The commandment was given, according to Romans, that sin might become exceeding sinful. There is something in man that is stirred up by being told, "thou shalt not." By plainly illegalizing somethings, God has shown us what we are since our natural tendency is to rebel. The law serves, therefore, as both a mirror showing us who we are, and as a schoolmaster once we have seen a need for Christ.
2007-04-02 04:48:36
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
To take (the property of another) without right or permission.
To present or use (someone else's words or ideas) as one's own.
To get or take secretly or artfully: steal a look at a diary; steal the puck from an opponent.
To give or enjoy (a kiss) that is unexpected or unnoticed.
To draw attention unexpectedly in (an entertainment), especially by being the outstanding performer: The magician's assistant stole the show with her comic antics.
Baseball. To advance safely to (another base) during the delivery of a pitch, without the aid of a base hit, walk, passed ball, or wild pitch.
To commit theft.
To move, happen, or elapse stealthily or unobtrusively.
Baseball. To steal a base.
2007-04-02 04:47:25
answer #2
answered by EyeKneadPoints 3
Is a child born knowing that stealing is wrong? No. So it is not same to assume that during Moses' time, people knew it was wrong to steal. I personally to not believe that any God directly delivered the Ten Commandments to earth, but it does make since that the people were given morals to abide by from their leader (Moses).
2007-04-02 04:51:23
answer #3
answered by Holly 2
God does not want us to steal anything, cost, size and time is irrelevent. Stealing is stealing, if you take ANYTHING that does not belong to you, without the intent of returning than you have stolen, have you ever, and I mean ever, done this, even as a child, if so then you are guilty of breaking this commandment.
2007-04-02 04:54:11
answer #4
answered by JesusFreak 4
God had nothing to do with the so-called 10 commandments. That was created by man as a guide for primitive people of that time.
2007-04-02 04:50:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your command of the English language speaks volumes about you.
You and Scott B need to go back to 3rd grade and start over!!
2007-04-02 04:47:28
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
We sohuld also know most of the others. Maybe God just figured He needed to spell it out for us. As for some "hidden meaning" I can't really see anything.
2007-04-02 04:46:40
answer #7
answered by gatech-dragon 2
The commandmeds lika all laws were given in order to avoid things which were done in the community.
2007-04-02 04:53:29
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It is part of the drivel. Is it not a greater crime to let one's family go hungry? There is no absolute morality, there is always a reason to do something that would otherwise be really wrong.
2007-04-02 04:50:27
answer #9
answered by Momofthreeboys 7
I don't no about no commandments, but I do no that you don't no how to spell know.
2007-04-02 05:03:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous