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ive been eating a lot lately...don't know why, but i'm trying to cut it down. anyone know a great way to get abs? i mean, yes cruches and stuff but like...routines or anythign? thanks guys

2007-04-01 12:09:55 · 4 answers · asked by kb293 2 in Health Diet & Fitness

4 answers

Yea, you need to lower your overall bodyfat. Doing lots of crunches will help minimally.

And the best way to lose fat is NOT to 'eat less & run a bunch'

I suggest you start learning about fat loss methods, and the concepts behind them.

Do searches for 'tom venuto articles' and 'john berardi articles'

2007-04-01 12:14:17 · answer #1 · answered by mtguy8787 2 · 0 0

Abs is the place where most people need help. The problem is that most focus just on the ab muscles when they really need to lower their body fat and work their entire core muscles.

Start by eating a healthy diet. Most say they eat healthy but when it comes down to it, they eat way too much fat and carbs (junk food) and drink a few sodas or energy drinks during the day which can pack up to 800 calories a day. With a pound being 3500 calories you can see how fast it adds up.

Start by doing some cardio like brisk walking or TaeBo. Both are great fat burners.

The add some exercises that work the entire core, not just the upper and lower abs like crunches do. Yes, crunches are good but not the best.

Add the reverse biycle, full vertical crunch, long arm crunch and reverse crunch and the plank. These together will work your entire mid-section giving you that firm, flat look.

There are more suggestions at the site below.
You need to target this from several different areas: diet, cardio and core exercises. if you do you'll have great abs fairly quickly.

2007-04-01 12:27:44 · answer #2 · answered by Momma Knows 5 · 0 0

Cardio (walking, running, biking, swimming) will burn fat, combined with crunches to tone, strengthen and define abdominal muscles. Make sure you are doing a combination of exercise to target each different abdominal muscle. Also, be sure that you are doing them correctly so as not to injure your back.

2007-04-01 12:23:04 · answer #3 · answered by margarita 7 · 0 0

Bowel Softeners and funions.

2007-04-01 12:18:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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