none of the above
2007-04-02 04:45:12
answer #1
answered by Militant Agnostic 6
Many different denominations use many different translations.
Do some research on the different translations. You will get many passionate answers to the question of which translation is best.
I prefer The New American Standard as it is translated word for word. (unlike the NIV which is translated thought for thought).
I would stay away from watered down versions like the Living bible and the Message etc...
I hope this helps. If you have other questions on bible study feel free to email me.
2007-04-02 11:47:49
answer #2
answered by redeemed 5
Well I must tell u that nondenominational churches that follow only scripture are the best bet. I have been in a few denominational churches and was not happy with the omitting of scripture, and the rules of man that have been set up. We must go by the full bible not omitting one thing. A church is like a glove in a way, you must find what fits you. I say visit the denominations and nondenominational churches. Pray before going, God will direct you. God bless you, Pastor Sherry
2007-04-02 11:56:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Which denomination created the Bible?
2007-04-02 11:44:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Has to be the Jehovah's Witnesses , no wait, its the Baptists, ummmm wait its the Mormons, no wait it has to be the Catholics.
In reality it depends on which verses you focus your attention on. The ugly truth is that the bible sends multiple messages about doctrine form the Old Testament to the New, that is why so many denominations exist. If one focuses on the Old Testament, they may say that eating Pork and shellfish is forbidden, if one focuses on the new they may say that those laws no longer apply. Both are right, and speak truth as dictated by the bible.
That is why it is impossible to truly determine the will of God from reading the Bible. How can one Damn homosexuals, belittle the opinions of women and still be God's 'loving' children. It is a paradox that the bible doesn't solve.
2007-04-02 11:48:47
answer #5
answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7
I am a member of a Christian Church. Not Baptist and not Methodist (though I have previously gone to both). I think the best thing would truly be to abolish all denominations except just the Christian Church. We all need to agree. I think one reason atheists reject Christianity is that even we can't agree on very much. If we can't agree how to baptize someone, how could we possibly have the capacity to say that Jesus is God's Son.
George Washington warned against political parties. Jesus Christ warned against denominations. I think we're pretty much ignored both of them.
2007-04-02 11:50:12
answer #6
answered by gatech-dragon 2
The “church of Christ” is neither Catholic, nor Protestant. The church of Christ is not a denomination.
A denomination is larger than the local congregation, but smaller than the church universal. The congregations of the Church of Christ are autonomous; there is no man-made organization that oversees the local congregations. Since the Church of Christ exists only as local congregations (which is not by definition a denomination) within the universal "church" (which is not a denomination), then we are not part of any denomination. In fact, we stress that men should leave behind man-made denominational organization and doctrine to return to the Bible as our source of authoritative teaching. (See 1 Cor. 1:10-13, John 17:20-21, and 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
The church of Christ identifies itself by name as a church that is trying to follow the “doctrine of Christ” (2 John 9). The “church of Christ” identifies itself by name as a church that belongs to Christ. The name points to the owner and builder. The name points to the one who purchased the church. (Matthew 16:18, Acts 20: 28)
In contrast to this the name of many denominations point to the name of a man, a particular practice, or the way they are organized. A member of a denomination identifies himself by name as one who submits to the authority of that denomination and tries to follow the doctrine (teaching) of that denomination. Why not just follow the doctrine and authority of Christ?
The church of the Bible is compared to a bride, with Christ being the groom. A bride honors the groom when she agrees to wear his name. But many churches today wear man made names.
Suppose, for example, Mr. Smith asks his girlfriend to marry him. She agrees, but says, “Our friend Mr. Jones is a good man, so when we get married, instead of being called Mrs. Smith, I want to be called Mrs. Jones.” Would Mr. Smith have a reason to question her loyalty to him? Would he feel honored? Why would a bride wear another man’s name? Why would a church want to wear a man-made name? The “church of Christ” wears a name found in scripture (Romans 16: 16).
The church of Christ wishes to restore the church to the teaching that was established and authorized by Christ and his apostles. We wish to have Biblical authority for everything we practice and teach. (Col. 3:17)
The Bible teaches that Jesus is the head of the church and the church is his body. (Eph. 1:22-23) The church of Christ recognizes this, and therefore there is no “headquarters” on earth. Each congregation is independent and goes directly to the Bible to learn what should be taught and how we should worship. We believe the Bible is sufficient and we need no other authority or creed books. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:3)
Christ has “all authority” and we wish to follow this authority by following the things He taught. (Matt 28:18-20) We don’t want to add any man-made doctrine. (If we follow the authority or teaching of men, then Christ does not have “all authority” in our spiritual lives.) If we teach as doctrine the commandments of men, this makes our worship vain! (Matthew 15:9)
Please do not confuse the church of Christ with the “United Church of Christ”, the “International Church of Christ”, the “Church of Christ Scientists”, or the “Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints (Mormons)”. These groups are not the same and they teach drastically different things!
If you wish to know more about those who simply want to be New Testament Christians (nothing more, nothing less, nothing else), I invite you to investigate the church of Christ by comparison to the Scriptures! I have included a few web sites below that you might wish to visit, or you can e-mail me with any additional questions.
2007-04-02 22:10:15
answer #7
answered by JoeBama 7
The Bass Fishermen
2007-04-02 11:46:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If I had to pick one, I'd say Unitarians. They seem the least tied to ancient speculations and the most willing to look for meaning rather than to view the whole thing literally.
Of course, as an Atheist, I think non-theists have the best interpretation of the bible. It is a great work of ancient literature (at least parts of it are) and it is a great work of moral philosophy (again, in part).
2007-04-02 11:44:47
answer #9
answered by Dave P 7
The one that believes the whole bible is the word of God, and lives their life accordingly. Not picking and choosing what they want to believe or applies to them.
2007-04-02 12:11:21
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I'm Christian and will tell you that IMO the Catholics have done the most damage to Christianity. Their interpretations suit their will and change with time. They bow to a Pope and pray to Mary, neither of which is God or the son of God. They sin openly and willingly and then claim that because they confess to God, all is forgiven and their path to Heaven is assured.
All of this is nonsense and not in keeping with the Christian faith.
2007-04-02 11:46:48
answer #11
answered by kja63 7