Father, Holy Spirit, Son.
The Holy Trinity
God in the Flesh=Jesus
God's Spirit=Holy Spirit
Yes anyone can accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, but it has to come from your heart.
Jesus knows our heart.
Once you accept Jesus, you receive the Holy Spirit, who reveals truth.
2007-04-02 13:53:26
answer #1
answered by Spoken4 5
This is a tough one to really answer well in this forum. I hope this helps. (This is a great question by the way and you should try and talk to a priest or pastor in your area--it deserves discussion because it is hardcore theology--anyway....) Ultimately, the trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is a mystery and we will never be able to completely understand how it works but lets try to use water as a metaphor. Water is one substance but can also be three different substances---steam, water, and ice. A gas, a liquid, and a solid--and yet they are still all the same thing. And so God has a Spirit form (the holy spirit), a human form (Jesus Christ), and a God form(the Father and creator). Christians are not polytheists ---they believe in one God who takes on three forms.
Now, the other part to your question: It is true that christians believe that if anyone believes in Christ then they are cleansed of sin and will be able to enter heaven. This does not mean that one can relinquish all responsibility. To truly believe in Christ really means to live like Him as well. So if someone is working against God without any feeling of guilt or conscience then they probably are lacking in the belief department. Basically, if you really enjoy skateboarding and you want to learn you will do almost anything to keep getting on that board to practice and get better. You wouldn't just kick it to the side knowing that it will always be there for you to learn on. That would mean that you didn't really want to be a skateboarder to begin with. It's the same with Jesus. If you believe in Him then you will be driven to grow and be a better christian and some times you will mess up and he will forgive you because in your heart you are truly sorry and you truly accept His forgiveness. If you don't believe then you will have no desire to follow Him.
I hope this helps. Again, this is an intelligent question that most Christians don't even ask. So, please, keep asking it .
2007-04-02 14:15:58
answer #2
answered by Abecedarian 2
The thing that you speak of is called the Trinity.
I don't believe in Jesus being The Father and the Holy Spirit at the same time as his being the Son. The Bible does mention at John 10:31 that Jesus and God are one but it doesn't say that they are one person. At John 17:21, 22 Jesus prays that his disciples would be in union with one another. He wasn't asking God for them to be one entity but to be united in thought and purpose. (See also 1 Cor 1:10) Even Christ himself said that God was greater than he was. (John 14:28)
As for the going to heaven part, only a limited number of people are chosen to go heaven and where they rule with Christ as kings and priests. (Rev 14:1-3) That doesn't mean that the rest of mankind has no hope in store for them. The Bible also mentions a "great crowd which no man was able to number" that would have the honor of living on earth under paradisaic conditions. (Rev 7:9,10; Micah 4:3,4; Psalms 37:10,11, 29)
However just because one accepts Christ Jesus doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want and still be in God's favor. Jesus willingly offered a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins; he basically paid a ransom for us in order for mankind to be reconciled with God. (Heb 2:17; 9:15) If we willfully sin against God after learning accurate knowledge "there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left". (Heb 10:26-31) However if this person repents and turns away from their bad course their sin will be forgiven by God. (Jer 15:19-21; Isa 55:7; Jas 4:8-10)
I hope this helps.
2007-04-02 14:40:42
answer #3
answered by ♥☺ bratiskim∞! ☺♥ 6
Have you ever seen a shamrock? Its like that. Its all the one plant, but three different parts. The Father is not the Son or Holy Spirit, the Son is not the Father or the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father or the Son, but they are One God. Its a mystery.
See the Father loves the Son fully and without reserve, making the Son God. The Son does the same to the Father making the Father God. The Holy Spirit is the love between the too making the H.S. God.
To accept Christ is to accept his teachings. You can't accept Christ and kill someone and still get into heaven without seeking forgiveness. As humans we tend to do bad things. We need forgiveness and grace to not have tendencies to sin.
Only the perfect can get into heaven. The imperfect that died in God's favor (meaning haven't committed mortal sin-basically turning their soul away from God. Murder, rape, abortion, heresy, things like that) go to Purgatory to be cleansed and made perfect.
2007-04-02 14:00:47
answer #4
answered by lawlzlawlzduck 2
You sure ask a lot at once. Our reality is like a flat square. Two dimensional. Gods reality is three dimensional. Consider a small square in a two dimensional universe. Consider a large sphere making contact for the first time with the square. The sphere speaks but the square can not see the sphere and asks where He is but can not understand the answer. Then the sphere makes contact and the square says Oh I see you are inside me. As the sphere continues to settle on the square it fills the square and then surrounds the square. But the square is still confused.
Now to the last part of the question. Only God can determine the results and or purpose of what happens in this reality. 1Samuel 16:7
2007-04-02 14:58:08
answer #5
answered by Bullfrog21 6
The Bible does not say "accept Jesus." Read Matthew 7:21.
Also to understand how Jesus is both God and man, read John 1:1-14, John 14:9-11, Colossians 2:9-10, and I Timothy 3:16. Then read Deuteronomy 4:35-39 and the first chapter of Revelation.
2007-04-02 13:58:23
answer #6
answered by supertop 7
It's called the trinity, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Sprit. They all become one. Yes and if you accept Jesus into your heart, you will go to heaven. It is THE ONLY WAY you will get into heaven. You are no longer a sinner when you accept Jesus into your heart, but people still do bad things, but it is ok because Jesus knows that you were born in sin. If a christian does a bad thing they should ask Jesus to forgive their sins. And he does!
Here is how you can receive Christ:
1. Admit your need (I am a sinner.)
2. Change your attitude that you can save yourself. Change your attitude to the fact that only Christ can save you by what He did on the cross (Repent...means a change of mind or attitude)
3. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and rose from the grave.
4. Through prayer, invite Jesus Christ to come in and control your life through the Holy Spirit. (Receive Him as Lord and Savior
2007-04-02 13:58:08
answer #7
answered by ? 4
The 3-in-1 thing that you mentioned is called the Trinity. Its something that cannot be explained in human terms, but I will do my best to try. Think of water. It can exist in 3 different states, but no matter what you call it (steam/ice/water) it's still water. Or humans--we are body, soul and spirit. They cannot be exactly defined because we do not know enough about the three separate entities that make up one person. Its the same with God. And your second thing, about "the worst thing possible"--In the Bible, it says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) Every single person that has walked the planet (besides Jesus, who was a physical manifestation of God) has done something wrong. God doesn't look at how many sins you have committed, or how bad they are, but all He wants is to forgive you. The only unforgiveable sin is denying that Jesus is God and that His death is enough to let you go to heaven. But as a just God, just like any father, He cannot just let it go. You have to want it. He gave a way. Jesus was perfect, and without sin, and He actually became sin for us, and it is His blood that makes us clean. It may seem strange that blood is what makes you clean, but you see, sin causes spiritual death, and by replacing that with physical death, we don't have to have spiritual death. God's grace is enough to make us pure. "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor 12:9. See, when we realise that we cannot do it on our own, and let God take over, then His power can be seen. "if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. Feel free to talk to me more
2007-04-02 14:32:34
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Christiians believe in 3 persons in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Bible states Faith without works is dead. A person who states they believe in Christ and does the worst thing possible can only go to Heaven if he sincerely repents. Only God will know.
Even the Devil believes in God.
2007-04-02 13:57:41
answer #9
answered by Shirley T 7
One God, three parts, each with its own character and purpose.
God the Father - pure "essence", can only appear as a symbol (e.g. the burning bush), unapproachable by a person which is why our interactions are mainly through His son.
God the Son - has always been in physical form, walked with Adam, appeared in physical form in various OT occasions as what is usually termed the pre-incarnate Christ, and then became truly flesh to live a perfect, sinless life and be the payment for our sins in our place.
God, the Holy Spirit (personally I do not like the term "ghost" here), from the start of time to now has guided mankind, dwelt within him, and tried to guide people into doing what is right, the little voice or conscience - that is him.
So to summarise - we cannot approach God because He is pure and we are blackened with our sin which has to be paid for. So His son, Jesus, takes on the task only He can do - to pay for our sins by His death. But we, because of our sinning nature, cannot approach God, and so His Holy Spirit guides us in this direction.
Does mankind really expect to be able to understand everything about an omnipotent, omniscient God?
2007-04-02 13:54:42
answer #10
answered by Just Helping 4
God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are the trinity. They are all separate deity's but yet they are the same. I know it sounds confusing but its not. God is the creator of all things Jesus is his son(God in human form)born of a virgin(Mary). Jesus was the sacrifice of all of mankind's sins. And the Holy Ghost is what Jesus became when he was resurrected on the third day after being crucified. His holy spirit is what gives us comfort and hope today. If you want to go to heaven you have to repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you and you have to believe that Jesus died on the cross for you and accept him as your savior. God will forgive you of your sins but it does not give you free reign to sin and do bad things. But you try and do the best that you can, treat people the way Jesus tells us in the Bible and obey the commandments set forth in the Bible. we are all human and are going to sin and we sin we have to ask Jesus to forgive us for the sins we commit. Being saved is one of the best things that could ever happen to you. I hope that you will come to know Jesus and what he has done and can do for you.
2007-04-02 14:10:08
answer #11
answered by stormy4 4