Deuteronomy 7:6 says, "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." This does not mean they are automatically "saved" and will go to Heaven. In order to assurance of eternal life in heaven, one must believe in God's Son, Jesus. Because of God's Promise to redeem the Jews in the end times, Israel will turn to her Messiah and be saved. So, in the meantime, any believers in Jesus are "grafted in" and may partake of the Tree of Life.
2007-04-02 14:06:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
God is Jesus. And the Jewish are His chosen people. One must remember Jesus is Jewish also.
Not only are the people of Israel special and God's chosen people, but the land is also special. In Deuteronomy 11:12, we read, "It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end." God is working out Israel's salvation from the time of the Old Testament. He desired the Messiah to appear there, and that the church would be formed there.
2007-04-02 21:04:55
answer #2
answered by tebone0315 7
To answer this question you have to go back to the time of Abraham. God had promised him that all nations of the earth would be blessed through his son, Isaac. He tested Abraham's (and Isaac's) faith, when He asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. For all Abraham knew, this might have had something to do with Isaac's being the blessing to all the nations of the world.
Anyway, God gave commands that would preserve such knowledge of Him as the people had, but they got side-tracked time and time again, even tossing God off the throne of Israel in the time of Samuel.
The point of all this was to bring Jesus to the world. In the end, they rejected Him, and, as per prophecy, they lost their rights to the Kingdom. It now belongs to those who have chosen to believe what God has revealed about Himself through His Son, which is simply another way of saying His flesh...
All of this is reported in the Bible. I don't know why anyone still thinks of the Jews as "God's chosen people", especially given their fateful cry "His blood be upon us an our children"...
OK, I know I'm about to get a bunch of thumbs down on this, but hey, truth is truth. I hold no grudge against any Jew living today, any more than I would expect to be held responsible for atrocities committed by my ancestors. Spiritually, our sins put Jesus on the cross. Physically, the Jews demanded His death.
The same rule that applies to anyone else applies to them as well. Sorry, but there are no back doors to heaven for any Jews to slip through.
I can't understand how anyone could believe that Jesus is Jewish. His mother was Jewish, but He is God-with-us, or God come in the flesh. Nobody would imagine that God is Jewish...God is the God of the entire universe. He existed long before Abraham existed. He existed before Adam, even. So, how could He be Jewish?
Maybe that's why Christians are so often accused of not using logic and/or reasoning in their beliefs.....
2007-04-02 21:25:26
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God chose the Jews, (the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) to bring redemption to the world through Jesus Christ, the Savior. God made a Covenant with Abraham which establishes this very fact. God chose the Jews to be a people separated unto God. Through the Jews, God revealed Himself to mankind. The Jews were a people through whom the salvation (Messiah) would come to the whole world.
Through Abraham, God established for Himself a people who would worship the One True and Living God in the midst of universal polytheism. The Jews were to be a witness and a light for Him in the earth. God performed many wonderful miracles in their midst. The whole world heard about the Jews and were afraid of "their God." God not only enabled them to win battle after battle over their enemies but the LORD fought the battles for them. Unfortunately, time and time again, they turned to other gods and worshipped idols and forgot the Lord of Heaven and by their disobedience came warnings of judgment and then after
time, the judgment ... but God did not forget His covenant made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
God was still faithful to His people and would forgive those who came back to Him. He sent prophets to the Israelites warning them of impending judgment. It was only in the midst of tribulation and adversity that they remembered the LORD. When their enemies were storming down the gates, then they remembered the LORD. God always keeps His promises and thus the Jewish people remain a testimony on this earth of God's mercy and kindness and that God keeps His Covenants. No other group of people has been so persecuted, so dispersed to the far corners of the globe and yet remain so true to their heritage. The fact that Israel even exists at all is a testimony to God's faithfulness to the Jewish people. (So many other peoples and nations have come and gone.) The Lord promised that He would regather His people, the Jews, in the Last Days and that Israel will never be conquered again and will remain forever. The Jewish people will remain in that land forever.
Unfortunately, Israel has not yet recognized her Messiah and the Old Testament as well as the New Testament speaks of a time called "Jacob's Trouble" or Daniel's 70th Week or as some have said "The Great Tribulation" which will be a terrible time for Israel but in the end, the Jewish people will cry out to the LORD and He will rescue them. Jesus (with His nail prints in His hands and feet)...the Messiah that they rejected 2000 years ago will come to save Israel in that day which the Bible calls "the Day of the Lord." Jesus is Jewish and someday He will avenge Israel of ALL her enemies and Jesus the Messiah will rule and reign from Jerusalem.
2007-04-02 21:10:47
answer #4
answered by razzle dazzle 1
Out of all the people in the world, God chose Abram (later named Abraham) to be the father of a great nation that would bless the entire world. Abraham believed God and was made righteous. What was the basis of God's choice of Abraham? We don't know -God made the choice prior to Abraham's belief in Him. Some suggest that God chose him because He knew Abraham would respond positively, but we also know that Abraham, like all human beings had his flaws. I do not presume to state God's reasonings.
God made the same unconditional promise to Abraham's son, Isaac and then to Isaac's son, Jacob whom God renamed Israel. The promise is fulfilled in that all are blessed by Israel through the Messiah, Jesus. Through Him, all nations of the world can receive eternal life.
In Romans, Paul writes that God has not rejected His people the Jews. Their rejection of Jesus, he says, makes it possible for non-Jews to hear and believe in Jesus as Savior. One day, Paul says "all Israel will be saved, once the complete number of Gentiles comes to Christ."
2007-04-02 21:26:59
answer #5
answered by biblechick45 3
God chose Israel as his people. He really does not give a clear reason, but He is clear about choosing them over all the other people. Israel is still God's chosen people, because he made a covenant with them and declared them His holy people. Jesus is their messiah. The old testament clearly states that the messiah will come to save the Jews, but they will reject Him. Then the way of salvation will be open to all who place their faith in christ, jew and non-jew. The new testament clearly reminds Christians in the book of Romans that the jews are still Gods chosen people, and he has not forgotten them.
2007-04-02 21:10:50
answer #6
answered by anne p 3
The Jews are God's chosen because of Abraham.
However, we must remember the fact that it was also the Jews that betrayed Christ and actively plotted in his murder. That is why they do not believe in him.
2007-04-02 21:17:59
answer #7
answered by A dad & a teacher 5
Hey Nosey
2007-04-02 21:10:16
answer #8
answered by SoulKeeper 7
Cz they not
nobody chosen sister
if you seek God you will find God what ever who you are
but jews think that only white Jews will go to paradise
the others will go to hell Cz there are not chosen nation
2007-04-02 21:05:40
answer #9
answered by hado 4
Just because god chose the jew as the bloodline that christ would come through does not mean that they would believe.
2007-04-02 23:14:36
answer #10
answered by swindled 7