Steroids don't always have severe or immediate side effects, despite what your gym teacher told you. Many athletes use large amounts of steroids and never have any problems. Most of the adverse side effects you hear about is from over use, or abuse, of steroids. Like anything else in this world, too much can be a bad thing.
2007-04-02 16:29:25
answer #1
answered by Fearless Leader 4
the health risks that are associated with steroid use are highly inaccurate, they are all worst case scenarios. there is also a big difference between steroid use and steroid abuse. most injectables are far less dangerous than are 17aa oral steroids. and there are some steroids that when used at low doses are basically side-effect free with the exception of some water retention. if a person has acne then steroids may make it worst but very rarely does a person go from having no acne to having a lot while on cycle. and the effects that some steroids (namely DHT derivatives) have on hair loss is that the use simply speeds up what was already going to happen. i've been around bodybuilders and pro athletes my whole life as my father and uncle both played pro football. and I've never even seen one man go from having a full head of hair to balding from steroids.
2007-04-02 16:44:42
answer #2
answered by lv_consultant 7
There are many types of steroids with varying levels of side-effects, and there's a lot of debate over "use and abuse" between athletes and lawmakers. It's true that some athletes who are very careful about it may have very few side-effects, but a vast majority of people, even non-abusers, will see side-effects. Also, some of the effects may not show themselves immediately but most often 'roids really are bad for you in a lot of ways.
Side-effects also vary and manifest themselves differently. What you see on TV is most likely largely covered up, and you're not going to necessarily see the problems that likely exist. If you notice, none of these guys have much in the way of bodyhair (likely shaving down and waxing), are greased up for the show, and most likely use some sort of makeup to cover blemishes.
2007-04-02 16:34:43
answer #3
answered by resistnzisfutl 6
They have lots of side effects. Do a search for super star Billy Grahmn and read about how it wrecked his bones. Steriods weaken your bones so that you need hip and knee transplants years sooner than a normal person would. Those only last 10 years approximately so do think those wrestlers that use steroids really enjoy life down the road when they can't wrestle any more?
2007-04-02 16:34:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Quick way to gain muscle mass.
2007-04-02 16:28:17
answer #5
answered by 511@ 4