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accept without question the idea of God "simply existing" without cause?

2007-04-02 12:17:12 · 11 answers · asked by Contemplative Monkey 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

As you can see from these answers, a poor understanding of statistics, physics, and science in general. It's a sad state of affairs when people function with an understanding of science that has not advanced in 60 years.

In spite of our growth in technology, it is only the experts who have even a rudimentary understanding of how theories have changed as data has been gathered in experiments and observations. This sets up an intellectual dichotomy that is dangerous in a society so ruled by superstition and religious dogma.

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-04-02 14:24:23 · answer #1 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 2 0

properly then our complete life and all we comprehend is the tip result, on the grounds that we are interior of it and are available into being from it, then the reason-the huge Bang is extremely the only reason there ever replaced into, and we've not any means to conceptualize outdoors of that. It cool, I gave up nerve-racking approximately how and whilst life began. Now I purely delight in the experience, it is what i think of we are meant to do. Newton would not set a ineffective line for a fashion long it takes for the tip result to exhaust the aptitude of the reason- i think of the "consequence" purely keeps the full life of all the Universe isn't required to "Make experience" to us or stick to logical varieties, on the grounds that those are varieties that we devise and impose upon all we come across, lots of life can and could bypass on without or with us and often regardless of us. Whoever stated life is logical lied Whoever stated guy is a rational being additionally lied.

2016-10-02 01:56:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Do you know what the estimated odds of selected variables vital to an earth-like planet occurring by chance actually are? The chance is 1 in 150,000,000,000,000,000 according to John Clayton. A scientist and former athiest, John Clayton actually became a bielever wile he attempteted to disprove the Bible with science. I understand that is it is diffucult to comprehend a being like God. In the Bible it says that he is the one who was and is and will be. God is like a circle, with no ending and no beginning. It is almost incomprehensible for mortal beings like ourselves, who do have a beginning and an end, to believe in something that "simply exists" without any physical proof. But, then again our faith is based on things we cannot see. It is a matter of discovery in ourselves and trusting in God. There is a purpose in our lives, in every new day we wake up to. I don't know if any of this helped but, you question was something I dealt with everyday for awhile. Talk to a pastor or someone you respect who may be a Christian; maybe do some research on your own time.

2007-04-02 12:51:36 · answer #3 · answered by YoungScholar 2 · 1 2

Because, the chemicals used in 'making the universe'; can't "simply exist". There logically has to be a beginning and end to everything.

When you look at at building or painting MUST you see the builder or painter? Or do you think that the building and painting, "simply exist"? Why would it be any different for "creation" coming from a "Creator"?

Yahweh is knowledgeable in all fields of math and science. How else do you explain the precision it took to make and perfectly place all other things in, on, and around this planet?

It is totally illogical to believe, that all things in, on, and around this planet "simply happened". Especially, when you consider the exact and precise science, that it took to accomplish building all of creation?! How can a conscience be made, by the mixing and forming of chemicals?

The only goal of science today, is the attempt to "take God out of the picture" and explain all perfect things in, on, and around this planet; using our human imperfections and egotistically motivations.

Answer this four questions:

1) Who is non-egotistically goal oriented ---- Yahweh or humans?

2) Who stands to gain more by having egotistically motivated goals --- God or humans?

3) Who would be more motivated to lie -- God or humans?

4) Which is more logical?
In the beginning were millions of tons of chemicals, they came from nowhere, they just exist and nothing controlled them. At some certain point in time, they somehow perfectly and correctly mixed, to "create" life. This all started with an explosion, that scientists like to call the "big bang theory".


In the beginning there was God, but nothing had yet been made. Yahweh used His knowledge of all things to, first create chemicals. He set in place their properties and all rules concerning them. Finally, He mixed these newly formed chemicals; with scientific and mathematical precision and created all things in, on, and around this universe --- according to their own kinds.

2007-04-02 13:25:48 · answer #4 · answered by whathappentothisnation 3 · 0 2

Theists have no understanding of Atheist. Just sit and think about air, about gravity, about time, about universes, and the darkness of space?

If you don't stop at the God construct maybe then can you fathom something else.

2007-04-02 12:26:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have so many questions about Christianity. Have you ever thought about taking a course on it somewhere? We are not here to "fill in" the idly curious. Go call a priest or something. I certainly can't help but wonder if you "exist without cause". Anyway,how did you figure out what "the theists reject"? Did you call them up,or take a poll or what? You got so many many many questions you need a patient mama,not us.

2007-04-02 12:25:51 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

cus they want an easiar answer friend, and they call me lazy for not believing. look if everything is allready written down for you the only work you are doing is reading, sounds lazy compared to this next tidbit. science has discovered every single in existence today except for the existence of god. what makes it possible for your churches to not just fall down? engineering and physics. what makes you able to read your bibles? the chinese invention of paper and the guttenburg printing press

2007-04-02 12:23:26 · answer #7 · answered by Ryan, Atheati Magus 5 · 0 1

The chatter of monkers, even so-called contemplative ones, is only answered by throwing food at them, not by sincere dialogue. Ask a sincere question, don't use your assumptions as a stick to beat someone over the head. If you want to write an editorial, consider a blog.

2007-04-02 12:26:00 · answer #8 · answered by Timaeus 6 · 0 3

because the god 'hypothesis' has more validity than the super-string 'theory'?

do you remember stanley milgram experiments in the early 1960's?

2007-04-02 12:20:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't...

Mr. Generalize.

2007-04-02 12:21:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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