I celebrated the Lords Supper last nite, with a small group of Christians, and renewed my committment to Christ. Is there anyone else here who observes this special nite? If so, how do you observe it?
8 answers
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To "iwant-u 2" and to "Uncle Thesis"...our group does this annually, as a memorial, as commanded in the Bible. We follow Christ's example, and have proved Scripturally , which day it is to be observed. We all take Bread and Wine, as a part of the celebration of Christ's sacrifice.
02:42:30 ·
update #1
To "Sentinel"... Yes, it might seem like a strange day to observe the Lord's Supper, but Christians cannot seem to agree on the correct date, so the Bible is the real authority. We've studied and proved to ourselves, that this memorial date is correct, as Jesus instructs. We only have the authority of Christ present, with this small group of followers of Christ. God bless you, too.
02:50:26 ·
update #2
I also observed the Memorial last night.
It was awesome. I like to get those reminderes of how Christ died for our sins, so we could have a better hope.
I always observe it once a year, on Nissan 14 after sundown. They pass around the emblems (unlevened bread & red fermented wine) and it signifies how Christ came in the flesh and how his blood redeemed us.
Glad you renewed your committment to Christ!
Have a great week. I started mine off pretty good last night too :-)
2007-04-03 02:16:41
answer #1
answered by ♥LadyC♥ 6
Well, let's see. Last nite was Monday, April 2. That seems to coincide with Nisan 14 on the Jewish calendar (post sun-down of course).
When Jesus instituted the practice of observing the Lord's Supper/Evening Meal, he did so with the intent of it being observed every year on the same date (in following the precedent set by the Jewish Passover), with only his followers anointed to be corulers/priests partaking of the emblems.
All others would respectfully pass the emblems and keep in mind their significance: The unleavened bread represented Christ's sinless body that was about to be sacrificed (leaven being a common symbol of corruption), and the red wine represented his perfect blood which would be spilled for our salvation.
The only thing that I disagree with is your statement that you observed this with a small group of Christians, unless of course you mean in the relative sense. 7 million is kind of a lot of people, not 2 mention those who tagged along. My congregation has 90 publishers or less, and our Memorial attendance was 359.
2007-04-03 09:35:52
answer #2
answered by DwayneWayne 4
Hi, as a Catholic I celebrate the Mass of the Lord`s supper but not untill Holy Thursday, I am wondering if youself and friends did this on your own authority or did you have a minister present,Monday is a strange day to celebrate the Lord`s supper, no offence intended to your good selves.
God bless.
2007-04-03 09:30:08
answer #3
answered by Sentinel 7
I have a question? This is a serious question. Why did this church celebrate the Lord's Supper? I just have never heard of anyone doing this is why I am asking.
2007-04-03 09:18:52
answer #4
answered by iwant_u2_wantme2000 6
I love to celebrate it like He did...a Passover Seder. If you have never been to one, you should find one. The things you will learn correlate with Jesus' teachings...He was a Jew after all. It is a beautiful celebration with family and friends and the most amazing foods.
2007-04-03 09:36:56
answer #5
answered by kmoc123 5
Last night was Monday, April 2, 2007, no?
Why then?
2007-04-03 09:26:06
answer #6
answered by Uncle Thesis 7
i am not familiar with your practice of the lord's supper, but as a catholic, i celebrate the lord's supper every time i go to mass, which can be everyday if i choose to go. we, as catholics, receive spiritual nourishment for our soul every time we receive the body and blood of Jesus. peace be with you during this holy week.
2007-04-03 10:11:38
answer #7
answered by treesandfleas 2
we celebrate our Lord's supper with the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the wine in silence, with a prayer or giving thanks before and after our meals..... with my family or with friends ..we perform it every day... for every day is another day that we have been given so that we may add to our Lord's glory.
2007-04-03 10:36:01
answer #8
answered by gg 3