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Well, my question is, if someone had tourettes syndrome, but never learned curse word or innappropriate remarks, what would they say? or do?

2007-04-02 09:56:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Other - Diseases

no, no this is a serious question. ( i am not laughing). I was just wondering, because it seems that when people talk about tourette's, they think that people with tourette's only curse. So, of course it isnt that way. But I am wondering, if someone has this syndrome, but lets say they have never learned innapropriate words/remarks, then what would their symptoms be? (of course this may sound a little odd, but I was just wondering....sorry if I offended you

2007-04-02 10:12:37 · update #1

4 answers

People can only repeat what they hear or learn. This includes TS patients.

Some people with TS do shout "regular" words.

Most people with TS do not shout at all. Shouting is not a requirement for a diagnosis.

2007-04-03 18:31:25 · answer #1 · answered by Juliart 6 · 0 0

Is this a funny question or serious? Tourettes is a very serious matter and should not be laughed at. Tourettes syndrome can effect people in different ways. There are different "ticks" some are vocal- screaming, shouting, etc and some are more physical- jumping up and down, head twitching, smacking of the lips, finger snaping, etc.


2007-04-02 17:05:39 · answer #2 · answered by Elle 2 · 1 0

Tourettes is a very serious condition. My son has it but only has the motor tics. It can be controlled with meds and people need to be more tollerant of other peoples differences. This is not aimed at you just people in general.

2007-04-02 17:36:13 · answer #3 · answered by dgjda 2 · 1 0

not everyone with Tourette's curses. some never do. it's not learned behavior anyway. they can't control it at all without medication or surgery.

2007-04-02 17:02:00 · answer #4 · answered by wendy_da_goodlil_witch 7 · 2 0

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