John Paul I
2007-04-04 04:22:38
answer #1
answered by imacatholic2 2
Since there has been no Pope John Paul XII, I will list all the popes for you:
Peter (32-67)
Linus (67-76)
Anacletus (Cletus) (76-88)
Clement I (88-97)
Evaristus (97-105)
Alexander I (105-115)
Sixtus I (115-125) -- also called Xystus I
Telesphorus (125-136)
Hyginus (136-140)
Pius I (140-155)
Anicetus (155-166)
Soter (166-175)
Eleutherius (175-189)
Victor I (189-199)
Zephyrinus (199-217)
Callistus I (217-22)
Urban I (222-30)
Pontain (230-35)
Anterus (235-36)
Fabian (236-50)
Cornelius (251-53)
Lucius I (253-54)
Stephen I (254-257)
Sixtus II (257-258)
Dionysius (260-268)
Felix I (269-274)
Eutychian (275-283)
Caius (283-296) -- also called Gaius
Marcellinus (296-304)
Marcellus I (308-309)
Eusebius (309 or 310)
Miltiades (311-14)
Sylvester I (314-35)
Marcus (336)
Julius I (337-52)
Liberius (352-66)
Damasus I (366-83)
Siricius (384-99)
Anastasius I (399-401)
Innocent I (401-17)
Zosimus (417-18)
Boniface I (418-22)
Celestine I (422-32)
Sixtus III (432-40)
Leo I (the Great) (440-61)
Hilarius (461-68)
Simplicius (468-83)
Felix III (II) (483-92)
Gelasius I (492-96)
Anastasius II (496-98)
Symmachus (498-514)
Hormisdas (514-23)
John I (523-26)
Felix IV (III) (526-30)
Boniface II (530-32)
John II (533-35)
Agapetus I (535-36) -- also called Agapitus I
Silverius (536-37)
Vigilius (537-55)
Pelagius I (556-61)
John III (561-74)
Benedict I (575-79)
Pelagius II (579-90)
Gregory I (the Great) (590-604)
Sabinian (604-606)
Boniface III (607)
Boniface IV (608-15)
Deusdedit (Adeodatus I) (615-18)
Boniface V (619-25)
Honorius I (625-38)
Severinus (640)
John IV (640-42)
Theodore I (642-49)
Martin I (649-55)
Eugene I (655-57)
Vitalian (657-72)
Adeodatus (II) (672-76)
Donus (676-78)
Agatho (678-81)
Leo II (682-83)
Benedict II (684-85)
John V (685-86)
Conon (686-87)
Sergius I (687-701)
John VI (701-05)
John VII (705-07)
Sisinnius (708)
Constantine (708-15)
Gregory II (715-31)
Gregory III (731-41)
Zachary (741-52)
Stephen II (752) -- Because he died before being consecrated, some lists (including the Vatican's official list) omit him.
Stephen III (752-57)
Paul I (757-67)
Stephen IV (767-72)
Adrian I (772-95)
Leo III (795-816)
Stephen V (816-17)
Paschal I (817-24)
Eugene II (824-27)
Valentine (827)
Gregory IV (827-44)
Sergius II (844-47)
Leo IV (847-55)
Benedict III (855-58)
Nicholas I (the Great) (858-67)
Adrian II (867-72)
John VIII (872-82)
Marinus I (882-84)
Adrian III (884-85)
Stephen VI (885-91)
Formosus (891-96)
Boniface VI (896)
Stephen VII (896-97)
Romanus (897)
Theodore II (897)
John IX (898-900)
Benedict IV (900-03)
Leo V (903)
Sergius III (904-11)
Anastasius III (911-13)
Lando (913-14)
John X (914-28)
Leo VI (928)
Stephen VIII (929-31)
John XI (931-35)
Leo VII (936-39)
Stephen IX (939-42)
Marinus II (942-46)
Agapetus II (946-55)
John XII (955-63)
Leo VIII (963-64)
Benedict V (964)
John XIII (965-72)
Benedict VI (973-74)
Benedict VII (974-83)
John XIV (983-84)
John XV (985-96)
Gregory V (996-99)
Sylvester II (999-1003)
John XVII (1003)
John XVIII (1003-09)
Sergius IV (1009-12)
Benedict VIII (1012-24)
John XIX (1024-32)
Benedict IX (1032-45)
Sylvester III (1045) -- Considered by some to be an antipope
Benedict IX (1045)
Gregory VI (1045-46)
Clement II (1046-47)
Benedict IX (1047-48)
Damasus II (1048)
Leo IX (1049-54)
Victor II (1055-57)
Stephen X (1057-58)
Nicholas II (1058-61)
Alexander II (1061-73)
Gregory VII (1073-85)
Victor III (1086-87)
Urban II (1088-99)
Paschal II (1099-1118)
Gelasius II (1118-19)
Callistus II (1119-24)
Honorius II (1124-30)
Innocent II (1130-43)
Celestine II (1143-44)
Lucius II (1144-45)
Eugene III (1145-53)
Anastasius IV (1153-54)
Adrian IV (1154-59)
Alexander III (1159-81)
Lucius III (1181-85)
Urban III (1185-87)
Gregory VIII (1187)
Clement III (1187-91)
Celestine III (1191-98)
Innocent III (1198-1216)
Honorius III (1216-27)
Gregory IX (1227-41)
Celestine IV (1241)
Innocent IV (1243-54)
Alexander IV (1254-61)
Urban IV (1261-64)
Clement IV (1265-68)
Gregory X (1271-76)
Innocent V (1276)
Adrian V (1276)
John XXI (1276-77)
Nicholas III (1277-80)
Martin IV (1281-85)
Honorius IV (1285-87)
Nicholas IV (1288-92)
Celestine V (1294)
Boniface VIII (1294-1303)
Benedict XI (1303-04)
Clement V (1305-14)
John XXII (1316-34)
Benedict XII (1334-42)
Clement VI (1342-52)
Innocent VI (1352-62)
Urban V (1362-70)
Gregory XI (1370-78)
Urban VI (1378-89)
Boniface IX (1389-1404)
Innocent VII (1404-06)
Gregory XII (1406-15)
Martin V (1417-31)
Eugene IV (1431-47)
Nicholas V (1447-55)
Callistus III (1455-58)
Pius II (1458-64)
Paul II (1464-71)
Sixtus IV (1471-84)
Innocent VIII (1484-92)
Alexander VI (1492-1503)
Pius III (1503)
Julius II (1503-13)
Leo X (1513-21)
Adrian VI (1522-23)
Clement VII (1523-34)
Paul III (1534-49)
Julius III (1550-55)
Marcellus II (1555)
Paul IV (1555-59)
Pius IV (1559-65)
Pius V (1566-72)
Gregory XIII (1572-85)
Sixtus V (1585-90)
Urban VII (1590)
Gregory XIV (1590-91)
Innocent IX (1591)
Clement VIII (1592-1605)
Leo XI (1605)
Paul V (1605-21)
Gregory XV (1621-23)
Urban VIII (1623-44)
Innocent X (1644-55)
Alexander VII (1655-67)
Clement IX (1667-69)
Clement X (1670-76)
Innocent XI (1676-89)
Alexander VIII (1689-91)
Innocent XII (1691-1700)
Clement XI (1700-21)
Innocent XIII (1721-24)
Benedict XIII (1724-30)
Clement XII (1730-40)
Benedict XIV (1740-58)
Clement XIII (1758-69)
Clement XIV (1769-74)
Pius VI (1775-99)
Pius VII (1800-23)
Leo XII (1823-29)
Pius VIII (1829-30)
Gregory XVI (1831-46)
Pius IX (1846-78)
Leo XIII (1878-1903)
Pius X (1903-14)
Benedict XV (1914-22)
Pius XI (1922-39)
Pius XII (1939-58)
John XXIII (1958-63)
Paul VI (1963-78)
John Paul I (1978)
John Paul II (1978-2005)
Benedict XVI (2005—)
With love in Christ.
2007-04-03 11:51:13
answer #2
answered by imacatholic2 7
There have only been 2 popes named John Paul. John Paul 11 died last year. The pope immediately preceding him was John Paul 1 who lasted for only one month. Before him was Paul V1.
2007-04-02 10:55:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The pope before John Paul II was, believe it or not, John Paul I (formerly Albino Cardinal Luciani). He died about a month after becoming pope in 1978.
2007-04-02 10:57:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Who is John Paul XII? Do you mean John Paul II ? and please understand that ecumenical has different meanings depending on usage. For example, the Nicene council was considered ecumenical but was only Catholic bishops.
2007-04-02 10:55:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It was John XI (931-36) "He was the son of Pope Sergius III, by Marozia, and if possible he supassed his parents in crime. Elected pope at age of eighteen, Alberic, his half brother, expelled him from Rome and imprisoned thier mother Marozia. Stephen VIII (939-942) made himself so obnoxious to the Romans that they mutilated him."-Crimes of Christianity By G.W. Foote and J.M. Wheeler, Vol. 1 [129:9]
2007-04-02 11:11:34
answer #6
answered by jvitne 4
Don't you mean before John Paul ll ? Before John Paul ll, was John Paul l. Before that, was Pope Paul Vl, I think that might be who you mean?
2007-04-02 10:55:30
answer #7
answered by beatlefan 7
there has been no john paul xll, but if you mean john paul the second his predecessor was john paul the first. he was only pope for i think a few months i can't remember who was before him.
2007-04-02 10:55:15
answer #8
answered by paleogirl 2
the hasn't been a John Paul XII yet.
2007-04-02 10:53:47
answer #9
answered by Militant Agnostic 6
Cool, a question from the future. Pius XVII, who was pope 2721-2743.
2007-04-02 11:01:37
answer #10
answered by Anonymous