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The Bible is clear on this, in fact Jesus himself said "I did not come to do away with the law but to fulfill the law."

2007-04-01 16:41:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

People remember the difference between laws and traditions. Some of you are confusing them.

2007-04-01 17:04:45 · update #1

21 answers

I really think there are some Christians (whether true to their faith or not) who are easily misled by wrong doctrine. Remember Pauls epistle to the Galatians (I am seriously paraphrasing here) "Oh foolish Galatians, how is it that you have so quickly been misled by false doctrine." He spends the bulk of the letter getting them back on track. But he does have a serious rebuke for those who propogate wrong doctrine.
They are accursed. Pretty serious eh.
Bible believing, born-again, Spirit led, fed, freed, singing the praises of the Creator, daughter of God.

2007-04-02 01:02:12 · answer #1 · answered by thankyou "iana" 6 · 2 0

Hmmm ...It's a bit long winded! Hope you don't mind.

Right back at 'ya Bro!
For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
A little conflicting wouldn't you say?

But with Understanding these two scriptures in thier context and knowing a little about the Bible and why Jesus had to come to earth and die for us, and that there was no other way, it is fact for those whom it is being revealed to and fiction I guess for people who choose to reject the Lord.

The bible is in two parts, for a reason. The Old Covenant and the New Covenant.
The Old Testament is when people were under the law.
The New Testament is about the New Covenant is what we are in now. Freedom in God because of What Jesus did at Calvary for us.
Because of Adams sin, the whole world needs to be forgiven their sins and cleansed before our Gracious Creator. --
With the old covenant, the only way man could go into the 'Holy of Holy's' or be clean and righteous was to sacfrafice a lamb (or other offering where God specified),
and so the pure blood of an undefiled and inoscent lamb would cleanse the people born back then.
That was the Law of the old covenant.
God knew that we'd need more than that in this ever corrupting world and, so, sometimes called the Second Adam, God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as the only way to make it easier for man to live on this decaying earth.
Jesus was and is the only way, the sacraficial Lamb's blood that atones us for all our sins.
Now we are not under the law of having to sacrafice anything before God, because of the blood that Jesus shed. Praise His Holy Name!
And at Jesus' dieing, the curtain that stoped anyone who wasn't cleansed, from enetering the 'Holy of Holy's, as we do so freely in prayer since that time on, --was ripped in two.
So there's the old Law and the new Law for you (which in the scripture quoted above), Jesus was prophesyiing His own death and resurection.
As for the laws of nature, mans enforcements, they still stand. And we can live freely under them!
(unless it mans law forbids us to do what God commands us to do but that's another discussion.)

2007-04-02 00:00:45 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Hello Stone Rolled:

When Jesus came, there were many symbolic laws that He fulfilled.

For example, He was crudified on "bad" Passover Friday, and rose on Firstfruits Sunday--those laws are not binding today--keep them if you want, I do not care.

In the Old Testament, Firstfruits And Pentecost were kept on "the day after the Sabbath." That is Sunday, and both events fulfilled. For that reason, Sunday will never be kept sacred throughout eternity--The Sabbath will, though, see: Isaiah 66: 23,24.

The ten commandments give one the knowledge of sin, and Jesus and the desciples kept all of them.

More on this, The Mark of the Beast--666 at www.revelado.org/666.htm

2007-04-01 16:52:31 · answer #3 · answered by Ticlesh 4 · 1 1

You are so right Stone. I think they assume since we are under grace the law isn't in effect. What I learned in a Hermeneutics class is that some laws stop at the cross...like having to sacrifice a lamb every year,, the civic and civil laws.(the traditions)...but the moral ones like thou shalt not kill....go beyond the cross. Therefore they are still in effect today. People assume just because God lifted the food prohibition, He lifted all the law.

2007-04-01 17:10:55 · answer #4 · answered by Jan P 6 · 1 0

Because some one read the Scripture of Jesus saying that He has done away with the law. they gleaned this by doing a superficial read. which tends to be their hallmark. But what Christ was actually saying is that The law concerning the blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin was done away with. Why you ask? Because Jesus Christ was the atoning blood sacrifice for one and all times. And he was more than equal to the task.

2007-04-01 16:59:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Anyone that has studied the whole bible should know that isn't true. And I also find that the ones who only read the old testament, do so for their own benefit and not based on what God wrote. Very sad in deed and ignorant on their part. In the end, everyone will see the truth.

2007-04-01 23:02:28 · answer #6 · answered by meganzopf 3 · 1 0

He himself did away with the laws. The laws required you should be stoned for various crimes. Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Yet...don't christians claim Jesus himself was without sin? If so, why didn't he carry out the required punishment?

2007-04-01 21:41:44 · answer #7 · answered by Tom :: Athier than Thou 6 · 0 1

you are correct. i have banged my head against this very same brick wall to many times to count. just because JESUS did away with the laws of sacrifice because HE BECAME the sacrifice...doesnt mean HE did away with the rest. my dad actually believes that since it is impossible to keep GODS laws, GOD must have never intended for man to keep them. i asked him if that meant GOD made them for the fun of it. christians who make every excuse under the sun why we arent to keep GODS laws are making one thing very clear...they are not worshipping the true living GOD, but their own self made image of HIM. and that image isnt going to get them to heaven any more than an idol of stone could save them. GOD says all the way from the old testament to revelations...if you love ME, keep MY commandments...if it is said in the last book of the bible then HE must still expect us to keep them. including saturday sabbath, which btw, HE will re-establish during the thousand years.

2007-04-01 16:53:12 · answer #8 · answered by Tammy M 6 · 2 0

Sacrifice of animals were no longer needed for sin because he was there to become the last sacrifice for mans sins. he did not come to do away with sacrifice for sins but to fulfill the need for it.

2007-04-01 16:57:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They don't what to follow the law and only want to do what certain parts of the bible say that's convenient for them.

2007-04-01 16:45:15 · answer #10 · answered by marie2dessy 3 · 1 1

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