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My parents said something about Floom/Vloom cancer, but i cannot find it anywhere.
At first they thought it was lung cancer, but it's not inside his lungs but on the outside. Apparently it is quite aggressive.
He is getting radiology at the moment, and they are hopeful.
He did use to smoke but quit 7 years ago. He is 64 years old and is also suffering from diabetes.

2007-04-01 06:27:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

7 answers

Many people who have lung cancer do not show the tumor on the inside of there lungs. Sometimes large tumors show up in the mediastinal area between the 2 lungs or other places in the chest, and cause serious trouble. These tumors are not able to be removed (inoperable) and so they take the alternative route which is radiation. I have to stress, radiation is a temporary fix. It shrinks the tumor off of the vital vessels in the chest and basically buys the patient some time to get their affairs in order and do whatever they need to do before they pass on.
Since his tumor is around his aorta the gigantic artery which pumps blood out of the heart, they are trying to get the tumor to shrink quickly or his circulation will be seriously compromized and he will die.
He has been told by his physician how poor his condition is and knows he is going to die. The doctor never leaves the patients in the dark about these issues. Sometimes the family does not want them to know, but ethically, it would be wrong not to tell him.
These lung tumors cause extra fluid to pop up between the lung and the pleura. This is called a malignang pleural effusion which brings in another big problem. Sometimes they remove the fluid and test it for malignancy, but the fluid taken off comes back quickly, so they dont usually remove it over and over again. Sometimes they try to glue the wall of the lung and the pleura back together, using a chest tube and talc, but it rarely works.
Pray for your uncle. Peace to you and your family.
Cancer RN

2007-04-01 11:59:46 · answer #1 · answered by happydawg 6 · 0 1

I think the 'floom/vloom' is actually Pleural Effusion, a nasty type of cancer that is probably part of something that has metastasized and is in several other places.

Radiation and chemo are just palliative for it--they reduce the patient's suffering. There is nothing that cut/burn/poison can do now. Perhaps alternative medicine can help, though. You need to watch the film at


and if you and your uncle are up to it, there are many good books that may help. Here are a few--

"The Cure for All Cancers", ISBN 0963632825
"The Cure for All Advanced Cancers", ISBN 1890035165
"A Cancer Therapy", ISBN 0882681052
"Oxygen Therapies", ISBN 0962052701
"Hydrogen Peroxide--Medical Miracle", ISBN 1885236077
"The Natural Cure for Cancer--Germanium", ISBN 0533071410
"Killing Cancer", ISBN 0705000966
"Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About", ISBN 0975599518

Best of luck.

2007-04-04 17:36:57 · answer #2 · answered by Dorothy and Toto 5 · 0 0

Malignant Pleural Effusion

A pleural effusion is a condition where extra fluid builds up in the pleural space, which is the space between the edge of the lungs and the chest wall. A malignant pleural effusion is caused by cancer that grows in the pleural space. About half of people with cancer develop a pleural effusion. More than 75% of people with a malignant pleural effusion have lymphoma or cancers of the breast, lung, or ovary.

2007-04-01 06:33:33 · answer #3 · answered by El Diablo 3 · 1 0

I'm so sorry. Maybe "malignant pleural effusion"? It usually happens when another form of cancer has spread.


2007-04-01 06:32:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i cannot answer you question , i would advise your dear uncle to call the elders of the church topray over him and annoint him with oil in the( name of Jesus Christ) , this Gospel in in the book of james in the king james version..my prayers for him that Christ might heal this terriable cancer in the name of jesus christ i beg for his healing his soul and his body both. christ loves us all he has no respect of person and he can heal your uncle if it be according to his will. let us both pray to that end..

2007-04-01 06:37:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your Uncle is in my prayers. Don't know what kind he has but wish him the very best!

2007-04-01 06:33:41 · answer #6 · answered by Me 7 · 0 0

Mesothelioma? I have seen hemangiosarcomas, and plasmacytomas, hemangopericytomas grow in this area and there are others such teratomas.

2007-04-01 07:17:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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