well, look at babies! look at flowers! They're so complex!
2007-04-03 04:03:43
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Creation is not a subject that lends itself to scientific research. That's why evolution is not science. It cannot be observed, duplicated or falsified. Therefore it is not science.
We can speculate about the origins of the universe, and the origins of life, but we are unable to approach either subject scientifically. By the same token, we cannot give a scientific explanation of what happens to a person after death. It's time for people to face reality. Stop believing something because "scientists believe". Scientists have believed a lot of things that have proven to be nonsense.
Global warming is another example of politically correct "science". A scientist will get good press, and maybe money in the form of a federal grant if his research tends to prove global warming. This is the prostitution of science. Isn't science supposed to be the search for truth?
Truth is not supposed to be for sale.
2007-04-03 04:10:05
answer #2
answered by iraqisax 6
I have found that most creationists do not have a good handle on what the scientific method really means. They will say that a lack of complete proof of evolution automatically proves creationism. They do not understand that disproving one theory does not automatically mean some other one is proven correct.
Scientific theories and understanding are not about being completely perfect and unchallengeable. To the contrary, they are about constant challenge and revision. Religion can never be.
2007-04-03 04:17:21
answer #3
answered by lunatic 7
There isn't any scientific criteria for Creationism beyond personal incredulity. The Creationist looks at the world and arbitrarily declares that something is so complex/beautiful/wonderous that it can't possibly have been "random". That's as far as they go. No evidence, no testing, and no consistent criteria.
There are no "experiments" going on in "Creation Science". Only PR ploys.
2007-04-03 04:04:00
answer #4
answered by Scott M 7
It is a matter of faith - that is why the debate rages on...
No one alive today was there in the beginning (obviously) so we have the accounts of creation in the Bible ( and boundless other theories) and those who accept or reject them.
In my life I see how the world and all that we know is from the hand of a wonderful Creator. - I think one would have to be taking so much for granted if they don't.
Think about how our bodies work, how our environment provides for our needs and is protected, how we have spirits and can love and learn. To me, there is no chance that this could be an accident - but each person makes their own decision.
Scientifically test it? You can't... but evidence is all around us, just look for it.
2007-04-03 04:07:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The same things we use to prove the events of past records. Archaeology has shown biblical events over and over. All the way down to fossils, where we see unexplainable things. Millions of species suddenly evolving out of nowhere, sea creatures that shouldn't exist, prophecies from the Bible being proven, such as cities that were destroyed, or the king's chariots at the bottom of the Red Sea.
If you're looking to see God, it would help if you headed in that direction.
2007-04-03 04:14:00
answer #6
answered by Christian #3412 5
Gen.1:1,2; All exist for how much time if there are experts, as who would believe God any way? Gen.1:3-25; For all the fossil time of preparation fot the earth, what would any one have needed to prepare the earth, the earth is a book of its own that speaks to the fact that an age old earth was prepared and after, 6,073 years time has passed that Adam LOST perfection for all
his inocent offsprings, so that LOST to SAVED time is all that is important to those who care and can still be listed on one sheet of paper at this time.
Gen.8:21; The imaginations of man's heart is evil from his youth. This is true inside and outside the bible. Heb.11:1-40; 12:1,2; In 4,150 years those that did believe can be listed on one sheet of paper.
Rom.1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Rom.1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. Rom.1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Rom.1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Rom.1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, Rom.1:23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Rom.1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
Rom.1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
2007-04-03 04:43:44
answer #7
answered by jeni 7
Proof of god would work. All the guy would have to do is show himself. Maybe do a miracle or two which could be witnessed and perhaps video taped. Perhaps make lava flow back into a volcano?
How about a dating system (such as carbon dating) which could date the earth to 6,000 yrs.
2007-04-03 04:09:42
answer #8
answered by Amy 2
I'm not a researcher, but I think the whole concept behind creation science only makes sense if you already assume that there is a creator.
2007-04-03 04:04:18
answer #9
answered by Subconsciousless 7
I think that an A Beka science book (grade 9) would greatly help answer your q, I am really sorry I cannot help any further, I just finished the section on it, and I can't believe that I don't remember any of it. I will give you a couple websites that should help.
the other is the website for Institute for Creation Research...there is a link to it from Answers in Genesis.
2007-04-03 04:06:56
answer #10
answered by JesusLovesMe! 3
There is no evidence to be found. One cannot test what does not exist. Creationists start with a preconceived idea and twist things to match that idea.
2007-04-03 04:06:37
answer #11
answered by Anonymous