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I am have a problem on the playground with my son. He is being bullied. I visted the school and have found that 3 first grades (appox 60 kids) are being suppervised by one teachers aid. Is there some student teacher ratio that applies to recess?

2007-04-01 17:13:34 · 12 answers · asked by charmedone0803 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

12 answers

You would have to find out from your school district office as it varies from state to state. If this is a big concern for you maybe you should volunteer your time to help supervise at recess. I'm sure your help would be welcomed and appreciated by all! =)

2007-04-01 17:25:20 · answer #1 · answered by MJ 2 · 1 0

I don't know about ratio between student and adult supervision but I do have a suggestion which may help. Does your son have afriend who he could hang out with at recess.They could budddy up and be each others safety net if there is trouble.One could get help for the other if a situation should occur on the playground. Maybe the school could initiate a buddy system at recess so everyone could have a play pal. Just a thought.As much as possible let the kids pick the buddy,since you can't force kids to play with each other.This may also a way to give the new kid,the shy kid etc. a play pal.Teachers and teachers aids can't be everywhere and students should be encouraged to be involved in student safety.

2007-04-02 06:48:23 · answer #2 · answered by gussie 7 · 0 0

Go to the school as soon as you can. You cannot have your son bullied, Even at his age it can have long lasting affects. There is no why only 1 teacher can watch that many kids. Depending on what state your in, most have in place how many kids to how many teachers. This is a dangerous situation. Talk to other parents. Take pictures. Do what you have to do. If talking to the principal doesn't work then go to the board of education. Keep fighting. Good luck to you and your son. And if it keeps up i know this is sad to say but we had to do it. Teach your son to throw a good punch.

2007-04-02 07:41:05 · answer #3 · answered by dee g 3 · 0 0

That is apparently very common. At my daughters school, I think the teachers who take recess at he same time just take turns watching the kids. It's not a very good idea to me. I'm pretty sure that there is a ratio guideline somewhere. Probably varies from state to state. I just doubt that one could get them to enforce it. I am having a lot of trouble with my daughters time on the playground too and I plan on talking with the school principal about it.

2007-04-01 17:24:49 · answer #4 · answered by telltell98 *Proud Mommy of 3* 5 · 0 0

be thankful for that ratio. At our school there are 220 kids out at recess and lunch and only 2 teachers who the kids can never find. Go talk to the principal about the bullying

2007-04-01 22:55:01 · answer #5 · answered by Rachel 7 · 1 0

Inform the principal of your son's school as soon as possible!If your son is being bullied, it needs to be stopped before he gets hurt, emotionally or physically.Obviously there is a problem if there is just one aid with students being bullied.Perhaps the bully will get a good talking-to and punishment or an additional school aid will supervise the playground.Meanwhile, advise your son to steer clear of that bully, and stay near the aid, otherwise stand up for himself.

2007-04-01 17:48:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yep, just like there is a ratio in a class room. there has to be like 1 teacher to like 20-25 kids. and still i don't think(my opinion) that thats enough. i have 3 kids and can barely watch em all at the same time, so i don't know what they are thinking letting apx. 60 kids to one teacher..i would talk to the principal, if that doesnt work call your local board of education,,that will get them hopping on the problem.

2007-04-01 17:24:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Call you District School Superintendent there is no way that one person can adequately maintain good order and discipline while supervising sixty 6 year old children that is just plain dangerous. Be very vocal and if you have to contact other parents who are I am certain blissfully unaware that their children's well being is not being monitored for a good chunk of time at school. Be proactive on behalf of your child and the other children in their class. Good luck!

2007-04-01 17:44:44 · answer #8 · answered by QueenBean 5 · 0 0

Schools have a responsibility (in fact, I believe a legal obligation) to provide a safe environment. Start with the teacher and go upwards quickly if you are not satisfied with the answers. Your child is probably not the only one, and this only gets more serious and more difficult to manage the longer it goes on!

2007-04-05 08:43:15 · answer #9 · answered by Vivienne 2 · 0 0

I would think that there would be or should be more people supervising the children. You might want to bring it up to the principle or teacher. If not then start teaching your kid to defend himself!!

2007-04-01 17:24:06 · answer #10 · answered by I smile because of them ♥ 5 · 0 0

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