At 2 years old this will not be as easy as with a pup. It is easier BEFORE a bad habit has formed. But here are a few tips that should help:
1. Close supervision. Do not let him out of your site. If you see him starting to sniff around take him outside right away. If you can't supervise keep him in a crate. Some people have tied their dog's leash to their waist while potty training - but you still need to *pay attention* - or he'll pee on your foot!
2. Take him outside about once an hour. Do NOT play with him until after he goes potty! When he does go potty give him a treat and then PLAY with him.
3. Control when he eats and drinks - and be sure to take him outside about 15 minutes after he eats or drinks or wakes up. Continue to take him outside for about 5 minutes every 15 minutes until he goes. But *watch him* the whole time!
I know this is a lot of work at first until you form the habit. But really, it is the only way it can be done. You don't say what type of dog you have - but IMPE the smaller the dog (in general) the more difficult to housebreak. Oh, and make sure you have the proper size crate. Ask at a pet store before buying one. -- And keep him outside as much as possible to increase his opportunity to eliminate outdoors - and lavishly praise and reward him when he does.
Good Luck!
2007-04-03 02:03:31
answer #1
answered by Michele 6
I have a two year old intact male Japanese Akita. A breed which is known for it's intelligence. Unfortunately, intelligent dogs are the toughest to train. He won't go in the backyard. He only does his business when we walk him.
Sounds to me like you have a similar problem. You need to walk your dog more. I suggest starting this Saturday when you can spend the day solving this problem. Take your dog out for a walk and don't stop until he goes. I suggest walking through public parks if they're nearby.
You have to break the pattern, both yours and your dog's. Don't make a big deal of it when he goes. Just scoop up and move on.
EDIT: I just remembered something. You need to restrict the area available to your dog. Keep him in the kitchen, only allow him to roam the rest of the house unsupervised once he knows to go outdoors. Dogs will rarely if ever poop in a confined space.
Best of luck.
2007-04-03 02:10:35
answer #2
answered by huckster 2
Take him outside regularly. Every hour to start with. tell him to 'go toilet' and wait. Then PRAISE PRAISE PRAISE and give treats. He'll soon relate the phrase 'go toilet' and the action and the treat. Later, he'll poop on demand.
Do not yell at him when he poops in the house or rub his nose in it, this achieves NOTHING. If you missed the deed, there's no use disciplining as he won't understand why pooping inside is wrong. If you see him doing it, if he's a small dog, pick him up by his cheeks and shake him, saying a firm 'no!'. Mother dogs do this too, it works and is not cruel. If he's a larger breed, take him by his neck, tell him a firm 'no!' and put him outside. Do not tie him on a leash for punishment, this is bad practice. Leave.
The idea is to give praise, attention and treats when he poops outside, but no attention and time when he goes inside. He will learn.
By the way, did he have those poop mats when he was younger? They actually encourage dogs to poop in the house.. He was allowed then, why not now?
Good luck.
2007-04-03 02:06:06
answer #3
answered by Aussie mum 4
Even more stupid are my dogs because they understand "wanna go outside" these words you do not say around my house unless you prepare to take them out, but they still come in and poop in the house... SOOOOOO
Consistently while asking or telling them to go out side make them or pick them up and put them out.. Over and Over
good luck be persistent, consistent and don't give up...
2007-04-03 01:55:30
answer #4
answered by inthrutheoutdoor 3
Try using doggie treats as a bait to lure him outside. Do it for a few days step by step as you put the treats fusther and further from the house. Maybe that'll work. Once he can do it by himself, don't ever use the treats again. If you use it again, he will get used to going out with treats that he won't go out unless you give him treats.
2007-04-03 01:48:32
answer #5
answered by Zerlinda R 2
Keep him out for a while and when he does his buisness reward him. If he poops inside dont hit him but take him over to his treasure and tell him NO NO in a stern tone. Let me know if this helps.
2007-04-03 01:54:52
answer #6
answered by horsielover77 2
Maybe he's used to going inside, and doesn't know how to go outside. Keep him out for awhile, 15 mins at most, and maybe he'll get it, and go.
2007-04-03 01:47:41
answer #7
answered by Stephanie 2
Details on house training at the link below:
Hope that helps!
2007-04-03 01:51:51
answer #8
answered by libertydogtraining 4
Take some of his poop outside so he can smell it. This will let him know that where it should be.
2007-04-03 01:55:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
u can either put ur dog i a basket which u could buy from the pet shop or u carry ur dog with ur hands.
2007-04-03 01:48:28
answer #10
answered by jasminelees87 1