Scientologists would treat physical illnesses just like any other person. Mental illnesses, though... they don't recognize the EXISTENCE of mental illnesses. I've even had a Scientologist tell me that Autism doesn't exist.
2007-04-01 06:24:59
answer #1
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
Scientology is a religion so it doesn't treat the body .
If you have a physical condition you should go to a medical doctor for treatment.
Dianetics and Scientology both address the spirit and it's
relationship via the mind to the physical .
There are pychosomatic (mind caused) conditions that can affect the body. But the health of the body is the medical doctors, nutritionists, etc, province.
It is very observable in Scientology that when you improve to condition of the person himself (the spiritual being), his general condition in many areas of life also improve.
This includes his overall physical well being and health. But this is not directly addressed by Scientology.
Hope this helps.
Also recommend you read " Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health" which explains the mechanics of pychosomatic illness and unwanted conditions.
2007-04-01 05:26:07
answer #2
answered by thetaalways 6
Well, the best way to answer this is for one to see for himeself. And to take a tour at the nearest mission or church of Scientology in their area.
Its a friendly and lively place. Youll meet people who share with your interests in life and its very easy to make friends there.
There is perhaps no other place on the planet where you can be surronded by comfort and communication. And its this kind of environment where true salvation and help can be delivered in volume.
Anyone can answer any question that you got and nothing is behind closed doors.
If however you dont live near a church of mission of scientology, then visit the offical website of scientology.
close your ears to the anti scientology bullsh#$t that you may hear on the web. What is true for you is what you have seen for yourself. And what youll see is probably the most open group on the planet where nothing is ever behind closed doors.
2007-04-03 08:07:46
answer #3
answered by Christobal D 2
The viewpoint is that the soul can heal or harm the body so with auditing a type of counseling miracles can happen as well as with any religion. Auditing is not for medical reasons and can also not help a problem but it often does with the help of nutrican,vitamins as well as a trained medical practioner.
But in the long run the Church of Scientology has been altering the teachings for a very long time. Slowly a bit at a time so it will not be noticed over time.
Most who are aware of this know that there was a struggle in management in about 1980 or there abouts. Ever since then the original teachings by the founder have been altered and the founder did not want this to happen because he knew the knowledge and the possitive effects of the knowledge would be watered down if it was till it is no longer very effective any more. Plus with the push for stats and money the orginal goal of helping mankind has been greatly reduced and possibly lost in the church.
Ron was a human and so was not an perfect person but he did come up with something to help man kind greatly that worked but as with all religions a power struggle happened and this time the good side lost. So a mass purge occured and the mission network was destoryed. Now they are about getting new buildings and most of them are empty but it looks good on the books to have so much prime real estate. The local peope donate much time, work and most of their money for their local orgs and the local org doesn't even own the building but they pay the bills for them. Possibly the mortage as well if there is one.
There were those who saw what was happening and left the church and a few started to work on their own by teaching the data as well as helping others with the cousneling, called auditing. This started the movement which is called the Free Zone. It has the International Free Zone Assoc., Icause and Ron's Orgs as the major promoters of freedom of religion to practice one's choosen religion.
The Church of Squirrells - Oops (Scientology) does everything they can to stop this movement from growing instead of working with it to help themselves grow. (Squirrells = people who alter the teachings to the point they go nutty running in circles.)
There are many good people in the church but they are blinded by lots and lots of PR. They don't know about the disconnections and broken families as well as the pain that people endure when they lose their families. As well as when they are declared antisocial personalities their future auditing forever is taken away from them. Since Scien's know there is more than one life this is equal to going to hell forever for a christian. The duress it puts on a soul is extreme till they find the Free Zone. That policy alone causes untold pain.
The church will say they leave the door open a crack so you can repent but that is mostly PR. They make it so hard that most give up on it and it cost so much that most can not do it no matter what they do or how hard they try.
The main church members don't know of the stuff done to critics that create more critics.
Some in the Free Zone do help others for free, many do charge but the fees are greatly reduced in price compared to the church. Some church people go to the Free Zone to get fixed up from the screw ups in the church. Some train in the Free Zone but keep going to the church so they will not lose their friends and family by being declared antisocial.
Other forms of exchange besides money can be exchanged for services as well by some in the Free Zone.
But as in all things nothing is perfect in the Free Zone as well it is buyer beware in the freezone as well as the church. In the FZ there are those who think they have a better way but at least in the Free Zone most will tell you they do it their way.
The Free Zone is a kind of like the wild west and is in the process of growing to be more standard with groups that will certify standard auditors.
The church is known to be copyright terrorists for a reason and they are doing themselves in by doing so. Like Microsoft will be done in by Linux. Charge enough and give a bad product you will get a group that will give a good product and there you go.
Recently the Free Zone have been expanding with new groups and auditors are being trained to counsel others at a faster pace than in the church. Certification is begining to be given when earned by a class 12 or class 8 auditors. ONe can get a very good quality auditing by a Class 12 auditor/
The only true upper levels written by Ron can be obtained in the Free Zone. The Class 12 has the upper levels the church does not want to release or can't for some reason. They are not the altered one's the church is repackaging for sale that so often fail in their goal of a free being.
So there is more than one side to this coin.
2007-04-03 15:06:43
answer #4
answered by Babs 2
We don't treat illness we get a spiritual being into a condition where the can handle themselves.
If you have a broken leg or the flu go to a doctor. After that come and see a Scientologist and work out why you became susceptible to the injury or illness.
2007-04-01 06:19:10
answer #5
answered by michaeljripley 3
They keep the methods secret, so non-scientologists don't know what they do. They tell you not have carpet in your house and to go in a sauna to sweat out toxins, that's all they've made public.
I don't believe in aliens and I think Tom Cruise is a looney tune, and you can kiss my black *** if you don't like it!
Cute pic Pablo!
2007-04-01 02:38:20
answer #6
answered by Hot Coco Puff 7
They are a bunch of dangerous crackpots, and you want to have nothing to do with them.
2007-04-01 02:42:22
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
2007-04-01 08:59:19
answer #8
answered by Wil V 2
How the treat people with illnesses? The send them to a Doctor of course.
Scientology is a path to find your own personal truth. These are the principles:
1. What is true for you is what you yourself observe to be true. (Because of this rule you can believe in anything you want: Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad or Dharma. Your own believes are your own business. It is a high crime in Scientology for anyone to tell you what to think or believe. You are expected to question anything in Scientology.)
2. Man is his spirit not his mind or his body.
3. The spirit creates his own mind. Please, do not confuse the mind with the brain that is a physical thing. The mind is composed of mental image pictures as explained in Dianetics. These pictures serve the spirit to give him knowledge and experience. These pictures are composed of energy. The energy in the picture can affect the spirit. You can feel better by remembering something that you like or angry by remembering something else. These emotions are actually energy waves emanated by the picture. You can actually feel pain by remembering a pain memory. Sometimes these pictures are accompanied by ideas or considerations. Lets suppose that you father beat you mom up in front of you. Your father was the dominating figure so you might conclude that you have to act like your father in some situations. This is what we call on Scientology an aberration (a conclusion that is imposed to you by a mental picture). This picture is what we call an engram (a pain memory that affects your judgment and free will).
4. You can discharge the energy in these pictures through communication. This is Dianetics Auditing and is the oldest of hundreds of Scientology techniques used to improve the individual.
5. The Spirit creates his own emotions. Are you happy? Are you sad? Are you depressed? Maybe you think that something external of you is creating your emotions. Maybe you believe that you are sad because you had a bad day or maybe you believe that you are happy because you had a great day. And this might be true. But who made the decision that you had a good or bad day? You did. You decided if life was good or bad, and adjusted your emotions to respond to your own consideration. You created your own emotion.
Some people are born with everything they want and are still unhappy. And others are born into humble means and are happy. What's the difference? The only real difference is each person's ideas and considerations.
Scientology uses hundreds of processes in order to help a person get a better understanding and a better outlook in life by using his own observations.
6. Scientology Ethics. Ethical people take full responsibility for their actions. Un-ethical people blame others for their actions. "Wrong doings" diminish and deteriorate the freedom of the spirit because the need to justify the "wrong doing". So the spirit is enslaved into repeating the "wrong doing" in order to justify the original "wrong doing". The road to freedom lies within taking full responsibility for your personal condition and actions, past, present and future. Scientology provides the tools to help the person able to be fully responsible over his life thus rehabilitating his ability to be good and self determined.
Also Scientologists base their conduct on a non-denominational code of conduct.
7. Scientology and God. Scientology acknowledges the Supreme Being and promotes the individual search for closeness to God trough religion.
8. Scientology religious status: Religious scholars agree that Scientology is a bona-fide religion. In this link there are 28 religious studies papers about Scientology: Also see this link:
9. Scientology vs Psychiatry. Psychiatry believes that self awareness, feelings, love and faith is merely cellular activity. Basically they think that you are your brain and you are not in charge of your behavior but your cells are. This is a totally materialistic point of view that denies the spirit and God. Psychiatrist is a pseudo science because it is based in principles that are false. All Psychiatrists base their diagnosis on opinion and opinion alone. There aren’t any pathological tests that can determine if a person is insane.
Psychiatry has never proven that any "mental illnesses" (like they call it) has any connection with a physical illness. In the following video two college professors explain that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance.
Happiness, exhilaration, depression and psychosis are states of mind, not diseases. All what you have to do to stop being depress is change your state of mind. How you do that? By changing your ideas and considerations. Scientology provides the tools to achieve a better state of mind in accordance with your own point of view.
Also Psychiatrist excuses the most horrendous crimes as mental illnesses. This is actually creates a sense of irresponsibility in society because it tells people that they are not responsible for their actions. Second they promote that drugs are the answer for your problems. This message promotes the use of drugs to find release from life and creates the current drug addiction problem in society. Drugs will only give you temporary false release but will never solve the source of your problems. And actually drugs will keep you away from finding a true spiritual release.
Note: Scientology doesn't have anything against Psychology or Neurology. Also the mere awareness that you are a spiritual being and not a body makes you better person.
10. Scientology is a force for good in society. Scientologist fights Psychiatric abuses, dangerous and harmful drugs, criminality, and drug addiction. Also Scientology fought and won against the FDA and the IRS. And Scientologist initiated the social reform group "Youth for Human Rights" and the movement "Say no to drugs and yes to life".
Scientologist are some of the more intelligent, able and successful people in this planet; including Jenna Elfman, Kelly Preston, John Travolta, Priscilla Presley, Sofia Milos and Leah Remini. Even Danny Masterson from that’s that '70s Show is a Scientologist.
11. Scientology is the only church that doesn't ask for donations from their parishioners during their Sunday Services. All chapel services are 100% free (marriages, naming ceremonies, ect). Scientology earns its money by delivering courses and auditing. Courses and auditing are optional. You do not need to take courses and auditing to be in Scientology. All you need to do to be a Scientologist is to read the books and apply Scientology to your life (like I do). But if you want auditing there are many alternative and economical ways to achieve this.
a. You can do volunteer work in your local church and get your services for free.
b. You can study to be an auditor and perform all your auditing with a fellow student. This way you can also provide free services to your friends and family. This is actually the preferred way to become clear because you learn how to help others. Scientology isn't about you going clear but taking responsibility across all your dynamics (self, family, group, humanity, life, ect). In fact I haven’t given a penny to the church of Scientology in years, once I took a course on the church of Scientology that cost me $300- including books and materials and that was over ten years ago.
12. Anti-Scientology propaganda is a waste of time because Scientology works and good news spread by word of mouth. Of course there is people that can't stand others getting better. What would happen to the Psychiatrists if there is no more insanity? What would happen to cops if no one broke the law? What would happen to Soldiers if there were no more wars? The goal of Scientology is a civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war. You are welcome to help us achieve this goal.
For more questions see my blog:
2007-04-01 12:07:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
they make ppl ill, thet dont heal them.
2007-04-01 02:42:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous