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How do you know that you aren't wrong?

2007-04-01 22:46:01 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Cpt Amazing, I am not trying to stir up hatred and thus far people have been well balanced and have thought about their answers, unlike you.

2007-04-02 00:07:58 · update #1

37 answers

I am following religion of all Holy Prophets.
That is Religion of Prophet Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Almighty on all of them).


2007-04-01 22:51:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My religion doesn't teach that other religions are wrong. Instead it teaches that other religions are just different approaches...different perspectives on the Divine. Hinduism, my religion, teaches that there are many paths to the one God. That while different religions call God by many different names, they're all addressing the same God. They often use the example of the story of the five blind men and the elephant. One day five blind men set out to take a walk in the forest. Each of them left their respective villages and along the way an elephant crossed each of their paths. The first one reached out and felt the trunk of the elephant as it passed it by. The second reached out and touched a tusk, third a flapping ear, the fourth the tail, and the fifth touched the body. Each of them went back to the village and told the villagers about their experience. So whose experience was truly right? Hindus say that God, who is infinite, is like the elephant and each of us are like those blind men reaching out to touch God. We all touch a different part of God. This not only explains the diversity of religions, but also the diversity within the many religions. Atleast, that's why my religion teaches.

Peace be with you.

2007-04-01 23:24:47 · answer #2 · answered by gabriel_zachary 5 · 1 0

Good Q!

In the bible, Jesus says "I am the way, the truth and the life, no-one can come to the Father except through me."... which is a big claim, essentially saying that if Christianity's true, all other religions can't be, and also that it's v important to get it right.

Keep on searching!

2007-04-02 00:44:13 · answer #3 · answered by Isabel 2 · 0 0

There's always that possibility, isn't there? It's sort of a horse race, which one will you bet on?

Is Jesus the Christ like he's been reported to be, and said that he was? Or is it he a fraud? Or was what was reported a fraud?

If we have any proof, it lies in the Bible, the source on where to look for the evidence that there is to have. No other book has more on the subject, and no other book has more to claim as to the prophecies concerning his coming.

Also there is another way to prove it. We just can't control that one. That is the revelation that God brings to some people. Like me. I claim that God let Himself be known to me. Anyone can do anything with that, but I remain convinced.

That['s how I know that it is true. After apllying the principles discussed in the Bible; that is; to believe and confess to God that I believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and I am a simmer, needing peace with God, I am saved. I continue to grow in the life as a Christian by trusting God to fulfill any promise that He uttered.

In my life by doing these things I have found that I recieve help from God that sustains that belief and edifies what is said in the Bible. It's been ovr 20 years now, and I have found that I am on the right path. That's how come I know.

2007-04-01 22:59:04 · answer #4 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 2 2

Eww!! touchy subject. I see wars being started over this one......
Nothing is the answer to your question. Almost every religion has a flaw or hole or some fact that does not add up. I think it might be possible that all relgions are right and wrong in some sense...just different paths leading to the same goal.

2007-04-01 22:53:10 · answer #5 · answered by Green 2 · 1 1

One of the great joys of not subscribing to stone-age philosophies of any kind, is laughing hysterically as followers of various religions try to convince others that their silly stories, traditions and goblins are better than the silly stories, traditions and goblins they don't accept. To christians, muslim theology is seen as ridiculous. Muslims see christans as fools. Bhuddists think both are unenlightened, and so on and so on, never once considering that all the other folks are absolutely right.


2007-04-01 23:13:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no one right religion but, There is only one God, and one way to Heaven. Being saved by the Grace of God is your answer, and the only way to Heaven. Religion does nothing but confuse people. Knowing Jesus as your Savior, you can"t go wrong. Just follow Him.

2007-04-02 01:15:55 · answer #7 · answered by concerned 5 · 0 0

I'm not so much worried about my religion, being right or wrong. It' my faith in God that keeps me strong, as long as I have faith in God there isn't any thing else to worry about. I was raised Lutheran and still I still am Lutheran. Every thing that is taught is straight from the bible, no short cuts or changes made to fit what people want to hear. So it's like what you see is what you get. I like it that way.

If I were wrong my life would be a mess. I have loved Jesus Christ all of my life and I have always felt his presence. I have seen the things that he has done for me. He has always been there for and with me every step of my life, he has guided my entire way and has never let me down. So having God in my life is what is right and good for me. I know that I will never be wrong as long as Jesus Christ is in my life. 50 years of faith in Jesus Christ.

Also it isn't up to me to sit in judgment of any ones religion, as to what is right or wrong.

These are my feelings and I am in no way trying to push my faith or beliefs upon any one, it is after all only how I feel. Every one has a choice as to weather they wish to believe or not.

2007-04-01 23:27:01 · answer #8 · answered by Cindy 6 · 1 0

no one can ever be for certain they just have to have faith that there's is the true one. It's kind of a stupid question i doubt you are going to be converted to a different religion you just want to see what other people write and most likely laugh at their answers. You probably believe you have the right answer and are now just stirring up anger and doubt, its pitiful.

2007-04-01 22:56:58 · answer #9 · answered by Cpt. Amazing 4 · 1 1

My religion is right and that is why it tolerates all others.Look at the pre-dominantly Christian countries they attract many from other religions.Do you know the parable of the mustard seed ? It grows so big the birds of the air come and nest in it.

2007-04-01 23:25:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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