find calorie/fitness calculator on the net, enter your stats, take 300-400 calories off that number and that's how much you need to lose weight.
5-8servings of fruit and veggies a day
8 glasses of water a day
5-6 small meals instead of 3 big ones (breakfast is the most important - make sure to get complex carbs like whole wheat bread, oatmeal, fruit etc)
4-6 times a week cardio for 30-50min, light weight training, many reps
no junk food, no sodas, no alcohol, no white flour (cakes, cookies, white bread, pasta etc.), nothing high in sugar (ice cream)
2007-04-01 12:04:22
answer #1
answered by Natalie 7
I'm 17 and 98 lbs and I got there bcause i followed these easy guidelines that are very healthy for you.
First and Best Way: Excersize!!!!!!!!!!! You need to excersize atleast 1 hour a day and I would say Running/Jogging is the best way to go about it. But personally, I hate that so I do jumping jacks, skip rope, rollerskate, and run up-and-down my stairs. Any type of rigorous, systematic movement can be considered excersize
Second Way: Reduce your intake of highly saturated fats! Stop eating those artery-clogging french fries, chicken wings, etc. It's okay to eat them once a week but don't pig out on them. If you normally order a Large Fries, then order Medium one next time.
Third Way: Reduce your intake of Meat Products. That way, you save animals and help benefit your health. It's true that meat has protein and iron, but you can get iron supplements and protein from vegeterian food. I'm not saying you should have a vegeterian diet from now on (even tho I am a vegeterian); I'm just saying you should reduce your intake of meat. So if you eat meat everyday, cut it down to three days a week.
Fourth Way: Eat your fruits and vegetables. I eat three fruits and three vegetables everyday and I think that has worked for me pretty well (I'm 100 pounds ..n no I'm not anoerexic (did I spell that right?)) Anyways, urge your parents to buy more fruit and veggies and include them in your dinner. Even if you don't want to eat as many fruits and veggies as I do, you should atleast have two fruits and two veggies in your diet EACH day. There is good vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water, and other stuff in there that helps you lose weight.
Fifth Way: Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so developing a good water drinking habit can be a long-term aid in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Doctor F. Batmanghelidj MD, author of "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" says most times your “hunger” is your body asking for water – not food. It's also important to remember that when the body is dehydrated, fat cells get "rubbery" and cannot be easily metabolized. This means that it's harder to lose when you don't drink your water.
Sixth Way: Drink lukewarm water with two table spoons of honey daily (easy way out and fast)
Seventh Way: One-Two table spoons of vinegar (also the easy way out and fast)
Anyways, those were a few options that you can try simultaneously (which is what I recommend) or one-by-one. You take care of urself and good luck with that!
2007-04-01 12:19:57
answer #2
answered by 3.14159265358979323846 6
Avoid crash diets and eat healthy along with 30-45 minutes of exercise three times a week. There is no fast/immediate way to lose weight. It has to come off slowly and done in a healthy way.
Fasting, starving, exercising to the extreme...none of those will produce honest results and will inevitably lead you to gain all the weight back and then some. Even if you do lose 3-5 pounds in one week, majority of it is water weight or muscle, not fat.
2007-04-01 12:02:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you want to lose 15 lbs, just dehydrate yourself....
It is important to understand the difference between fat loss and weight loss. It is easy to lose weight, as most of your bodyweight comes from water.
Losing fat takes time, and work. It would be possible to burn 10-15 lbs of fat in probably less than 2 months, if you know what you are doing. And no, popular diets and lots and lots of running are not the way to go about this.
If you want to lose 15 lbs of weight... that isnt too hard.
If you want to lose 15 lbs of fat fast, then you are SOL.
2007-04-01 12:04:57
answer #4
answered by mtguy8787 2
well..immediately as in when? is possible to lose up to 2 lbs every week, but any more than that is unhealthy...i train regularly to gain the 2 lbs every week...but to lose it you still have to must first figure out how many calories per day you normally eat, subtract 50 less calories every if you consume 1500 cals, start eating 1450 every day...while doing this, also work out, jump rope for 2 minutes, stretch, just stay active..a combination of these works wonders in just a few weeks
2007-04-01 12:07:50
answer #5
answered by jtfehr28 2
sleep in a cold room sleeping in a cold room is a best way to force your body to heat itself up for hours
2017-04-01 07:13:51
answer #6
answered by ? 3
if you also want to keep it off, you need to incorporate exercise into your routine. One thing you should definitely do is eat balanced smaller meals several times (5-6) a day. Drink plenty of water (64 oz) daily. Avoid sweets, alcohols, and over all alcohols.
2007-04-01 12:05:08
answer #7
answered by Jocey 3
get casual for 4 days a study shows that people take 491 more steps and burn 25 more calories on days they wear jeans to work
2016-01-10 21:44:18
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Try to know the calorie counts before ordering dishes on restaurant
2016-03-01 22:36:09
answer #9
answered by ? 3
alternate between cat pose cow pose and downward dog 13 times holding each for 30 seconds
2015-12-20 05:25:43
answer #10
answered by ? 3