I believe that there was a person named Jesus that walked the earth who inspired many people and whose teachings were beneficial to society. Everything else is mythology.
2007-04-03 05:05:56
answer #1
answered by Maria 3
I thought that, too, but now I'm not sure. I read there's no historical proof of a Jesus. From what I've seen, there's not a whole lot that doesn't have a reliable alternative explanation (i.e.-some secular person way back when mentions the word 'Christ' several times but then I learned that the word was used for several different religions to describe their savior/god-man) There are some mentions in a Jewish historians accts (Josephus) but a few have already been proven to be forgeries, one is doubtful so only one mention seems realistic. A lot of what Jesus preaches/teaches is the same as Plato's philosophies.
If there was a human called Jesus, there is nothing recorded about one raising the dead, healing the sick, or performing any 'miracles'.
I'm reading a book called 'The Jesus Mysteries'. It doesn't really say whether Jesus existed or not but it says a lot of other stuff about early Christianity and other religions that is not widely known.
2007-04-03 05:14:37
answer #2
answered by strpenta 7
Usually to believe something exists we require evidence. Bottom line is that there is no evidence that Jesus did in fact exist. No one wrote about him when he was alive, and nothing has ever been found written by him.
On top of that the story of Jesus is not a new one. There were at least 15 other savior myths floating around the same area
at that time in history. Many of them were born of a virgin, healed the sick, claimed to be the son of god, were killed on crosses or trees, and rose from the dead 3 days later.
I would be more than willing to believe in an historical Jesus if any evidence came forward, but until that time, I don't really see a good reason.
2007-04-03 05:11:01
answer #3
answered by V1per41 2
I think that it does not matter if Jesus lived or not, it is the message that counts. I mean the parts that pertain to love and forgiveness and tolerance. I believe that anything that appears to be intolerant or unforgiving has either been mis-interpreted (either by mistake or intentionally), or simply mis-understood. This also goes for most religions.
I am not in any way a Christian, probably more a combination of Atheist, Wiccan and Buddhist (if that is possible, and I think it is). However, I think that people should be able to worship (or not) any way they like, and this includes everyone, even those people who's opinions I strongly disagree with. The way I look at it is we are all free, and we are all free to be what we are, or what we think we are. No-one needs to give us permission, and others do not need our permission.
With Love
Amythyst Future
2007-04-03 05:25:23
answer #4
answered by Amythyst Future 1
The first question is: what do you want to believe about someone who you have no way of knowing except from hearsay.
Because, when you want to see something, you work diligently on finding evidence to support that.
I personally think, due to my personal needs. that Jesus was one of many people killed for thinking in-terms of personal freedom. And became a legend that is completely unlike the truth and never can be brought back to anything near what the truth was. Having said that; who cares? The real issue should be, are the teachings valid anymore? I say no, we have come a long way and need an ethical system that matches our new goals and helps with the new problems, ironically of which most have been caused by holding fast to the old moral system.
2007-04-03 05:13:04
answer #5
answered by Real Friend 6
I think the historicity of a Biblical Jesus is highly problematic. There are some specific stands he is credited with taking on Sabbath keeping, divorce, making peace with real people before making eace with god, all of which which I find useful response to the problems created by the Jewish religion and culture, but I also find it just as likely that converted Hellenized Jews and converted Pagans could have as easily written such challenges to Judiams into Jesus' mouth as part of their cultural campaign against the Jews. But those things only pertain to the Jewish culture are not helpful generally. The Golden rule he gets credited with was expounded 500 years earlier by the Buddha and is simply a statement of common sense more than divine revelation. I think he was really pretty derivative as presented.
2007-04-03 05:23:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He was likely the leader of a failed reformation movement within Judaism. He certainly was no Messiah, not by the Jewish definition of the term.
Messiah in Hebrew means a Warrior/King/Priest. Greeks had no King, technically, so their word for Messiah was exclusively a religious cult leader or mystery religion figure.
The translation of the scriptures apparently confused Greek speaking Jews and they refashioned a failed religious teacher who fell out of favor with the Jewish leaders as a Greek Mystery cult figure.
There are bits and pieces of a real person, possibly multiple people, buried under the fairy tales and mythology, but it is impossible to sort out at this late date and it really isn't relevant since he was just a man.
2007-04-03 05:19:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Jesus may have existed. The one thing that we do know was that in his time, he was not well known nor did he have a large following. He is not mentioned in any of the historical documents of the day.
So- I'm OK with saying that he did exist. And- perhaps taught some, or even much of what was written about him (mostly 2 generations later).
There is certainly wisdom and love in his teachings.
the whole god stuff is rather ridiculous though.
2007-04-03 05:10:17
answer #8
answered by Morey000 7
I'm not an atheist, but I'm still waiting for some kind of evidence that the man even existed.
The closest I've seen yet is the Jesus Tomb film. Even that isn't concrete.
2007-04-03 05:05:32
answer #9
answered by Kallan 7
So the "wise man" Jesus, why did he call himself the Son of God, then?
Jesus was either the Savior or a lunatic. I believe the former, you can believe whatever you wish.
2007-04-03 05:04:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous