4 1

well, fortunately there is a much smaller percentage of gay people than straight. i only say that because if the world had mostly gay people in it, then it would be pretty hard for humankind to continue, since you need male and female to have children. i have nothing against homosexuality, but since you asked, that is the only thing bad i can see about it.

2007-04-03 06:48:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

God created us differently for a purpose to hell with homosexuals

2014-03-02 19:31:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is not naturally productive for humans. we cannot produce babies by following that act.
For those that say "animals do it"- well they are able to reproduce in that way and it is natural for them. as for us we only go for it in terms of sexual pleasure and are not capable of having any offsprings.
It has been proved, (feel free to search the net by some us scientist) that homosexuality is indeed a mental disorder.
Leave god aside use logic !

2007-04-03 09:06:12 · answer #8 · answered by lazrer 3 · 3 1

the bible we read in church sadly has been edited and reorganized. chapters the church did not like were removed. verses they didn't agree on were altered or removed. you don't see the gospel of thomas in the bible do you? no, why because in the middle ages when it was removed the gospel of Thomas was deemed heretical for it's contention that spirituality is separate of the church. the bible in it's original Greek and Aramaic text contained no reference to homosexuality at all.

there are only 4 verses in the whole bible even mentioning something like homosexuality and all of them have been altered from the original texts the bible is from. jesus came to save the worlds souls, the matters of the flesh are done here and will be left here when you receive your eternal reward.

2007-04-03 06:37:46 · answer #9 · answered by The Simurgh 3 · 4 2

"Homosexuality" does not work, in respect to reproduction and procreation of the species. That is what is wrong with "Homosexuality," from a strictly scientific/biological point of view.

What is wrong with "Homosexuals?" I'm not sure there is anything wrong with "homosexuals," as humans.


2007-04-03 07:06:16 · answer #10 · answered by Hobgoblin Kev 4 · 1 3

If you read the bible you will see that God says its wrong for a man to lay (meaning sex) with another man the way he would a woman. i dont hate gays, i just dont like homosexuality.

also i really would like to know why people automatically say if someone is against homosexuality then they are "homophobic", we are not scared of gays we just believe in what the bible tells us, and it says thats its wrong.

and its not only that God says its wrong, its wrong on many levels, its sticking something in a mans anus that does not belong there for some perverted pleasure. also if everyone turned homosexual the human race would go extinct. does that itself not tell you its wrong?

2007-04-03 06:36:45 · answer #11 · answered by Megan 2 · 5 2

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