Wow, you have had two great losses happen anyone would feel depressed. Time does not heal all, but it does allow you to get a different perspective on situation - at least enough to start to live again.
You should call your local crisis's center they are there 24 hours a day 7 days a week they can guide you to the right resources you need right now. Your doctor is also a wonderful resource.
What you are feeling after your losses is normal. You need to grieve both the baby you lost and your best friend.
Best wishes.
2007-04-02 10:26:56
answer #1
answered by tomimegi 4
When I was 19 my fiance at the time had a miscarriage and I thought it was the end of my happiness. We split up and went our individual ways over it. I thought about killing myself at the time but I didn't do it. I am now 34 and have two lovely kids. If I had done myself in I would have nothing. I think I am happier now but we all go through tough times. When my brother died who was a year older than me i felt like there was so much i should have done to prevent it but in the end i realized that everything happens for a reason. Please consider seeing a counselor. They can really help. be extra careful taking meds. if you know what the reason for your sadness is the meds will ony magnify it. In my early 20s I had the greatest time of my life. Do you have any other kids? Don't give up! There is so many opportunities out there. We all love you here. You are not alone. Keep posting here and it may make you feel better.
2007-04-10 15:26:33
answer #2
answered by J G 3
I am so sorry for your losses at such a young age, Please try not to feel as you want to end it, since you reached out to all of us for support that is a good thing. Start with a hot line there are many and they can listen and put you in the right direction. Honey some counseling would benefit you greatly. When you find the right counselor to confide in it is great. If you don't like the first one then move on til you do. Sometimes life just seems like it all sucks and you do have the rest of your life ahead of you, but that doesn't make you feel better right now. I truly hope you don't have to experience anything worse than this, but we always have to be ready for what life throws at us. I am a Christian and I will pray for you. I don't preach to anyone but prayer does help ask the Lord and he will hear you. Please get something done soon, God Bless you
2007-04-02 17:48:51
answer #3
answered by Kat 5
I have attempted to take my own life twice this year, due to depression and feeling very anxious. I have come to realise however that this is not the right way to go about it.
I know it must be very difficult for you and I am not trying to patronize you but I would agree with what another member has said. Phone someone. It doesn't matter who it is as long as the person on the other end of the phone will listen.
Also it would be a good idea to consult your doctor. There may be free counseling sessions available to you, depending on where you live.
If you just need someone to talk to I would be happy to listen to you. You can never have enough friends at a time like this
2007-04-10 12:37:17
answer #4
answered by trecaa 2
Bee your gp should be watching our mood, the mental health service is a joke your left at your lowest. The loss of a child is horrific and you need alot of love and support right now I had a trumatic year and thought about it too although I had to fight for my two boys! Everyday is a battle and I hate the thought of a new day, but then I feel guilty but it doesn't take away the pain. My mother lost my baby brother at 38 weeks and it badly effected me and made me very parnoid with both my pg's just remember there is always someone who cares or noone would have answered this mail me anytime and you can im any way I can support you I will, you are worth being here x god bless x
2007-04-02 17:40:02
answer #5
answered by zero 2
I've learned the only thing that matters is the end. You can have the best day of your life, but if the end of the night sucks, your day will suck. And on the other hand, you can have the crappiest day of your life, but if at the end of the night, something spectacular happens, it will be the best day of your life, and all the crappy things in the beginning will only make the happy end sweeter. This works for movies too! A movie can be crap the whole way through, but the ending can always save it! And likewise, I've watched plenty of movies that I thought were just great throughout, until it ended with a complete disapointment....
I know your life is going through crap right now, but you don't know what the rest of your life is. I'm sure you fear it's going to be total crap just like today, but if you end it now, you take away the chance to change that. If you end it now, the end will definetly be unhappy, so I guess you can live for hope. Hope for a better day? I don't know if this helps at all.... I know that it helps me hold on. There are some things about my life that I just can't stand. Sometimes they even keep me up at night... I want to just end it so I don't have to deal with the pain anymore, but I don't want to die unhappy, and I just hope that maybe in the natural end, I can look back at the last few years of my life and know that I was glad I kept holding on and giving life another chance... Who knows, but in the grand scheme of things, 75-90 years is a very short time to live when compared to billions of years, and I'd hate to make it even shorter... Regardless, I hope things get better for you...
2007-04-02 17:37:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I will listen and I have also had a miscarriage. The pain was horrible and I thought I'd never get over it. Believe me when I say; it will get better. You may never forget, but it will get better. It helped for me to surround myself with other people's kids. I babysat and visited family often.
As for your friend, when your feeling down, remember all the great times you guys had together. Take your time; you will find new friends and have great memories to add to the old ones.
You may also consider talking to a good grief counselor. It may not seem like it now, but you are a strong woman, and you do have your whole life ahead of you. I wish you the best, and please don't do anything rash. Find someone to talk to.
2007-04-02 17:29:27
answer #7
answered by DizziDazi 4
The world is filled with people young and old coping with some sort of depression. The people that I am refering to can only cope and succeed while they are a live. The way you are communicating is extremely weak. I am sure at your age you still have your health. There are people that have lost their health but yet fight to survive. You must become active. You need to strengthen your mind and soul. You are drowning in emotions. They can hurt as long has you are not in control.
I am 48 years of age , I suffer from a chemical inbalance called Bipolar which means there is no cure. I have lost over 26 years of hard work building a dream. It all simply vanished over night. No need to feel sorry for me because you are waisting your time. I am human to but I realize that my feelings are emotions and if I do not focus on them and continue to be productive the positive thoughts will simply take over. It is not easy but I also realize that wisdom comes from experience. You will never have experience if you do not get up and just do it. Once you start you will not turn back.
Just think, you can be sharing your wisdom with someone suffering as you are in the future. All you have to do is experiece it, take control and then you will become wise.
It is us that makes today what it is and have the ablitiy to control and plan our own destiny.
You must always be positive. I can assure you that what ever you are dealing with are thoughts. Therefore they are there for you to control. Think good thoughts, be kind and loving. Be with good people.
Just get up off of your butt and do it!!!!!
2007-04-10 13:45:43
answer #8
answered by JB 1
If you don't have anyone to talk to I'd try calling some support lines, or maybe going for counseling. Hun keep in mind your hormones likely are running amuck now, which I bet is like gas on a fire.
I've had pure hell in my life, where I've questioned if it's all worth it. But what do you know, eventually some great stuff happened and it's scary to think I might have missed that! Sometimes all we can do is hang on by our fingernails, dig down to find what little strength we have, and use it to get some help. If it is hormones you may need some meds to balance you out. That combined with your losses is pure hell I'm sure. I lost my boyfriend years ago, and didn't think I could have a life without him. I still miss him, and still love him, but eventually there we some great times (so I know a little bit about this).
And crying can be good....helps release it all. And look you are talking here, and I'm glad you are. Feel free to write me ANYTIME and I'd be glad to lend a cyber shoulder. And I think you should check some resources near you or online for some help with this. Check out crisis lines, teen crisis lines, grief crisis, any faith ones you might have, and if you can't find anything just go to an ER. And I would definately see an MD. I'm especially worried if it is hormones your thinking is going to be messed up for awhile. You need to give yourself time to heal, physically and emotionally, And face it even if you had a close friend, they might not know how to help. But I am sure if you reach out you will find lot's of folks that will do their best.
And remember, a short term solution won't, in my beliefs, fix any problems or get you away from them. Think about the wonderful things that you CAN have eventually in your life and don't rob yourself of them!! You started reaching out here...I think that's a great start. Just keep going and give yourself time. It WILL get better...been there, know that! Read, talk, heal! If you need some resources let me know and I'll see what I can find.
Just don't give up and hang in there! Wish I could give you a hug!
2007-04-02 17:27:15
answer #9
answered by FineWhine 5
listen to me, you think you have it bad, and i know you do, we all do, but that's no reason to end it buddy.
i've had friends who have had miscarriages who now have babies. *hugs* everything will work out in the end - you need to talk to someone, or go and get a book from the library - try something, you are only 19 years old! y
ou will hopefully live to be 100 yrs old - do you know what that means, you have 80 years of life left! the world needs you - there are people like you that will need you in the future
come on, just don't do anything crazy! in 80 years you will make so many friends, have different lovers, go to school, have so many different kinds of adventures!
cheer up - watch funny movies, talk to someone - you are worth it!!! please stay here!!!
2007-04-09 15:46:46
answer #10
answered by LEWG 2