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how can i get rid of spiritual numbness and emptiness.im really numb spiritually,what should i do,answer if you really know something that will help get rid of the feeling.

2007-04-02 07:06:24 · 14 answers · asked by Smiley 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

14 answers

Commit an act of random kindness.

2007-04-02 07:09:58 · answer #1 · answered by Rockvillerich 5 · 1 1

I have been a Christian for 12 years. The last 5 or 6 I have been battling depression and have had many periods like you have described. The best advice I can give is hang on, write in a prayer journal like David did is Psalms. Though you may not be dealing with depression look into books by Dr. Henry Cloud and John Townsend (Christian Psychologists). They have practical help for many different issues. Though I am not a Catholic, there is a book by St. John called Dark Night of the Soul. I found this book interesting and thought provoking also. His theory is that as Christians God is very hands on at first just like we are with newborn babies but then eventually he has to let go and let us learn to walk. This is the dark night of the soul, which can be scary and rough but God is still standing there with us but he's letting us learn what we need to learn. This is my own interpretation of course. Don't beat yourself up. Faith is like love 1% feelings and 99% choice. Hope this helps!

2007-04-02 07:28:16 · answer #2 · answered by realmombloom 1 · 1 0

Do you have a Church Home?.... If not, that is part of the reason... if you do...then get involved... There are study groups... and other activities... there is probably some work that needs to be done around the Church... Visit the members of the Church who are shut-in or recovering from surgery... get involved with youth groups... old foggies group... what ever.... get out and do something for God... I recomend smaller congrigations... you can get to know every one and there is always some work to be done as help is short...

Set up a regular study time of your own... read The Bible... get a good Study Bible and a concordence... Spend lots of time with God in prayer... it don't need to be fancy time...just talk to Him...

Here is a link to a page on my site about prayer... then feel free to look around if you like.


2007-04-02 07:17:01 · answer #3 · answered by idahomike2 6 · 0 0

My best estimation for your numbness is because you "quit working the program"...Be careful.

It's the same place where a lot of our agnostics and atheists are born.

You're probably feeling "disconnected" from God by sin. You know - that one thing that you really should/shouldn't be doing, but it's so easy to keep/not keep doing it because of the whole "forgiveness" issue.

A lot of people "back-off" from practicing their relationship with God because there's a misconception that once you accept Him it's all cake from there. Real spiritual growth requires discipline. It's very, very easy to get bogged down in that - especially in today's world.

The things that worked for me to get me "feeling" right again was to work at stop paying so much attention to myself and what I was feeling all the time.

I spent time praising His Holiness - even when I did not want to so. I thanked Him for being constant even when my faith was weak.

But here, I've said these things making an assumption that you already had a relationship with God Our Father. If you do not have a relationship with Him...seek one. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Ask for the Father God to enter into your heart. Thank Him for Jesus who died so that we may have eternal life. Ask Jesus to enter into your heart and to show Himself to you.

It's good to do this and helps whether it's the first time or the 500th time you invite Him in. He'll always be there and He will always enter - even when we've closed the door - He will always come back inside.

Blessings to you. May you seek Him and find Him already waiting for you.

2007-04-02 07:32:47 · answer #4 · answered by Mrs.M 4 · 1 0

Something that helps me when I am feeling spiritually numb or separate God (God, Goddess, Universe, your spiritual belief of choice) is to take some time out from busy life to sit and be quiet. It is very simple, sit and watch the sunset, allow yourself to marvel at the colors and beauty and connect with the light that surrounds you in that moment. Sometimes I will pray or meditate and ask that God fill me with love and light, open my heart to feel the oneness and unity that connects us all together. Usually it is the busyness, noise and stress of life that turns off our spirituality and disconnects us from God and our spirit.

The numbness may not go away instantly but really looking at the world around you, saying thanks for the blessings in your life and opening your heart to love yourself and others will help you to reawaken and rekindle your spiritual nature.

2007-04-02 07:43:05 · answer #5 · answered by Unity 4 · 1 1

Good question but I think it is a very individual thing to work through. I started reading more religious text, listening to motivational speakers, such as Depak Chopra, and Dr. Wayne Dyer, and visiting a Grotto and churches. Basically I meditated on my beliefs....I went out into nature, took walks, looked for beauty in animals, flora and fauna. I have tried Shamanic Journeying though not successfully, it still brought me some peace. I have tried to find others who think like I do regarding religion...and I got a handle on my beliefs, in other words to explain my beliefs, I had to figure out what I believed in order to put them into words.

Though I haven't done this yet, you might visit a children's ward where they are all cancer victims and see how happy they chose to be none-the-less.

2007-04-02 07:16:49 · answer #6 · answered by Susan M 2 · 1 0

First of all, banish the notion that true religion is about how you are feeling.

St. Paul wrote "for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be brought low, and I know how to be blessed. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need." (Phil. 4:10-11)

You are focusing too much on yourself - you are turning inward and when we do that we find neither peace nor contentment.

Ask God to give you a heart and will like St. Paul's. To be able to say "Lord whatever this day brings, I accept it. I am at peace with doing your will and not mine."

Abandoning yourself to God brings spiritual contentment. It will banish your blues. It may take a little while.....I am still learning myself. Whenever I am most discontented or empty I find it is at times when I'm simply dwelling on myself and my problems and moods.

I am most at peace when I turn outward, asking what can I do for God and my neighbor? And what can I do to handle graciously the day to day trials of life?

Secondly, pray and ask God to help you make a THOROUGH examination of conscience. Go through the Ten Commandments and the moral precepts of the Church and see where you have failed.

You can find good aides by Googling "examination of conscience." Most often it is sin which places distance between ourselves and God. He is only waiting for us to come back.

God bless you.

2007-04-02 07:45:15 · answer #7 · answered by Veritas 7 · 1 1

Help others, go soul winning, do some work for your local church just get your mind off of you. Also pray and ask the Lord to help "restore the joy of your salvation" as David put it in thee book of Psalms. If none of this works talk to your Pastor. A wise man seeketh council!

2007-04-02 07:12:08 · answer #8 · answered by cdiddy614 2 · 0 0

Sing a Gospel Hymn like Amazing Grace, Victory in Jesus, or others that Glorify and lift up Jesus.

2007-04-02 07:11:41 · answer #9 · answered by deacon 6 · 0 0

Fasting and prayer. Also, read the Left behind series and compare it to scripture. It was a real eye opener for me.

2007-04-02 07:15:35 · answer #10 · answered by crystalonyx3 3 · 0 0

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