Yes, they can get another student loan as long as they have not defaulted on their previous student loans. An idea is to start searching for scholarships to make you less reliant on student loans because it is more expensive per credit to attend graduate school. I will list some free resources to locate money to attend college.
First, the college's financial aid office and website has a list of private scholarships offered from outside organizations and companies. Sometimes a college major's website will list scholarships, too.
Second, the public library has a book listing scholarships with some not even listed on the web.
Finally, I recommend joining several free membership scholarship search websites, but the best I have located is Scholarship Experts since they have a very thorough and lengthy survey to complete compared to Fastweb. There are scholarships for a variety of things including ethnicity, clubs, hobbies, and even wearing duct tape to the high school prom. Most are updated on a regular basis. Most offer a customized search based on information entered onto a form on the website.
Good luck!
2007-04-03 03:14:10
answer #1
answered by dawncs 7
Yeah, like the others have suggested - somewhat do no longer borrow money from a financial enterprise for going to college!! you need to open a pupil financial enterprise account offering interest unfastened overdraft etc, yet you will possibly desire to get your very own loan out of your interior sight authority - watching the DirectGov internet site as already suggested in yet another answer.
2016-11-25 22:55:43
answer #2
answered by Anonymous