you said I could chose right?
well I would respectfully pass on those.
I would like to spend eternity constantly growing and learning. Improving my self and expanding my knowledge.
2007-04-02 08:12:53
answer #1
answered by Gamla Joe 7
Heaven because in the bible God depicts the Garden of Eden as the most perfect place that you can imagined it is like Heaven how can you say that it wouldn't be a wonderful place to spend eternity. I am also a Chritian and I was raised to believe that that was were all that are forgiven go. Some people say that Heaven Nirvana and Eden are the same, as well as Elysium, Hell, and Pergatory. Some also belive that we are in Purgatory now
2007-04-02 08:28:41
answer #2
answered by leschal 2
Do we get to choose ? Yes, I suspect that pretty much we do. Of course most people don't get to choose 'freely' because they have had their heads filled with nonsense and indoctrination from birth into this world. But for those that get the chance to break through the 'Noise' and consider the options that their 'will' allows, then I believe that their experience will be that which they chose.
For the rest, a 'Christian Heaven', an 'Islamic Jannat', or a 'Buddhist Sagga or Nirvana' ( yes I know that these more reflect a state of mind than a 'place' ) or whatever, if that is what they have focussed on , particularly in the latter stages of their Earthly incarnations, then that is most likely what they will experience.
For the which and why bit, I'll have to pass, because to answer would be cheating. I have been privileged to have had a glimpse of what lies beyond the 'veil', and I definitely choose that ! :-)))
2007-04-02 08:49:25
answer #3
answered by cosmicvoyager 5
I would choose Nirvana, because you would be free of everything after a long life of work, the only emotion I would miss is humor and laughter though, otherwise I would choose oblivion because that would be similar to nirvana in a way.
2007-04-02 08:19:05
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, i believe that we do choose are afterlife. firstly by choosing to believe in one and secondly by laying our own terms and conditions on how to get there if any.
i would choose to go to a place that is a wonderfull coccoon of feather, cloud, energy, a place where I can be with my soulmate right until we are born again in some new life to live out a whole new experience.
I am a highly romantic individual and this is my idea of perfection. kind of like tantric sex.
2007-04-02 08:16:14
answer #5
answered by Mother of Tae Kwon Do 2
I am returning as a butterfly. The butterfly is the symbol for breast cancer survivors and I am one. I'll hang around on a tree for awhile and then I will fly from place to place savoring the worlds most sought after nectar. I will not live long but I will have lived the life my DNA instructed.
2007-04-02 08:14:21
answer #6
answered by dtwladyhawk 6
The Flying Spaghetti Monster heaven, with beer volcanoes and stripper factories.
2007-04-02 08:12:13
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I would come back to Earth and be a Bear, hibernate in the winter, sleep through a baby delivery, eat all I want and lay around a lot.
2007-04-02 08:15:23
answer #8
answered by Angell 6
I would choose to come back into this life. Because I have a phobia of dying and cannot imagine what it would be like not to be near my family anymore.
2007-04-02 08:17:23
answer #9
answered by star-princess 1
Heaven i think as long as its not like the Stepford Wives that would be too perfect and boring
2007-04-02 08:18:33
answer #10
answered by Black Orchid 7