Oh my no.
2007-04-02 09:44:57
answer #1
answered by The Guy 3
I've always been a Catholic, but I understand a little bit about where you're coming from.
You have to do what you feel is right. Do you feel like Catholicism is right? then go for it! because this is your journey to find God, not your family's. If you feel like the Catholic church is where you belong, then go!!
My family was outraged when i started going to Baptist services with my boyfriend (along with my Catholic mass) but they soon realized that I had to do what I think is right, and what I think that God thinks is right. and if it's wrong, God will let you know. But Catholicism is wonderful (i think at least) and I'm pretty sure God would love you to be a Catholic.
Many people try to twist Catholicism around to make it sound like a horrible thing. 99% or more of the time it's because people either don't understand the customs and why they are customs, or they just don't want to understand them. We DO NOT worship statues, by any means. Outsiders may see it that way, but believe me, you can tell from just one mass that this is definitley not the case. and we don't worship mary, we ask her to pray FOR us, we don't pray TO her.
there are many other misguided things said about Catholicism, most of which are not true, so if you have any questions, you should talk to a local priest or someone who you trust who is Catholic.
God Bless, Angie
2007-04-02 17:02:55
answer #2
answered by angie 2
I'm not a convert but I am sponsoring a close friend who is converting.
His family is kind of neutral. His dad is an "ex" Catholic, so he really isn't as supportive as he could be. His mom just wants him to follow God, and though she may not believe everything that the Church teaches, she knows its better than some things.
They can't write you out of their lives forever. Just be like Our Lady, reflect Christ's love to them and they'll soften one day. Our parish priest teaches us that the bonds shared by family are the strongest earthly bonds we have.
My friend converted because he was tired of the instability in the Anglican Church. Every year it seems like the locals split because of this that or the other. He was intrigued by Catholicism, although it wasn't that big of a jump for him, being Anglican.
I'm pretty sure he had some misguided views. Mary, saints, statues, the pope, the basic things really. He was tolerant and open and actually excepted all of those things pretty well. I'm proud of him!
I'm proud of you too! This Easter you'll enter into a wonderful communion of people and saints. When you receive your First Communion quickly develop a love for the Eucharist, its such an awesome thing!
I'll be praying for you!
Edit: Just like Protestants, Muslims, and Atheists, there are disgruntled and hateful Catholics too. I won't lie. Remember to see Christ in EVERYONE no matter how they treat you or what their beliefs are. If you get overshadowed by doubts or if you have questions go to an orthodox priest or lay person that knows the faith well. www.ewtn.com is a good site too!
2007-04-02 16:51:19
answer #3
answered by lawlzlawlzduck 2
Have two friends who converted.
One for her husband and one because she was disgusted with her minister.
The one for her husband is a much better Catholic than he is (attends church more) and is a leader in " Church Women United".
The other friend had a good friend who was Catholic and just started going to church with him, liked it so well, became one.
Everyone is an Agnostic to a degree,,,even a good Catholic friend has some questions to ask when she "gets there". Have never met a Christian who didn't wonder at some point about some teachings...
Sounds as if your family needs to have more compassion and understanding,,,,,like they've never questioned any one of the teachings.
Hang in there, you'll have lots of people to love who will love you back.
And, sure aren't we all told misguided things about almost all "other" religions!!
2007-04-02 16:57:28
answer #4
answered by Boopsie 6
I am a convert of 45 years. Faith and consuming history brought me to the Catholic Church. Cardinal Newman said to understand history is to be Catholic.
Yes, Yes, Yes I heard and believed many misunderstood things about the Catholic Church. It has been said if the Pope believed some of the things that some who are not Catholic believe about the Church, he would be anti Catholic too.
Watch EWTN. Marcus Grodi is a convert and interviews converts to the Catholic Church. Many were ministers of other Christian faiths. One said the checkered history of the Catholic Church and it still stands convinced him "Upon this Rock I will build my Church." Almost all will say they found Jesus in their Protestant churches but they have found the ;fulfillment of their Christianity in the Catholic Church.
You have to do what God calls you to do.
I am 71. Back when I went to public schools, you didn't learn anti-Catholicism in your history classes, it was taught in English Literature classes, the Good Queen Bess and Bloody Mary thing. I had an English Lit teacher who had done a lot of investigating. Her and another English Lit teacher had a heated argument in the hall between classes about Good Queen Bess and Bloody Mary. The next day the other teacher came and apologized. She had talked with a history prof and found out my teacher was correct.
In Elizabethan England, the Act of Toleration was passed and you could be any thing you wanted to be, BUT they passed laws making the Catholic mass (our central act of worship) treason. So far religious reasons, Catholic weren't put to death for heresy. They were put to death for treason.
2007-04-02 17:13:12
answer #5
answered by Shirley T 7
I couldn't help reading and answering this question although it doesn't really apply to me :)
There are many misguided things about the Church.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said, "There are not one hundred people in this world who hate Catholicism, but there are millions who hate what they mistakenly believe Catholicism to be"
Here is a library about Catholic misconceptions:
Hope I helped and God bless
Oh- and if you're considering joining the Catholic Church: "Welcome Home!" as we Catholics like to say :)
2007-04-02 17:06:01
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm glad you asked this question...I also would like to see some serious, legitimate answers! I have been wondering the same thing...how common is it for people raised in one of the Protestant denominations to discover, learn about, and convert to the Catholic church?
I may consider converting myself one day, and I'm sure there are many falsehoods being spread by anti-Catholics. On the other hand, there are probably some fiercely anti-Protestant Catholics who bash various Protestant churches.
2007-04-02 16:55:08
answer #7
answered by kathytfan 2
Fact: All religions are based on man trying to reach God, acheive God's acceptence, and to do the best they can which is all a myth and an open door to hell. Their is only one way to God and this is coming to repentence of our sins and having faith in Christ's shed blood for the remission of sin. Then receiving God's Holy Spirit anointing and power to live as Christ lived on this earth. We can personally know Christ and have a divine relationship with him and this is the only way once is accepted with God and received as sons being made His Kings, priests, and prophets now and forever. So one can convert over to any religion and still split hell wide open and depending upon whether you choose to believe in God or not...
2007-04-02 16:54:19
answer #8
answered by *DestinyPrince* 6
I was BORN a Catholic, Raised in the Salvation Army, but i was not told I was a Catholic until Well into my 30's .... So much for Cultivating independent thought... My parents Stole part of my Heritage ???
Ah Parents... :-)
2007-04-02 16:45:24
answer #9
answered by Mictlan_KISS 6
I belonged to a so-called "bible' church for awhile, and they are the most misinformed people I know when it comes to Catholicism. People that rely on the chick tracts and sites such as jesus-is-lord.com are hateful people who have no interest in the truth...they would rather believe the fairy tales told to them by their preacher.
Welcome home, brother.
2007-04-02 16:53:12
answer #10
answered by SpiritRoaming 7
why would one want to become MORE detatched from reality.
a protestant is a catholic in the process of healing thier misguided and ignorant minds.
2007-04-02 16:49:33
answer #11
answered by Anonymous