I love the first answer. Funny who they relate gay marriage and gay bashing. I'm afraid in modern Christianity forgiveness and charity are things of the past. Christ is all but ignored. It always struck me though. Why should we listen to the apostles? Since in nearly every poem, they get Christ's word wrong and he has to correct them. To me, Christianity is a religion with good intentions that just went wrong.
2007-04-02 18:38:10
answer #1
answered by God 6
Wow, this is probably the single greatest question that is facing the Church today. I happen to be a Priest with a conservative Old Catholic denomination. Conservatives are often accused of bashing and demeaning others whose practices (such as homosexuality) we see as contrary to scripture and Church tradition. I am here to tell you that anyone who is unkind in their treatment of others, in the Name of God, will have to answer directly to God!
The problem is two-fold:
1. Self-will vs.
2. God’s will
People who are not truly converted to Christianity find that traditional Christian beliefs are too restrictive on their freedom to live as they please! You see, Christianity requires us to put off the lust of the flesh and pride of life. Also, we are not to be conformed to this world but transformed into a disciple of Christ.
I believe it is not loving to teach things that are false just to appease public opinion. Taking the whole of scripture (New and Old Testaments) there is a clear teaching that marriage and sexual activity is not appropriate with same gender couples. In fact the bible uses some very stern terminology concerning the subject.
In my humble opinion all errors that creep into the church occur when human self-will and agenda supplant biblical teachings. For the past 50+ years Homosexuality has steadily been gaining public acceptance, including approval from the American Psychiatric Association. With this newfound credibility in the public forum and bolstered by liberal pseudo-scholastics, homosexuality is also changing the face of Christianity around the world. The Conservative Church is indeed combating the forces of public opinion.
Christians in good conscience should never do either of the following:
1. Bash or demean others or
2. Refuse to teach the truth in love
The same reasoning and logic can be used when discussing non-Christian religions as well. If Christians are not faithful to their understanding that Jesus is the only way to the Father, then there is no Christian faith at all. Presentation is everything -- speaking the truth in love is a prerequisite of the Christian message.
Love of both the truth as well as my fellow man implores me to speak the truth in love.
PAX Christi…
Fr. Michael Callahan
2007-04-02 18:53:18
answer #2
answered by old.catholic 2
hey mate, slow down. not all of us are like that, in fact, that is a very big generalisation u just made. if you go by some of my answers, i usually use quotes such as "turn the other cheek" and although i am an advocate for the Christian faith, anyone who is prejudice towards anothers sexual orientation, faith etc. will soon be put right by me, no matter if they are Christian or not. I accpet everybody and do not ignore Jesus' teachings. Yes, some people do but not all...
2007-04-02 18:24:40
answer #3
answered by ~ B_e_K_z ~ 5
All you see is hypocracy because you have the wrong focus. Christians are not the focus....Christ is the focus.
Many atheists will say that people are basically good, but that's really not true....people are basically evil. Being "good" is a learned behavior. A child is a perfect example. Left to themselves, children will lie, steal, cheat, kick, and whatever else to get what they want....children have to be taught that this is not acceptable behavior. Look at what adults are capable of....rape, murder, adultery, pedophilia, theft, assault. People will always disappoint you. People will always fail you. People will always hurt you. When you put your faith in people, it's easy to see hypocracy.
So many people make the mistake of using Christians as the standard by which to judge Christ. But every Christian is still just a man....just a pathetic sinner who is saved by the grace of God. Even so, we still have our old sinful nature within us and often times we fail to live the life that Christ would have us lead. Let Christ be the standard by which you live your life....not other Christians....and you'll have the proper focus.
2007-04-02 18:38:39
answer #4
answered by Marcus75 3
I am a Christian, and I intend to stay a Christian, but I think 75% of Christians are phony, at least in the USA. I'm not judging them, but I don't see the fruits the Bible says they should have. I think many churches are nothing but a social club.
2007-04-02 18:48:07
answer #5
answered by supertop 7
wow. I'm sorry for your experience with Christians. Unfortunately we are all sinful, influenced by our upbringing and environment. The truth of it is...we are all faulty..we fall short of the glory of God...that's why you should look to Christ rather than man to model these Biblical principles. The Bible is clear that we should look to Christ and God, not prophets and good teachers to follow.
I'd love to chat with you more about this stuff! simplestar76@yahoo.com if you're interested
2007-04-02 18:39:54
answer #6
answered by Michelle 3
Aren't you just picking and choosing verses out of the New Testament? If you really listened to what these "hypocrites" are saying you would find that most are actually agreeing with the Bible in its entire context. Its not easy to try and balance God's mercy with his justice.But I do think it always better to err on the side of mercy though.
2007-04-02 18:28:33
answer #7
answered by The GMC 6
According to most Christians I know, God will always forgive child molesters and rapists, but he will never forgive homosexuals.
The beliefs of modern Christians are seriously screwed up.
2007-04-02 18:47:14
answer #8
answered by scifiguy 6
Actually I find the opposite. They like to live by the new testament. They only use the old one for the 'Thou Shall Not Kill' commandant and nothing more. That don't like to admit that their God was an evil cruel blood-thirsty tyrant. I get sick of them not taking God's word over Jesus'. Doesn't God have the final say? Since when did Jesus become higher than God?
2007-04-02 18:25:04
answer #9
answered by Oshihana 2
if you look hard at life, hypocrisy exists throughout the world, most likely even in yours too.
2007-04-02 18:24:55
answer #10
answered by spanky 6