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Given the recent developments and scandals with Women in the Military, should we or Women be allowed to serve and fight on the front lines in the Army or Marines, or should they stay in the States with the Air Force, or Navy? And if they can serve in an Armed Service (Army or Marine), should we just stick to what we know best, Cooking and Nursing, or are the Sexes Equal on the Battlefield. Please only answers from those who have first hand experience, it is for a class, and I would appreciate honest truthful answers, not hearsay.

2007-04-01 10:20:50 · 14 answers · asked by Langcaster V 1 in Politics & Government Military

I guess I misunderstood what exactly what the Coast Guard was, I thought it feel under the Department of Transportation, like the DMV, I would never include them with the Men serving our country.

Also, if there are no front lines in this war, like you have all indicated, then isn’t every line the front line and that is what I am against, women in combat. I am just not sure that all women, given the irregular chemical imbalances that some often exhibit would be able to handle a weapon in a life or death situation, or should even be in charge of others lives.

2007-04-01 11:52:36 · update #1

My intention was not to offend, but ask a question, if you do not have an answer, but a gripe with my question, please keep it to yourself, I am fully aware of all the functions of the Military, there is no way you can compare what the Army and Marines do, with what you claim to be accomplishing as a woman. Given an example, the work the Air Force is doing in Baghdad, and by work I mean, combat, since you are drawing combat pay, doesn’t seem to be that time consuming, or difficult, since you are able to hold a steady position in Yahoo Answers, answer over 320 questions in less than a month, you obviously aren’t running missions all day like our brave Male Soldiers serving with the USMC or USA. I am sorry, you just don’t seem to be the right person to be telling me what is what, you seem to be the example that I am stressing is wrong with the Military today.

2007-04-01 11:54:18 · update #2

By Chemical Imbalances, I meant “our monthly friend”.

2007-04-02 11:23:26 · update #3

By Chemical Imbalances, I meant “our monthly friend”. I find it amazing you can operate a .50 caliber machine gun, mounted upon a HMMVW (Is that one of those new Highly Mobile Multi Volks Wagens, or did you mean HMMWV)?

2007-04-02 11:24:53 · update #4

But I suppose that you are to busy “Doing Something Amazing” in the United States Air Farce, and sitting in your nice air conditioned room (So if you spend to much time in your room, and get Freon Poisoning from your Air Conditioner, would you qualify for the Purple Heart?), with your Internet connection, being one of the Lucky Few who doesn’t have to go often to realize that the Men living out of tents, HMMWV’s for days, or too tired to even sleep, protecting those who don’t have to go out that often, are the Hero’s that deserve our, and have gained my, respect. Much more than any FOBBIT (The indigenous people, drawing tax payers money, who live in the protection of a FOB), or Airmen, aside from Combat Controller / Para Rescue will ever deserve. So wear your medals proudly, and hold your head high, knowing that you were the few, the proud, the Chair Force. I did do a little research on the Military before asking my question.

2007-04-02 11:25:35 · update #5

14 answers

That is a very hard question to answer because it depends upon the particular Woman. Yes some can hold their own weight, and mostly do, but the vast majority can not hold their own when it comes to being a person fighting in the Military.

For ever one that is good, there are at least 20 dragging the rest of them down, because things are too dirty, heavy, or dangerous. Some get pregnant just to get out; others just let the males pull their weight. Some female Soldiers and Marines are the most amazing specimens of Human Valor, Honor, and Courage, while others are there for the free college.

It seems to better the Military as a whole, the genders need to be split on the battle field. I am not agreeing with just the Nurse or Cook idea; I would not discriminate against a female admin person at all. But perhaps once we split those apart, perhaps we should also split the idea of the Rank structure, those who do something in the Military should not have to Salute or stand at Parade Rest for anyone who sits behind a computer all day. And I understand the Chemical Imbalances, most female officers, or NCO’s should loose their Commission, or Non-Commissioned status, for about two weeks a month. And since there is no standardized testing to decide which females will be coherent and sane the entire time they are serving, or who can easily hack the Military, and those who can not lift their MA DEUCE, let alone fire it, so I guess we will, in the sake of everyone serving, have to take them out of the battle field, and keep them in the rear with the gear, or cut them from the service all together.

If you are in the Navy or Air Force, and you do not drive the ships, fly the planes, or fix the equipment try a rifle and an Army Uniform on for size. Feel how soft Pride feels against your skin.


2007-04-02 11:53:24 · answer #1 · answered by Knightmare 2 · 1 0

1. There are no known front lines in this war.
2. Even if you were a cook or a nurse your a$$ will still be at risk of mortars.
3. All forces are at risk. Being in one or the other doesn't lessen your chance it's just a matter of luck.

You must be very young to be asking this question, at least wording it the way you have.
I have seen more men in combat loose it than the women that I have worked with. Some have gone as far as trying to take their own lives or running while manifesting.
To think that women are inferior to men is extravagant, irrelevant to say the least.
The joke is on the policy makers that didn't for see the war going the way it is now. Preventing women to go into combat MOS doesn't necessarily mean that they won't see combat. There are many women driving, gunning, commanding efficiently the roads while doing patrols, counter-attacks and raids in the middle east. There are women flying, moving parts and defending what's right this minute while you read your answers.
We do as much and more of what's asked of us. Ask any commander or first line supervisor if there is such a difference. When you put your battle rattle on your ballistics and lock and load your weapon the only thing you could ever be is a soldier.
When you enlist you go through basic training. WE ARE TRAINED TO BE SOLDIERS FROM THE BEGINNING.

2007-04-01 10:37:59 · answer #2 · answered by Gilla 3 · 3 2

Its a modern idea that women should`t be involved in battle, as history has shown that it was not always the case women have been the warriors.

Religion and ideals put the female sex into a sideline or 2nd class position. With these ideas it hard to see a woman in the position of life taker and not a life giver.

Openly the modern world wants to give equal rights to all that wish to become front line fighters, however behind the scenes the idea of women taking lives dose not sit well.

So it gets hidden behind statement like"women can not hack it" not strong enough" all which is a a load of b as women police officers stand on the front line of crime and see death and shoot if the have to, without any major difference than men.

I serve over 20 years ago with the Royal Marines, and walked with un armed Female police officers in Northern Ireland, the bravery of these ladies had an impact on me. They were not armed due to the silly idea no one would shoot at them, but when they are on a few meters away and in a uniform that dose not make a difference.

20 years ago the British force still had the Men and women separate but now there is a General mix of a sort (not the Marines unless attached)

Me personaly women can Handel front line work, but not sure how I would react to a lady who was affected by PTS or was a battle harden killing machine.

2007-04-01 10:54:08 · answer #3 · answered by ZULU45RM1664 3 · 2 2

Please get your facts straight, first of all.

Just because a woman is in the Air Force or the Navy by no means guarantees that she will stay in the states.

I am active duty USAF serving "on the front lines".

Also, just so you know, there are no "front lines" in this war. The entire country is considered the "battlefield" so combat occurs everywhere.

And I think your comments about cooking and nursing are ridiculously sexist. Lots of women (like myself) can't do either of those things, so where do you get off saying "what we know best"? That is ridiculous.

People tend to equate "women" with "weak", in both the physical and the mental sense, and I completely disagree. I know that personally, I am not as strong as most men... some women are. But I also know that I am as strong and mentally competant (if not more so) than men. There are plenty of men who are mentally weak....

EDIT: Wow, what a little brat. How *dare* you question what I am doing over here. You have no idea what I do. Pardon me for being so priveledged as to have an internet connection in my room. No, I am not running missions every day, and so what? But when I DO have to go out, I go out there confident that I can do my job and being a woman is not going to affect that at all. I'd like to see your @ss get in the turret of a HMMVW and handle a .50 cal machine gun!!! You keep running your mouth about the brave men... I am by no means trying to downplay their bravery, but there are plenty of women that go out there everyday (I happen to be one of the lucky ones who doesn't have to go often). Additionally, why are you only saying that it's Army and Marines? My unit (all AF) has already suffered several casualties since January (and some were female). It is evident to me that you are not, as you claim, "fully aware of the functions of the military" or else you would have the sense to respect all military members.

And women can't be in combat because we have "chemical imbalances"??? I think YOU have a chemical imbalance, missy....LOL

EDIT: Oh give me a break. I was by no means claiming to be anything like the guys that go out every day. Stop putting words in my mouth. But I still don't know what any of this has to do with women in combat. Although I personally am not out there everyday, there are plenty of women who are and they do just fine. And as for the safety of the FOB, I stay on one of the most secure camps in the ITO, and we have have 10 people wounded in their living quarters by mortar attacks in the past 3 days. Our "monthly friend" is something you learn to deal with... it's just like any other job. Congrats on surfing the internet and learning something; maybe you should get off your fat @ss and experience real life.

It's funny... I've never met/known a woman who despised her own sex. You must really hate yourself, huh? That is very sad.

2007-04-01 10:36:08 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 2 2

I am a woman and was in the military. I CHOSE an MOS that was Administrative, but worked in a Military Police unit where women WERE MPs.

Personally? I don't think women should be on the front lines. This is not to say that women can't do what they're told or that they're not "as good as" men, but rather that most women do NOT have the ability to shut off their emotions and get the job done. Most women I know in the military would get themselves killed trying to get a bomb off of a child's back rather than doing what some men in Vietnam did and just killing them so you can get away and save that child the pain of being on a bomb and NOT dying.

Women are also a hinderance to men on the battlefield....by that I mean that when men see women hurting, they don't think "oh that's another soldier", they think "that could be my MOTHER or my SISTER"....it gets them emotionally involved where they would normally NOT be. Instead of doing their job, they try to help women who are having problems because "what if it were my sister/mother?"...where they might normally say "he'll make it out, he's been trained, and is just as strong as I am". Many men that I served with were trained to be gentlemen - hold the door open for a lady, help her if she needs help, comfort her if she's hurting. That does not mean that they thought women should "mind their place in the kitchen" or other such nonsense, but rather that the men I worked with PREFERRED to take the "ugly" jobs and spare women that ugliness. War is an ugly, ugly thing that is etched forever on the minds of many of our vets. It pains men to see what women go through after experiencing something so ugly - it changes you.

2007-04-01 10:39:42 · answer #5 · answered by jlene18 3 · 5 3

Women have quicker reflexes. Scientific proven.
Just because they are women, it is difficult to see them get maimed and/or killed in combat. At least for most men.
I Know Israel have trained women for war all it's existence, and they are good in combat, however their situation is different from the USA.
I do think women have a place in any conflict, and should be allowed to participate if they wish. A good trained woman behind the stick of a fighter jet is better than a man. She can pull more G forces and again has quicker reflexes.
There is much more a woman can do in the military other than cook and nurse. Most that I encountered in the Mil. would have kicked your butt if you told them that they were only good for cooking and nursing. Smile.

2007-04-01 10:43:40 · answer #6 · answered by hisemiester 3 · 2 3

Which institute are you a "student" at where you don't know that the Armed Forces are Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard?

2007-04-01 10:27:34 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I'm an army wife and can give you a good answer on this and correct a few mis-said things in your question if you'll send me an email address please. I have an assiocates in arts degree and would like to help you with this question. I've pretty much written a whole argument based thesis on this before. Let me know if you would like my help. Good Luck
Fort Bragg, NC

2007-04-01 10:33:14 · answer #8 · answered by bonnieblue716 4 · 1 1

I did just over 20 years, and have fought in three "conflicts." Women being allowed to serve but not in combatant units tended to cause problems. I was on a sea tour and wished to rotate back to a shore tour, given my specific job, there were no billets available for me, they were all filled by women. Case in point, being an Independent Duty Corpsman. I was definitely in need of a break and could not get it.
Prior to women being brought aboard my aircraft carrier (state side? Ha! only the air force), we had to go to the yards for six months while they reconfigured the inside of our ship. Life there offered no privacy. You had to literally walk between bunks to get from one end or side of the ship to the other. The heads (rest rooms) all had to be reconfigured as well. Suddenly we had popouri dispensers.?!!! On a freaking combatant ship... It was good enough for the men, but not the women?
The women came aboard and all of the men had to go through sensativity training. We were told that we could nolonger have competitions to see who could carry the most chocks and chains -- to tie down aircraft, because women could not keep up. In medical, we saw a dramatic increase in sick call. Specifically, roughly 1/3 of all of the junior enlisted women came up pregnant. Policy was, pregnancy was an automatic removal from the hazards of shipbaord life.
Hormones definitely played havoc on moral. If you think having a bunch of horny, sex starved men confined together for six months at a shot is bad, add to that mix, the drama queens of emotionally and hormonally charged girls who are not quite yet women. And then expect them to all work and live together in a pleutonic, harmonious relationship! I had a belly full and put in to go back to the Marine side of the house... They sent me to the boot camp where again, we were subjected to the cat fights and high school mentality of females. It became a joke. Warriors? Hardly. More like the brothel from hell. And the "Leaders" didn't help -- starting with Clinton on down.

2007-04-01 10:49:42 · answer #9 · answered by Doc 7 · 4 4

I do not believe in women in combat. Call me a sexist or whatever, it is a man's job to protect.

Of course if we don't have enough men with a set to protect then women will have to.

Viet Nam: 1969

2007-04-01 10:29:11 · answer #10 · answered by Kye H 4 · 3 2

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