I don't know you, but I love you.
I am Christian. I KNOW I can't tell you how to believe.
Your faith has not a thing to do with me.
I keep my focus on MY GOD and if you don't accept Him, well, that is fine.
I don't have hatred, I try my best not to judge.
I KNOW I have Jesus in my heart and that I am going to Heaven when I die.
THAT is my belief.
2007-04-02 05:32:07
answer #1
answered by bettyboop 6
There are millions of people that follow many religions. Some even think that all roads lead to the same destination. Do they have good intentions? Yes, I think they do. Could they be wrong? Absolutely.
Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth the light. No one comes to the father, except through me." John 14:6
Jesus also tells us, "that we will know a tree by it's fruit." I not only believe this, I know it to be true. Look at the birth, life, ministry and death of Jesus of Nazareth and you will know the truth...and the truth with set you free.
Jesus warns us that the gate is narrow that leads to heaven...but the road to hell is wide.
I am a little confused by your statement that you respect Mohammad. He was a murderer and a man of 30+ when he married a nine year old. How on earth can you possibly respect someone that does that to a child? Again, you will know a tree by it's fruit.
I'm curious to your answer. I mean no disrespect to you, or anyone else.
You have free will and can choose your path. Just remember that your decision is a matter of life, and death.
It is not my place to judge you or your decisions...or anyone else for that matter.
Peace be with you.
2007-04-02 05:38:08
answer #2
answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6
Jesus did not allow for tolerance and open mindedness when He said that the only way to The Father is through The Son. There are no shades of gray in that statement. I believe that Jesus is needed for salvation. If I didn't, then I wouldn't be a Christian. I also believe Jesus when He said for us to love everyone and tell of The Gospel. This is the extent of intolerance for a Christian, teach and move on, and turn away from appearances of evil. We know that not everyone will believe and there is nothing we can do about that.
May God Bless you.
2007-04-02 05:47:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Acceptance of Jesus is the only way to heaven and our belief makes all other religions false and wrong. We are even warned by Jesus and the prophets to not get involved in these other beliefs. The Koran is written from a lot of information out of the Bible, because the Bible came first. Muhammad was a false prophet if you believe what the Bible tells you which is the inspired Word of God. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and that God is able to keep His Word from the discrepancies of man. The prophets of the Bible have been proven over and over again. This cannot be said about other prophets including Mohammud, Joseph Smith, or Charles Russell/Joseph F. Rutherford. Buddha is an idol, a dead idol. Hinduism Krishna has no human value with their many gods. God and Jesus is a living God who has a relationship with His followers. He has given us a guide book His Holy Bible and He comes and lives within us. He helps when we need Him. He never leaves us or forsakes us. The only true God and He can be trusted.
2007-04-02 05:50:09
answer #4
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
True Christians love everyone! Jesus himself associated with the lowest of the low, the priests of that time could not fathom a religous man doing that. Jesus preached the word of love and belief to everyone who would listen. Then was crucified on a cross and shed his blood for us. (you, me, everyone) If there is a reason that they feel people of others religions are going to hell is that Jesus said that the only way to the Father is through the Son. Why would anyone walk around performing so many miracles and then let himself be hung on a cross other than for exactly what he said it was for. The reason that all these people walk around saying there is no God or that other religons are the right one, is that GOD gaves us the freedom of choice. I wish everyone would believe in Christ then I would be sure that everyone is going to heaven. God's word says it all in the Bible, all you have to do is believe!
2007-04-02 05:48:44
answer #5
answered by Conan 2
Not all persons (believers and non-believers) who post to this Forum are intolerant or hate-mongers. And judging by some of their written words, some self-professed Christians seem to have wandered away from the “love thy neighbor” reservation.
Please don’t make the mistake of extrapolating the behaviors in this Forum by some persons as representative of the populations of believers or non-believers. What you observe herein is a social aberration of the real populations of these groups. It is both interesting yet sad to see how some will behave when hiding behind the anonymity of the computer.
Why persons think that the anonymity of this Forum grants them a license to ignore common social graces bewilders me. I suspect that these persons would be truly ashamed if they knew their parents, husband, wife, children, etc., learned of some of the things they write herein. Clearly they do their loved ones a disservice and dishonor them with such behavior.
In answer to your question, I would argue that Christians and non-believers are just like other folks; some are overly sensitive, insensitive, kind of spirit or not easily ruffled. In short, we are all imperfect people in an imperfect world. I believe charity of spirit is the most important quality one should strive to obtain. Such a benevolent goodwill enables a person to peacefully co-exist with everyone and make this imperfect world just a little bit more tolerable. We all have our inherent biases and flaws, but there is no reason we cannot strive to be better, no matter what our personal circumstances may be.
Unfortunately, many very good Christians have not spent enough time trying to learn and understand the theologies of the faith. Many also lack formal training in biblical hermeneutics, so they may misunderstand the full meanings of the texts they frequently quote.
Please do not misunderstand me as I am not advocating that everyone get degrees in theology, only that they spend some time studying materials outside the scriptures so that their faith will be solidly grounded.
You make some observations about other religious belief systems. The attitude that "it's OK to believe whatever you want as long as it is sincere" advocates religious pluralism. To the Christian, religious pluralism dilutes the messages from the bible that there is only one true God and one path to eternal righteousness. When you make this kind of observation and ask for comment, you should receive reasoned responses (as I hope mine is) from Christians explaining why they hold such an opinion to be contrary to Christian doctrine. Making observations that "you are hell-bound" are over the top, unless you specifically asked about the afterlife.
Christians are admonished to be bold in proclaiming their faith. Unfortunately, some have confused "boldness" with "arrogance".
I encourage you to keep asking questions in an objective manner. You will sometimes get useful responses. I try to answer questions so structured with a cogent response.
2007-04-02 05:46:55
answer #6
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
In the beginning was the word and the word was with God. Jesus is the word. Intolerance by a Christian, perhaps your friends are not as much of a Christian as you think. Jesus came to heal the sick. He walked among lepers, prostitutes, tax collectors and shepherds. In the bible it speaks many times on why Jesus was coming and it speaks many times of the things he predicted after he was resurrected. Why is it when someone speaks of seeing a UFO, people accept it. but if they say they spoke to God they are considered psychologically unbalanced? A true Christian is not intolerant of others as you may think. Others are more intolerant of the truth and thus raise objections to Christianity
2007-04-02 05:40:47
answer #7
answered by CheryllDianne 3
We are called as Christians to spread the word of GOD. His word says that if you dont "accept" Jesus as your "lord and savior", then you will go to hell.
It is not intolerance, it is our beliefs!
BUT, I do agree that EVERY religion (or lack of religion) has its 'extremists' that can be really ugly and hateful. There is no point in it. I believe what I believe. I will not change my point of view and know that others will probely not change theirs either! I will, however, discuss Who, what., where, why I believe as I do.
I dont think it is being narrow minded. It is standing firm on my faith and believing the word of God.
2007-04-02 05:50:15
answer #8
answered by Hot Momma 4
The rub centers in the fact that Jesus preached an exclusivity:
"I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY ME." In my lifetime I have seen a movement afoot that tolerance is the key, and that intolerance is akin to hatred. Unfortunately, intolerance often plays itself out as hatred, but not always. I am intolerant toward the teachings of other religions insofar as they lead people astray, but this does not mean that I am intolerant toward the adherents themselves. Not everyone is able to say this, though. The simple fact is that Jesus taught that there was no hope outside of Him. Lastly, is it unloving to warn someone of an oncoming freight train? Wouldn't it be worse, assuming that what we believe is true, to see the impending doom and say nothing? This is akin, in my mind, to negligent manslaughter. Those who flatly refuse repentance and think they are in no danger are making the same mistake as Harry Trueman who refused to leave Mt. Saint Helens though the US geological survey told him he was in danger. His response sounded an awful lot like what I hear atheists telling me, "I've lived on this mountain all of my life. I'll be just fine, thank you." Christians, just like anyone else, are fallible, so don't be too surprised if we slip into mean-spiritedness occasionally - we are only human!
Hope this helps.
2007-04-02 05:48:23
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Easy one.... any person who believes that they and they alone have the truth, THE revealed truth of god, are intolerant, be they Muslim or Christian. And, interestingly, they'll kill you over it! (Buddhists, tend not to be invasive, nor are most Oriental religions... theirs is not evangelical, but rather live and let live.
Below is a really great book on theists, but I warn you, if you possess only a hs education, have never taken a course in ethics or bible history, don't bother. His arguments are really tight, but had I been the editor, would have insisted he dummy it down a bit.... the sentence structure is at times convoluted, and there is no reason to send readers to a dictionary for such words as pejorative, where others exist...It's on the NYTimes best seller list.
The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins.
See what I mean? Your respondent above mine, "fish", is sending you to burn in hell because you have not accepted jesus.... christians are a smug bunch, intolerant, and of the attitude, "don't bother me with any other truth, my mind is make up." And you are damned if you don't believe....... And interestingly, those are usually folks of average or below IQ. and hs grads only. Few have taken any courses in history, ethics, philosophy, nor in fact, even read the bible......go figure. And interestingly too, they never questions where all that stuff came from, nor how it can be authenticated......
2007-04-02 05:36:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You are correct but you have to realize that there are 2 types of Christians. Many are reasonable, intelligent and respect other beliefs, the ones that you speak of are the crazy Christians that give the rest of them a bad name. Every group has them, back in the day they used to call them the village idiot.
2007-04-02 06:11:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous