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5 answers

I used to the same thing. However, I have seen much better gains by doing cardio after lifting. Here's why:
1. If you are physically tired while lifting, you muscles will give out not due to lack of strength, but lack of glycogen.
2. If you are tired while lifting, your form can be lacking. This opens you up for injury and lowers the effectiveness of lifting. Good form is everything.
3. Lifting is actually a good warm up for cardio (not the other way around).

By the way there is a great forum for weightlifting/bodybuilding at http://www.bodybuilding.com There are some very knowledgable folks on there (powerlifters, bodybuilders, general fitness)

2007-04-02 10:03:20 · answer #1 · answered by Rudai B 2 · 0 0

Its recommended to start with lifting and end with cardio.

Here is why I do:
LIfting tenses me up, strains the muscles, and cardio is a good way to relax them again. Second, lifting should burn all the calories so by the time you are onto cardio - you'll be burning extra. After cardio, I am usually so tired from pushing myself, I dont have the energy to actually lift anything, much like weights.

Most suggest doing cardio in the morning (metabolism is highest), and weights in the afternoon or at night. But if you can only have one session time - lift, then cardio

Read this: http://www.shapefit.com/cardio-weights.html

2007-04-02 17:02:46 · answer #2 · answered by Kris 3 · 0 0

No detriment at all. If you do enough cardio before, you might not be able to lift as heavy or do as many reps, but so what? They don't hand out trophies on Mondays at the gym.

Edit: I generally cycle or swim laps(1.5-2miles) or both for an hour before lifting so I've got everything warmed up. From years of training experience, I know I've got a solid 2 hours of glycogen stored in my system, so no problem there. Even so, I'll chug a quart of gatorade or cytomax between pool and weight room to top off.

If you're already gassed after only an hour, you need to put a little work into your cardiovascular conditioning.

2007-04-02 17:02:09 · answer #3 · answered by silverbullet 7 · 0 1

Do both. Both have pro's and con's. So the best advice is to always switch is up so your body doesn't get used to it. Work outs are most effective when you challenge your body in new ways, because the more efficient you get a a work out, the less progress is made.

2007-04-02 16:59:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've read that doing cardio before lifting is better because it oxygenates your muscles and burns more fat. either way is fine, though.

2007-04-02 17:00:21 · answer #5 · answered by wendy_da_goodlil_witch 7 · 0 1

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